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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Not a great fan of the other lad either tbh, he's one of the most wet human beings I think I've ever laid eyes on. TG clearly isn't a towering intellect but he is at least, basically, a normal guy. Which is why his questions suck and he relates everything back to himself too much I enjoyed the interview although ultimately agree that a better interviewing team would have made it more interesting.
  2. Anyone wonder what manner of evils are happening in the background while we're all obsessing over this? It's such a waste of public resources. The simple truth to the whole thing, IMO is: We allowed you a vote on the EU because we have consistently scapegoated it, and because we don't think you'll actually vote to leave it in big enough numbers. If we remain, it'll allow us to heal schism in the Tory party, and will also mean we can turn around and say that we gave you the chance to 'solve the problem' in your lives, and you chose not to. Unfortunately, you voted to leave. Your vote was likely driven by a need to lash out at the government over austerity and falling living standards, but we can't come out and say that openly because it calls into question the last 7 years of Conservative rule, and would almost certainly see us obliterated in a GE. We need the status quo to continue because it works for us, and we're prepared to accept overall diminished wealth if we're still rich relative to all of you lot. Also, we're actually pretty scared of taking responsibility for this in full, because who wants to be holding the can for such a monumental fuck up? Added to this, we now have Corbyn in the background threatening to actually solve the things that are really making you miserable - this will make us less well off relative to all of you, and is completely unacceptable.
  3. You can do the last bit without posting tbh. I have a fairly good sense of where they're at from just reading about it. Curious though, why don't you post on NO? They're a far more active community than TT and are aligned with your team.
  4. If she's going for 'no deal' then I'm becoming more convinced that this won't happen. If by design or incompetence she manages to take us to the point where things get so bad that we have to stay, I'll be prepared to say she was a necessary and (accidentally) useful PM.
  5. Only watched the first episode so far. I thought it was fairly well done, although some of the acting is a bit off. Or maybe it's the writing, I'm never quite able to determine between the two considerations, which one makes dialogue look forced and unnatural.
  6. Yeah we just used that glitch to win it. I didn't have much of a say in it tbh, but all it really does is speed things up. I don't think it really makes anything easier in a more general sense since I wasn't dying to ads anyway. But, the raid is done. I got a raid pulse rifle which must be some kind of cruel joke since I hate pulse rifles. Got an exotic engram which is a grenade launcher at 305 on the same slot as the pulse rifle. So, ultimately, pointless. Not too arsed about the prestige raid but I guess this gives me another week to run at the normal one. Our leaders were pretty good this time out but had to take charge myself sometimes in periods of uncertainty. Not natural leaders, I think. Good lads though, in the end.
  7. You think? I wouldn't have thought he could afford the sort of things Shearer would likely charge for something like this. I mean he's doing alright with his channel but even so. I figured it would just be the exposure that Shearer would be interested in really. TG does have 500k subs after all.
  8. I caught that too But aye, I don't think TG is actually very insightful about anything. Impressed he's managed to get to the point where he can justify two hours of Shearer's time though.
  9. Yeah sounds probable. I haven't really been dying anyway tbh, so not too worried on that front. What does no power boost mean? Like no supers or associated abilities? I'll miss the pulse grenades if they go... We one phased the dogs last night so yeah, I agree that taking it to a second phase isn't going to represent a big problem. Mine had two pulse grenades in its eye sockets within 3 seconds of the alarm going off, so determined I was to not be the one who let the team down I think it died in about 6 seconds.
  10. This is true, and I'm in agreement with you - not really worried about La Penne. Having said that though, a raft of socially left wing policies but also a hardline stance on immigration is something that arguably, would tick every working class box there is. I think Macron was the safest bet to win last time out - Melenchon would have been run far closer by La Penne - but France needs to tackle this in the same way we do. Seems to me that, at the moment, the whole Western world is waiting for someone to 'go first' to solve this.
  11. Popularity already falling, so Alex's friend is correct it would seem: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/27/french-president-macrons-popularity-slumps-again
  12. He's definitely better than Le Penne, although it's interesting how 'left wing' she was on almost every issue except immigration. There's a blurring of the lines going on now and it's making me concerned tbh. Hopefully the establishment in France moves to moderate left instead of right though - that might nip it in the bud.
  13. Agree on Macron. He's as unpopular now I expected he would be because he's another Neoliberal centrist with no solutions whatsoever. France has kicked the can down the line but will eventually need to face the same option as the UK.
  14. The True Geordie has managed to get hold of Alan Shearer for a podcast For 2 hours! Actually kind of interesting...
  15. I wonder if there are even any hardcore Trump supporters who don't, on some level, think the guy is a monumental cretin.
  16. Those numbers have been doing the rounds quite a bit recently, so I think we can safely say that £380m is the asking price. Still feel like we're getting a bit invested in this though. It ain't gonna happen.
  17. The migrant crisis primarily affected Germany. There's definitely an undercurrent of the same issues we have, in Germany - hence the AFD getting into parliament. CT's pre-referendum position wasn't totally illogical - I can see how we could have become a contagion if other countries had lost control to hardcore rightwing movements in the same way that we did. The US certainly fell into line with this. Obviously though, it is now safe to say that this position is incorrect. I can't recall personally if CT said this stuff would happen, but many, many Brexiters did. And as with what Renton has said, I've seen none of them prepared to face up to the fact that they've been wrong about any aspect of this, to date.
  18. Ant btw, are you going straight in for the prestige raid Drops tomorrow.
  19. Well done! Half way through one now. We did the dogs in 20 mins but the guys knew what they were doing. Baths done as well. We're in the relay now which is straightforward enough. 30 seconds off getting the rat king nightfall done as well... Am 302 now.
  20. He was shot for trying to escape it seems. Why on earth does the idea of someone trying to escape warrant their death? Is that legal in the US? To use lethal force against someone for running away?
  21. So... prestige nightfall was a no go couldn't even reach the boss. Exploit worked though, which will help with the rat king today.
  22. He's right CT. Was talking to a taxi driver on the way home yesterday who works for one of the bigger local companies in Newcastle. He was lamenting that the removal of the locality test meant that you had large number of foreign people coming in and doing the job. This in turn was driving wages down as there were more cars on the road and they had to meter at proportionally less. He argued his pay simply didn't go as far these days. Now, his problem isn't the immigrants. His problem is that an aspect of his work has been de-regulated (Free markets) so that greater supply can be achieved without any actual improvement in service. His problem is the local council who deregulated the taxi firm to allow them to maximise their profits by bringing in a load of cheap labour. They've also used inflation as a way of keeping rates stagnant. They simply wait for inflation over a period of years, and keep the rates being paid the same, effectively giving their drivers a paycut. The foreign born taxi drivers aren't the ones doing this to him. It's his employer behaving in a capitalist system, aided and abetted by government at national and local level that is strongly interested in maximising wealth for those at the top. The Tories don't care that you earn less. You're still gainfully employed and you're not starving. In the meantime, one of their ilk has managed to get richer (whoever owns the firm). That is their entire reason for being. Brexit is like taking out the foreign immigrant in this scenario. We're still left with the parasite. They will continue to exploit us because they are the problem. Not the foreigners.
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