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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Rayvin


    Troops mate, I hate to say it but if people on here are a typical representation of our support base (and I include myself in this), there's not going to be a vociferous reaction beyond people just giving it up. It's all happened too many times now.
  2. Hard not to pick up defences such as that when exposed to the sort of content I am
  3. I think I left some room for people who use it for things like that I'm aware many people on here use it, I didn't mean you lot unless you're all out there issuing death threats left, right and centre.
  4. @The Fish Who is that baked alaska guy you mentioned? Is he a nazi? His twitter account states that he disavows white supremacists and nazis alike, but I'm guessing he travels in the same circles to a degree. Antifa have permanently blinded him at those protests and it seems to be building up a kick back in the online right wing movement. I also find it depressing that we have 'left wingers' on the SJW side sending him death threats and revelling in his blindness, but then it's twitter, and the vast majority of people who use that platform are beyond saving in an intellectual or compassionate sense. Hate and violence on both sides, it seems.
  5. Not too bad in the end. Annoying but I was worried we'd lost Lejeune for a couple of months initially.
  6. In fairness I wrote that a week ago. Agree that the situation appears to have deteriorated since, although I'm still not convinced he'll just walk away.
  7. Looks to me like he's trying to reposition so that the US are the aggressors by suggesting that the joint military exercise between US and SK will be a provocation but CNN's article was so full of waffle that I might have missed some details. If he's backed down for sure then it's quite a victory for Trump.
  8. I've never even heard of that guy. Would imagine his impact is highly limited.
  9. agreed on both counts.
  10. Yeah I doubt that's too far wrong tbh. Either way though, if he makes a point that actually holds water, it's a good point irrespective of his background. I find it useful to listen to all sides.
  11. Not one of his bigger topics tbh, but I think they get damned by association with intersectional feminism. Having said that, he brought up some manner of manifesto they issued demanding reparations from all white people along with what sounded disconcertingly like the establishment of a 'black state' within the US that governed itself independently from the rest of it. I'm sure they were just some fringe elements within the movement though. What is most annoying about him is that he commits many of the same sins that the 'biased' media he criticises does. Cherry picks examples and draws sweeping conclusions from them.
  12. He's more on Islam now than feminism tbh. I think his issue with feminism was to do with Anita Sarkeesian - and while he was proven right about her in the end, I think it toxified the debate. Having said that feminism does not equal women. Criticising ideologies is fair game. We've done this bit before though...
  13. As I've said before, he has a kid So maybe the former. Sargon is just a guy who fancies himself as a modern day philosopher and public intellectual. He gained credibility by pointing out inconsistencies in media narratives and thus developed a following of people who think he's the arbiter of truth. He's not - he's as partisan and one-sided as the other narratives, but he is at least an alternative angle.
  14. I don't think Sargon is a bigot, he's just misinformed about what the problems are and trying to rationalise his misinformation. Having said that, he received a lot of criticism in the comments under the video about that debate, and he was still man enough to put it up despite having lost. It's not all an echo chamber. Another case in point is his Corbyn stuff - he told people to vote Tory and received a rather furious backlash. 4 years might be a long time, but given that these sentiments weren't going to go away under Clinton, and that the West is in an existential crisis anyway (Neoliberalism, for those of you keep score in Renton's bingo) I honestly believe we would have been faced with something far worse in 4 years time had she won.
  15. True... I would argue that they've decided that many more people agree with/have sympathies with them than they originally thought, because he was elected. Trump isn't the cause though.
  16. The one time I saw Sargon debate someone, he struggled. I think that harmed his credibility with some of his following. Don't know why it wouldn't be the same for others. Trump could still be a huge saving grace for us on this. He's incompetent but he is what the nutjobs wanted. Assuming he doesn't trigger nuclear armageddon, my position will be that we lucked out with Trump. We could have had someone who courted these sort of sentiments, but who was actually effective. Now we'll get a massive left wing campaign to oust him in 4 years, that should settle the issue for another generation.
  17. Agreed. But how do you do that while you've got the entire fucking left wing calling everyone you've just noted, a Nazi. Identity politics strikes again. You're either a left winger with good intentions, or you're a nazi. That's literally the level of dialogue going on now in these groups in the US. Victim complexes and everything else follow naturally. I don't really care what we do with the real nazis tbh, but we're certainly losing out to the Alt Right on this evidence. This is a problem. Was this guy, who rammed his car into protesters, a life long Nazi? Or was he a recently converted Alt Righter? We'll find out I guess, but his mum sounded fucking horrified which leads me to think that he's a recent convert... radicalised online. Hence hearts and minds.
  18. I'm not sure he had that one actually. To be honest, I'm making a solid drive for 'most tedious poster' based on how this thread is going. Might even edge out Wolfy at this rate.
