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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I think it's just more visible, not in the ascendancy. But agree to disagree I guess.
  2. I just go into my bosses office and tell him that a number of circumstances have changed, or that the company achieved x,y,z this year, and justify the increase. Do I get paid less than the other directors? Definitely. I'm the only non-equity holding member of the board, and also about 15 years their junior. But that's life. I have an experience deficit compared to them. Even though I run the whole business
  3. Ah but you're actually saying the same thing as I was then. You're saying that they voted Trump to avoid an establishment candidate. If the Democrats put someone like Hillary forward again they're taking a huge risk, but actually I still think they'd win as Trump is just 'off the map' shit at this. But what you're basically saying is that the Democrats aren't listening to the WWC, and will continue to receive backlash for as long as they do. And I agree. But that's not a sign that the right wing is in ascendancy. It's a sign that the centre is fucking hopeless and that the left is shut out.
  4. I fully negotiated mine, and like Gloom, have failed to negotiate better pay on a number of occasions.
  5. Jordan Peterson interviewed by Channel 4. It's half an hour long but he does a great job of combatting the more problematic elements of current left wing thinking. He's getting this attention because he's just released his book, but clearly he's moving from YouTube fame to the mainstream now.
  6. Sure they've been emboldened. My point was that they're impotent. Trump is fucking useless, but he has provided an outlet for 'the average man' to get the right wing reckoning he had always been denied but was told would fix everything. Come the end of Trump's term, when these same people are left with the realisation that he hasn't improved their lives at all, maybe they'll finally be willing to listen to better solutions. The far right was only going to be powerful as an unobtainable alternative. I mean do you think he's doing a good job? Do you think the US is on the cusp of becoming a fascist state due to the booming success of Trumpian politics? Like fuck is it. He's a busted flush, and he's busted the far right with him. I'm not blind to the fact that it has 'emboldened' the far right, but 18 deaths compared to the political destiny of 350 million people. Sorry like, but even if one of those deaths was me, I would still consider that rationally, the eventual outcome will be worth it. They'll vote a Democrat in at the next available opportunity. Hopefully the democrats can table a truly left wing contender.
  7. I mean yeah, equality of opportunity in an economic sense is probably the best we can hope for in addressing injustice in wider society IMO. I feel like some of the other aspects of of current focus just distract people for the main goal. So yeah, agreed. On the last point too.
  8. Yeah you're right about the privilege element. As far as I can tell, feminism's view on such matters is strikingly similar to the notion of 'trickle down' economics. That the gains made by the super privileged women benefit the poor ones. As such, I've heard feminists state that women at the bottom of the pay ladder on minimum wage don't need help in this respect because they're already 'equal' with men in the same position. A lot of it has become middle class and 'trendy' in my view. I do actually see her point about the problems she would have faced in other countries which have done less for women's rights, but IMO that should only emphasise how well Western society has done in this regard. I don't think the current social justice vehicle is a particularly good solution to these problems because it's primarily motivated by self interest, but if we are going to achieve meaningful change, I would argue that encouraging children to focus on people as individuals rather than as members of certain groups, would be the way to achieve this. i.e., they are a person first, a woman second. I don't think the current movement deals with this, as it sees power in terms of being able to group people and assign a set of 'values' to that group, with pressure to adopt them. I think we'll come up with something better in the end. Egalitarianism maybe, although I've heard that described as an "MRA plot to destroy feminism" so who knows if it'll ever take hold.
  9. Fair, but I've been playing devil's advocate for the feminists for the purpose of advancing the discussion a bit. I'm a barely veiled misogynist/nazi remember.
  10. I was being facetious with the entire sisterhood comment tbf...
  11. To be fair, LunaD12 is literally knifing the sisterhood in the back by claiming that she has never experienced any such things. Women being a collective, rather than individuals, after all.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jan/17/us-far-right-trump-politics "The American Far Right is Crashing After It's Trump Victory"
  13. If that's directed at me, I get this mostly from the Guardian, but tbh I used to do wider reading on it while I was trying to understand what the current prevailing social narratives are. I know you all hate me, don't worry.
  14. I wasn't criticising it so much as pointing out how the mechanism works. And apparently we're onto 4th wave now anyway, so maybe things have changed since November 2017... EDIT - I stand corrected, the contention is that 4th wave kicked off in 2012 with the rise of social media.
  15. They've split different periods of feminism into 'waves' in order to allow for a moving of goalposts as objectives are achieved.
  16. Nice post. Especially the final comment.
  17. The problem with that view is that you're basically saying 3rd wave feminism isn't actually working in the interests of women by pushing on this. Which I would have to then ask you, what you think it's working towards? You think they're just misguided? I mean this isn't random people on Twitter, this is the Guardian.
  18. The Guardian is running with this narrative, it seems clear that the legitimate socio-political capital generated by the campaign in its early stages will be used to push forward a number of other items on 3rd wave feminism's wishlist: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jan/17/young-women-react-metoo-dating-female-writers-discuss-panel-aziz-ansari-cat-person Consent will require an enthusiastic "Yes" when they're done, I would imagine. If this is what we need to do for women to feel safe, I guess this is what we need to do.
  19. "#MeToo isn't enough, now women need to get ugly" https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jan/16/metoo-women-daughters-harassment-powerful-men
  20. Aye but tbf, didn't Clinton release medical reports in the campaign due to fears over her own wellbeing?
  21. I said it early on and was fine. I guess people don't like you
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