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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Makes sense, practical in the world we're heading into, and ultimately will end up with us as part of it anyway - just with no say in determining how to develops.
  2. It's a game targeted at adults but ok...
  3. Britain has failed in its attempt to continue having senior representation in the ECJ. Quite why we thought we wouldn't get laughed out of the room on this one is beyond me, but the fact that we tried suggests that we are going for the route of Brexit just being a 'for show' political manoeuvre.
  4. Would also be happy with Thornberry on the evidence so far.
  5. If Trump kicks off WW3, maybe they can start using that for future COD games. Presumably it'll be a more gender balanced conflict anyway.
  6. We have been talking about this government collapsing for fucking months, and it just won't die. We thought their coalition with the LDs would collapse, and again, it didn't. They do whatever it takes.
  7. The EU also appears to want the government to stay standing. I just don't see a collapse happening now (although it's looking increasingly like we'll get one eventually). Not convinced a collapsed government is going to be a win either, if we're looking at JRM taking over... Suspect we will get an outcome on the Irish border.
  8. I would be very surprised if we don't end up with something that basically allows them to continue, especially if the only stumbling block is just that the DUP are being precious about it.
  9. Course it doesn't matter. It's pointless, brainless pandering, but it doesn't actually matter Genuinely think this sort of thing comes down to what you play the game for - if you play it for the 'game' then fair enough. Do whatever. If you play it for immersion and an experience, then this sort of thing is jarring. IMO of course. I suppose you could argue that being able to shoot women in the head on games like this is some kind of fucked up step forward for gender equality though, in our continuing race to the bottom.
  10. Mariokart was fine but I had the Wii U version so it didn't get as much playtime as a brand new one would have. That said there's fucking loads of courses on that game for people who didn't play its first iteration.
  11. That being the case though, I think we can expect the whole thing to be resolved by allowing the DUP to get some manner of 'win' over the situation. Which means Brexit is back on.
  12. Didn't it split down party lines anyway? Tories and DUP backed him. The others didnt. Pointless fucking exercise.
  13. I have one, because I'm a Zelda die hard. Haven't really plated it much lately because of my gaming obsessions elsewhere, but if they roll out a few new games I'll definitely be playing it again.
  14. This is the way it goes now. Insecurity drives idiocy.
  15. So that's no impact assessments on the economic consequences, and no plan for the outcome. Presumably because they're going to wait to be told by the EU what the outcome will be, and the EU have so far refused to tell them until we get all this other shit out of the way. They have no idea, at all, about what they're delivering here. None. Moreover though - we could have agreed to pay £50 fucking billion a week after triggering A50. The Irish border looks like it's been discussed in the last 4-6 weeks as well, so what in fuck have they even been doing up until now?!
  16. Am convinced Rees Mogg wants to go for leadership after May gets the boot. He seems to be everywhere at the moment.
  17. Hm, this argument looks familiar... not sure where I've seen it before but...
  18. I'm from Newcastle, believe it or not..!
  19. Of all the heinous things that have been levelled at me on this board. That... THAT! cuts most deep. I am not from fucking Essex.
  20. I'm pretty confident of my own interpretations as well. Having said that, I mostly made the comment tongue in cheek. Mostly.
  21. Genuinely don't know when I've been hysterical about anything but ok I tend to be right a lot, maybe that's what you mean?
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