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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. If I have ever given the impression that I think the Guardian is on the pulse about the world in general, and that it doesn't obey it's own narratives for which it is prepared to twist reality, then I have sorely misspoken! I read it because it's the best of a bad bunch, but the ideological drivel it's full of isn't lost on me
  2. It's not my most subtle bait...
  3. At a guess, because our media establishments simply aren't on the pulse with anything that's going on anymore.
  4. If they lose, I'll agree that they're probably going to go down again. As it stands, I still just can't see it.
  5. Don't think they'll lose to Bolton though. Their recent results have looked like the team is trying, just shit. And Bolton are very possibly the only team down there who are more shit.
  6. They'll attack who? North Korea? That'd be a great outcome for the world tbh.
  7. Netflix have terminated House of Cards after season 6. Apparently planned anyway but announced now due to Spacey.
  8. Yeah this sexual assault stuff is apparently going to run for some time. I expect the government to be in tatters over it too, once the evidence starts coming out. Any modicum of power, and some utter losers think this means that they can just do what they want.
  9. @adiosThinking of trying something mate - lemme know if you're online at all and we can set up a private match, I think, even cross platform.
  10. Still not convinced by this. Won't be until Ashley literally isn't here.
  11. Holy fuck. Just holy fuck.
  12. Adaptors were wrong ffs... will try again tomorrow.
  13. Well I'm hoping to be able to hook the PS4 up to my monitor tonight so we'll be able to try it out. If that doesn't improve the PS4's god awful input lag then I'll probably be just as bad as you.
  14. Don't ball chase at the start. Let the others go after it and try to play positionally. Attack loose balls.
  15. I would pull the camera back from default a bit. Button wise I might have to refamiliarise myself with the PS4 layout. You don't want button sharing if you can at all help it though
  16. I'll never get elected to anything since my openly Nazi views have come out on here.
  17. Not sure about how easily one can be taught to be more skilled but as I say I can fast track you.
  18. Ok I checked out his ranked scores. No contest, I would win. He's a Platinum level player. Average, basically... I'd be up for playing with him though.
  19. What's his name? Might know him. (Ingame name)
  20. Nice one. I'm thinking I might just take the PS4 to my computer room and run it to my monitor there. Might improve input slowdown issues I'm having atm. If it does, you'll be playing with a legend
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