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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Aye this is it. Electoral suicide for the Tories though, they need to spin it in their favour now so that it looks like they're delivering something useful.
  2. I haven't tbf, and I don't want to shatter any such rose tinted imagery That game blew my fucking mind and I'm happy with it being untouchable in my head
  3. All Caulkin knows is that they had dinner. Which is the same as us
  4. Well there you go then. Don't read too much into it is all I'm saying.
  5. I'd be happy to work on the basis of some kind of opt-in tax system. The only problem then is that theoretically, the entire country could 'opt in', meaning we get freedom of movement for Brits without conceding the same to EU citizens in the UK.
  6. People at this level take any excuse to wine and dine on company money, don't read too much into it
  7. FFS. They may as well fucking roll that out to everyone then, given that the Tories said it will be 'exactly the same, everywhere'. What is the actual fucking point of any of this now?
  8. Was OoT not ostensibly the first 'open world' style game ever made? There'd been some other free to move about in 3D games but they were still limited by various level based mechanics in a way that I'm not sure OoT ever insisted upon. I might be thinking of it too kindly as, save for the NES, the N64 was the first serious games console I ever owned - and Zelda was the first game I ever had. And fuck me, what a game to open with. No wonder I'm still hooked on the fucking things 20 years on...
  9. Are we celebrating the fact that they had dinner then? Not sure that's any indication she's going to stump up another £50m...
  10. Deserved IMO. Was thinking about starting it again over the weekend in fact. As a long time Zelda enthusiast, I have to say it's the best one they've ever made by a long shot, even correcting for graphics improvements etc. Has it impacted the gaming world as significantly as OoT? No. Nothing ever will in my view. But in terms of the level of achievement for one game, it's as near to perfect as you could hope for from Zelda. I suspect the Switch will have another Zelda title on it within its lifespan, and they could absolutely use the same background engine for it. I would happily have a Majora's Mask style follow up to BOTW.
  11. Theyll get all that onto the switch in the end though IMO. That said you can probably pick up a Wii u for a tenner these days.
  12. Aye, SM in all but name, basically as we were saying a few days ago. Pointless fucking exercise were my words the other day, fitting now too Still, technically it's a win for May since she can push the talks forward, again as predicted. Onwards we go to the next catastrophe.
  13. The portability was a major sell for me. I've hardly had it hooked up to the TV at all.
  14. BOTW is quite possibly the best game of its kind that I've ever played. At no point did it feel boring, and no point did I think 'Man I wish this would just get to the end already'. That said. It has one flaw But not worth spoiling anything for you with.
  15. The most likely scenario here is that I won't do it, it'll hit $150k by the end of 2018, and I'll be looking at this thread and cursing my lack of conviction
  16. I know but if I summon up the courage to go in, I'll probably go in properly.
  17. Fair enough. I'm tempted but £12k is a hellova lot of money to stump up for a gamble
  18. So go for it then. Take out a loan and throw it into Bitcoin if you're so sure.
  19. Don't disagree with any of that, but that's a theoretical analysis of its benefits, not a pragmatic review of the reality. Theoretically, I agree with you. In reality, it's going to pop because the only reason it has value is that people assume it will continue to have value. Tbh, I'm thinking of buying $1 But I keep telling myself it's a fool's errand because it will, inevitably, collapse. And fall to a sustainable level again.
  20. There's nothing underpinning it though. The only thing making it valuable is people continuing to believe it to be valuable. When it reaches the top of that point, it's going to crash hard. Granted a lot of money can be made between then and now, but there will definitely be a collapse in the offing.
  21. Aye but remember you need to know when to get out as much as when to get in.
  22. His views on psychology generally are the most interesting things he talks about IMO. But yeah, welcome to the reich.
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