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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. A thread complaining that some Sunderland fans are realistic when talking to Newcastle fans: https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/sunderland-fans-kissing-nufc-fans-arses.1404766/
  2. I do, but I'm not familiar with that place.
  3. I don't even understand that one
  4. ...yeah, not joking. Sorry! EDIT - tbh, I was told you had to win the 1v4 version...
  5. Noelie with the old skool burn there.
  6. Yeah but they were always going to be there. Sure they probably contributed more of the vote, but I'm certain that we can say at least the 1.6m votes or whatever it was that swung it to Leave, could be pointed at austerity. Probably millions more tbh. Without it, I'm sure we'd be staying.
  7. I would hope so. Inevitable. Already a nazi anyway ffs.
  8. Yep, with the caveat that I won't actually own anything elsewhere... so it's not a second home!
  9. I am - buying then converting to BTL when I fuck off. I mean, even without Brexit I'd probably do it anyway, but it sure is an extra incentive.
  10. I'm planning to leave the country by next summer. Have thought about it long enough now and have set everything in motion. Brexit may be a great success but I don't think I'm going to risk finding out first hand.
  11. Couldn't have happened without Austerity... I blame the whole fucking mess on that one concept.
  12. Austerity is the biggest political sin I think I'll ever witness. Economically ridiculous and politically devastating.
  13. I remember struggling with the season so much, trying to reach the playoffs. And the last time I tried, I won every game by a score exceeding 8-0 Once you win it, you're basically ready IMO.
  14. Are they planning to extend it to the West End or is it just refurbing? EDIT - it's a refurb. Nice, but I would rather the transport links were expanded. Would be better for the whole city.
  15. Comments for the article under the Guardian, beyond depressingly, include: 2008 Britain was living way beyond its means. Reality is Britain is poorer in the world than what we were led to believe. Britain needs to start winning again in Global Markets. --- Yawn more then a year on and you lot still are sad, bitter and twisted. Next we won't be able to enter the Eurovision song contest. Keep up you vile rants accusing over 15 million people of being racists you traitorous turd. --- By the way you might not want one I do I am fed up of paying for rubbish I do not use !! likw overseas aid et al
  16. This bit doesn't get brought up enough IMO. The disaster we're now seeing is fully of their making now. Whatever they can blame on previous administrations, they've had well over long enough to demonstrate that their ideas work, and are simply failing. The only area they appear to have done well in is job creation, but we all know that this is a sham created by zero hours contracts and the gig economy anyway. No competence in their party whatsoever.
  17. Also just noted this: Earnings estimated at below 2008 levels by 2022: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/nov/23/uk-no-earnings-growth-budget-brexit-productivity-ifs This. Is. A. Shambles.
  18. I feel the same way about May every time she attempts to be funny tbh. Makes me die inside.
  19. I thought this was a pretty good speech and response tbh.
  20. It is far better on PC. Have you tried doing the season yet? Or whatever they call it. Like a single player league with bots. I did several runs of that before I finally won a season. and then decided I was good enough to brave online.
  21. Loving the linguistic analysis going on here lads, high brow stuff.
  22. Well, I guess so - but he does at least seem to be trying to tackle the government's handling of the whole thing now. The thing is, I don't believe he's a quick thinker, so a rapid response is perhaps not likely.
  23. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/23/jeremy-corbyn-brexit-tories-labour-eu Guardian seem to think he hammered her in PMQs... that the press largely ignore this is kind of my original point.
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