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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I don't quite understand how Patel gets sacked and Johnson doesn't, mind.
  2. I assume he's retiring...? But your post also makes it sound like he could have died, so I'm really unclear on this.
  3. They're being shored up by the Leave vote still IMO... The leavers presumably know that Brexit comes tumbling down if the Tories collapse.
  4. It has to come crashing down, surely. They're not going to hobble on like this until Brexit is through.
  5. If that is his plan, he's going to get more desperate as this goes on. The longer she keeps him there, the more damage he does to himself.
  6. The thing is, it's reaching a point where he'll almost take May with him now. She looks beyond pathetic in the face of the ongoing farce that is his control of the foreign office.
  7. You're fucked, Parky. I've never actually done anything remotely capable of getting me into such trouble tbh, I'm fascinated that so many people have!
  8. God... let's hope he was guilty of something serious (kind of a weird thing to say, but...). As it stands, this is pretty tragic...
  9. If he's right about the economic shock element, it could be enough to kick us into another GE. And tbh, at this point, we need as much damage to happen as possible before we're out in order to give us the best possible chance of turning it around again.
  10. It means the ranking system will class me as a low skill player because of my limited time on this account. So it'll go 'this guy has 10 hours play time" rather than "this guy has xxxx hours playtime"
  11. This thread caught my eye from as an example of how desperate they are to pull us down somehow https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/mag-callers-on-totalsport.1401416/ "We've been lucky and should be bottom 3" "One of them wanted to sack Rafa and thinks they should get Conte because their strip is like Juventus' " FFS
  12. Yeah, they are NEVER going to give us that. Agreed though, it would be eye opening.
  13. Ultimately depends on the other teams as much as them, though. The bottom teams might have a collectively shit season, thus lowering the requirements.
  14. If we're bought by an investment fund, it's to make money. Otherwise it's a pretty shit investment fund, surely?
  15. NUFC is a pretty well run club though (financially), and the recent influx of supercash might well be a game changer. Look at Spurs - their model is based on sustainability, as far as I can tell.
  16. You'd think he'd just retire tbh.
  17. I think it makes a certain kind of sense tbh. The club could be a lot bigger than it is - she'll just be looking to maximise ROI potential over 5 years or something. With the TV deal and so on, I imagine they'd get that, assuming we're successful.
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