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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Everything about Davis' face there is screaming "I am a pillock". It's beyond hopeless, this negotiation.
  2. Yep. The narratives are the fundamental things now - which is perhaps generally always the case when you leave the middle ground and head into ideological territory. Not just in the UK though, fwiw.
  3. So they have a lot of red painted maps then.
  4. Do you suppose that the reports do exist, and the government is just chancing getting away with not revealing it...? It would give the Tories the ability to make them work to their advantage.
  5. They don't matter, I suppose, because they would be nothing but politically damaging for the whole thing. Starting to agree that we're fucked here. We need the government to fall apart basically now - each day that May staggers on, is another day lost for the whole project. We are going to Brexit, and it is going to be a shambles.
  6. That's why we need a sector by sector assessment though. To be able to weigh up which sectors will be sacrificed and which will be supported. We need to maximise what we can. Can a good trade deal really be agreed with just a general overview approach? It feels like that's where the government is driving from...
  7. You would hope that a series of desired outcomes would be debated in parliament and then voted upon, as we went into negotiations. But given that no impact reports have been carried out, we have no information upon which to base our desired outcomes. Least competent British government of all time?
  8. I don't remember tbh. If it helps, I didn't learn to aerial until about 500 hours in. The thing is, the game has evolved since I started. Nowadays it looks like new players have to have some command of aerials. Back when I started, you really didn't.
  9. You can't be that far off now? I still owe you a goal explosion I think...
  10. From memory, it might be relative to the starting position of whatever you're rotating. Sometimes I had to 360 the whole tablet around to get the desired result. I did think it made sense, but it was almost too much for the human mind to handle at times. Anyway, I think less than 10.
  11. They've released the Christmas gear for the cars just need to play online to earn points to redeem against items...
  12. Does it matter too much? They'll have given her a brief on what she should achieve. The problem IMO is that this is a fund. They will need ROI. Which makes it hard to imagine them pushing us financially to hit the dizzy heights we hope they might..
  13. You fundamentally don't understand two key things here 1 - This isn't my strategy, it's what I believe their strategy to be. 2 - It doesn't change day to day, it's necessarily flexible so that they can position on the right decision when the Tories slip up. Labour have no control over any of this, asking them to nail their colours to the mast of a deal that they can't see the ins and outs of just gives the Tories an open goal to flank them.
  14. How trustworthy Craig Hope, I guess is the question EDIT - Ah Caulkin as well... ok maybe yes
  15. Why anyone would think Nigel Farage had any idea about how any of this worked, is a mystery. He's a fucking nobody.
  16. Aye, think you're clutching at straws here, Fish. If the takeover was limiting spending possibilities, someone would have just come out and said it...
  17. The EU also confirmed yesterday that they would now push to make it legally binding, and Davis agreed with them. Unless I missed something?
  18. Ah, I had forgotten that we were in the safe and capable hands of Liam Fox mind. That changes everything.
  19. CT, you actually had a fairly reasonable position last week in asserting that if the trade deals were going to be shit (as it seems they will be, given that countries outside of the EU are pushing the EU to give us a deal no more favourable than the ones they have). Why have you reverted to blindly following Tory party lines that are being shot down left, right and centre. The notion that 'nothing is agreed until everything is agreed' died on its arse yesterday as Davis had to go crawling back to the EU to agree that we would have to legally recognise what was said.
  20. Religion does complicate it. I think I would hope that over the course of the next 100-150 years (it would probably take even longer to get us to single global government tbh), religion would have died a death anyway. Unless it simply morphs into a cultural expression, in which case yeah, it might be insurmountable.
  21. Probably true - I'm after one world governance anyway so whoever takes us there is fine by me. Don't see any other outcome for humanity in the long run. The more peaceful it is, the better, obviously.
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