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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Davis is being crucified from all sides, which is good. There's definitely a push being made here for soft Brexit though. From Labour and even some Tories. The fact that soft Brexit remains utterly pointless is Davis' line of defence, and he's right, but it might be that we need to just delude ourselves on this for the best possible outcome.
  2. https://twitter.com/JasonGroves1/status/938023361699045376 May has told the cabinet that she's very close to getting a deal. I've got a bad feeling about this, why would she be so confident if it was about to go tits up..
  3. DUP seem to be throwing their weight behind the whole UK getting SM access...
  4. Don't really know what this means, but Labour have been granted an 'urgent question' on Brexit, presumably to Davis, at 12.30pm.
  5. I just prefer my victories to be absolute.
  6. I fucking wish they were! I'd have this sorted within a few weeks
  7. They're waiting for public opinion to shift, ewerk Have we gone full circle now?
  8. Labour aren't going to go Remain until the tide of public opinion changes CT. People like you need to come out, quite publicly, and state you were wrong. The floor is yours.
  9. I think this is CT's way of saying he wants a second referendum because he can see this is a fuck up of legendary proportions. Welcome CT. You arrived later than most, but you got here in the end.
  10. Just trying to get my head around this actually, can you imagine the absolute devastation that CT's scenario would cause No deal with the EU, no one knows what's happening, sterling through the floor again, no sitting government and weeks needed to pull one together, stocks plummeting. It's not quite planes dropping out of the skies, but fuck me, it's not far off...
  11. ...you're sure about that are you CT? And what does the replacement government do when it comes in? What manner of turmoil engulfs the country while we're in some bizarre limbo with the EU? ewerk is depressingly right, if we get to the deadline with a shit deal, the only option is to get fucked over under WTO rules.
  12. He presumably thinks that there is an option where Parliament rejects the deal and we just stay in...?
  13. Inconsistency, thy name is CT.
  14. It's running pretty high up on the Mail Online: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5146603/May-races-win-DUP-Brexit-divorce-deal.html Also this one, branding May as "ludicrously incompetent" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5146793/Sturgeon-leads-Remoaner-drive-UK-single-market.html
  15. I hope they don't. I'm far less convinced that the government would just blunder into this than the rest of you seem to be. And I still think that nothing is lost by waiting, if this is indeed an unsolvable problem.
  16. I think this too, for the most part. I just don't think anything was lost in a strategic sense by not committing to an assault on Brexit before all the pieces are on the board, whereas Renton and ewerk seem to think that barrelling into the issue while May technically has the ability to manoeuvre, is the way forward.
  17. As an aside, this looks like a confession that we've all been right about this all along.
  18. You think so? The Daily Mail commentariat, who I use as a barometer for crazy right wing thinking, all consider the prospect of NI having different terms to be tantamount to 'giving NI to the EU'. Treason. Selling off the UK. No deal is better than a bad deal. This has a long fucking way to run yet. How practically achievable Brexit is, is far less important than how Brexit is perceived.
  19. If she does that, then the threats from Scotland, Wales, London all look rather more serious. I actually think Labour could take her on over that position. The Leavers would hate it as much as the Remainers.
  20. I don't believe in rushing in, and I enjoy strategy. I just don't think Labour, or any of us, have very much to lose here by just letting the Tories continue to hang themselves. UNLESS the concern at the back is that they might somehow come out with something looking like a successful deal.
  21. So look - If May comes out and somehow resolves this problem she's created for herself, then Labour were right to sit back IMO. Getting involved and having the Tories come out with a win will expose them. If Labour sit back, watch to see if she can pull it together, and she fails... then I think they should go in all guns blazing. And then I'll agree with you that they're not helping anyone if they don't.
  22. Building narratives does take time but you need to think about which narrative needs to be built here. Labour have a narrative for themselves, and they're fairly comfortable in it. The Brexit narrative is the one that is being built, and I actually don't think it needs much interference from Labour to develop into a nightmare. It's doing that before our eyes anyway. Everything that has happened in the last few days is building the narrative on Brexit.
  23. Disagree. The victory for May is turning it around and exposing Corbyn as a traitor to Brexit. She could bait him in here and come out with a much bigger victory if she turns it around.
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