  19. My position is about finding a solution aside from virtue signalling and grandstanding. It's a lost cause tbf, so I may as well just fall into line. What concerns me, given how much time I've spent listening to and reading about these 'far right' and 'far left' people in an online setting, is that we're now starting to see a physical manifestation of what is ultimately quite a significant movement online. There are a lot of people online for whom it would only take a small push to send them into Nazism generally. A lot. They might not be out on the streets, but they'll vote that way when it matters. There's a hearts and minds battle to be fought here that no one gives a flying fuck about. And given how frequently we've been blindsided politically by 'not giving a flying fuck about' such people, I am wary. Please note, I'm not talking about a hearts and minds battle for Nazis. I'm talking about it for the people they're starting to pull over. 'Unite the Right' is a chilling thing to call this march, against this backdrop. EDIT - as for Antifa generally, I've seen how their involvement in a multitude of violent acts since Trump took power has played out to the above noted crowds. It's making the nazis look like victims because we have 'free speech' and this 'must be defended irrespective of what they're saying'. Such acts collected together with SJW Professors calling for things like 'white genocide' lead to your unthinking right wingers suddenly become a lot more interested in what Richard Spencer has to say.
  20. Fair enough. Let's hope they make an example of the killer and that it puts off anyone thinking of doing something similar.
  21. In terms of kicking off violence, they certainly seem to be. Their ideology is less bad, but that's just a moral position - I don't disagree with it (since Antifa think they're acting for the good everyone at least) but it doesn't change that fact that the violence has been broadly similar on both sides up until this guy killed someone with his car. I do wish to point out, again, that I said this escalation would happen. The problem with people generally is breaking them out of echo chambers and trying to get them to deal with actual problems. I do condemn the Neo-Nazis, in the strongest possible terms. However there were 200 of them there. They were allied with other right wingers. Unite the Right was the name of the march. I mean to be honest, we're just playing into their hands at this point because the non-Nazi right wing contingent will, I would now think, be far more sympathetic to them. How long do we let them use identity politics against us, exactly, before we actually fucking start trying to sort it out? It's all well and good ostracising 200 people in a population of 330m, but about 100m of those 330 voted for Trump, and are being pulled over to the Nazis as much by the Alt Right as they are being pushed by Antifa and the far left. You can say that these people are weak and insecure - a basket of deplorables if you will - but shockingly, that doesn't actually help. The bigger this gets, the bigger a problem we have - and I see nothing from the left that will actually combat this problem. Nothing. It's all just posturing and grandstanding. I'm not sure why my position would surprise anyone tbh. My views on Identity Politics are very clear, and I see terrorism and political fuckheadedness as a consequence of it. All of which we're living through - just so that politicians don't have to affect meaningful change because they can pit everyone against each other. Both on the left and the right.
  22. Really? You think Sargon is asking for dialogue EDIT - I will also point out that Sargon is fervently anti-Corbyn and pro-Brexit, so I can't have choked down all of his rhetoric I'm capable of my own thoughts believe it or not, and I've said consistently on here that identity politics (and SJWs are one side of the same coin with the Alt Right IMO) is a cancer of rational, compassionate thought. It's given us Trump, it's given us Brexit, it's given us a resurgent Neo-Nazi wing and an increasingly insecure white voter base for them to prey upon. I mean if you guys thing we can just silence this stuff into submission then fine, good for you. I think evidence clearly - fucking clearly - demonstrates that we can't, but more power to you.
  23. I'm just going off what I've seen but if you have evidence to the contrary I'm all ears. Again though, I don't mean this specific protest. I have no idea what happened there. I mean Antifa settings things on fire, launching fireworks at people (not Nazis, just Trump supporters) pummelling people when they're down until they lose consciousness, marching through town centres with automatic weapons, and now apparently shooting people. If I was a Nazi, the above would be an open invitation for escalation. By allowing Antifa to do this stuff, we've given Trump the excuse he needs to say both sides are in the wrong. They are. Ideological views to one side (both ideologies are fucking mental) they're both behaving like each other as far as I've seen.
  24. I dont really disagree with that, especially the terrorism label. The point I'm trying to make is that irrespective of what you might want to believe, when trump got in it was the left wing activists that kicked off the violence. I said at the time that this would just give the right an excuse to do the same, and it has done. Great, we punched one Nazi in the face and all felt artificially good about ourselves for a bit. But now it has escalated and people are dying. Moreover, we need to look at why this is happening. There are MORE people rallying to these causes. The racists were a fringe group and even if Trump has legitimized them, that shouldn't be enough for right thinking people to go on marches with them. The point is that the left has othered the fuck out of white working class men for years now, and it's coming home to roost. There's only so many times you can #killallwhitemen before the more insecure white men start believing the racists about white genocide. My ultimate point, as fucking ever, is that everyone who has engaged in identity politics on a racial level has brought this on us, and there needs to be a collective headshaking about it. I'll grant you that there are two options. We can just start killing the nazis. That's one option. It's uncivilized and we'd lose something in the process, not to mention lives of good people as these Nazis will be well armed, but it's an option. The other is to deconstruct why they're suddenly in the ascendancy - and while yes, they're taking it out on the streets because of Trump, they were on the rise before him too. Shouting at them while they're protesting will of course achieve fuck all. It'll just entrench views. Unless the point is just for us to feel better about ourselves and not actually resolve the problem.
  25. Glad I skipped this, sounds like an absolute abortion of an afternoon. New signing injured, Shelvey sent off is it? And we lost.
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