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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Yeah they've got engrams each week for everything except the raid. I very much could do with a new clan. Problem is the leader is a guy I know personally He's not a leader, clearly.
  2. Absolutely true, and I even thought about re-wording that You know what I mean though. Class is a social construct you're born into but which is only as legitimate as the society that surrounds it. The other measures of identity are not. They're solid and unchangeable, no matter what class is doing. More importantly though, addressing problems through the lens of class would create unity between the working class white and the working class minority ethnic groups. Granted, we in the middle classes would get a kicking from them, but maybe we deserve it.
  3. The concern with going back to the centre ground is that you alienate the disaffected working class. The risk there is that a sizeable number of them head over to far right extremism. Despite the fact that I'm a card carrying nazi, this isn't something I want to see, and feel would be hugely concerning for the country on the whole. We need Labour to be clearly seen to be fighting for these people. If we do go back to the centre with respect of the EU, Labour needs to make a number of very positive changes that directly improve things for the working classes. The message needs to be about class rather than identity, pointless creation of division, and all the other nonsense that comes with the left at the moment.
  4. This is a sticking point for me. Personally, I would far rather we had a centrist Labour who could take us back into the EU in some form or another. Socially, for wider society, I think we need Corbyn.
  5. Well, our clan failed to complete it again last night, the clan leader has just told me that he's giving up on the whole thing, and everyone seems pissed at each other Fuckin' noobs...
  6. You mean Labour? Well I'd like to think so but if there's a leadership election not followed by a GE, then, as ewerk says, we'll have to put up with whoever wins for several years.
  7. Gonna go for a draw - Liverpool fans to chant for Rafa a bit and, hopefully, a good natured but competitive match.
  8. Good grief. Well played by the prankster though.
  9. Good point, no they won't. My next vote would go to Ken Clarke, but he's not on there.
  10. Ruth Davidson. She's the most likely to be a danger to Labour but also the least repellant.
  11. I think we've finally got the raid done tonight. Although I might find another clan tbh, sick of being sidelined while inferior players get called up. Nightfall seemed pretty straightforward. I've tried it with one other guy and we got to the boss before being overwhelmed, so with a third person it should be a breeze.
  12. Aye but a new contract would at least mean that we could shake off all this stuff about him going elsewhere. What about Liverpool though? If Klopp goes to Bayern, could they go back in for Rafa?
  13. Not bothered about the soft power bit, although I agree it'll make our lives harder. Eventually we can be restored into the EU superstate and that problem goes away.
  14. The old dying off should put paid to it over time, so I reckon it'll run for a generation at most. Not saying you're wrong like, they've made a total mess of everything.
  15. He's been sacked Losing to PSG was just a 'disgrace' too far, I guess.
  16. You'd be tempted to say, if we do remain, that the Leave campaigners should be called into court for indirect responsibility for all of the falling living standards, deaths, poor health developments, etc - of all people who could have otherwise had these billions spent on them. For all this bollocks about Labour being able to cost up what they're promising to deliver, what about all the money we could save by just stopping Brexit now?
  17. If we do stay in the single market, how much money have we wasted on this lunacy just to save the blushes of the Tory party. In terms of what it's cost the country in total, we must be way into the billions by now.
  18. Ah, thanks weird to consider how high his opinion of himself is tbh. Apart from his very early days I don't remember him being -that- good.
  19. Not a great lip reader, what does he say?
  20. Where's that from? Also, this is going to be a monumental clusterfuck I know it's been said many times, but it's refreshing that it just keeps on proving to be true.
  21. Ah great, we're staying in the single market then?
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