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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I doubt that mistake would be made a second time.
  2. Possibly, but then the Tories are yet to do anything to actually make anyone's lives better - so even though austerity has technically been abandoned, I don't know if many people even notice. The damage it did isn't being reversed. I think if you had a Labour government actually helping people, no way Brexit happens at a repeat vote.
  3. Aye but they wouldn't be enough to win it. Well, saying that, maybe combined with people who now realise they voted the wrong way but have too much pride to change their view, perhaps anything is possible.
  4. Referendum result was a lashing out response to the lie of austerity. Or at least there was enough of that mixed up in it to make the difference. Since the Tories have now admitted austerity was ideologically driven bullshit which has been unceremoniously abandoned in an act of pure fear at the outcome of Brexit, I think it's fair to say that 'the majority' you refer to no longer exists in terms of why the damn thing happened.
  5. You'll get a lot of support for that opinion on here. Although personally I would say that Momentum almost single handedly brought the Tories to their knees last time out, and that if they had someone more competent at the helm they would have a far easier job of things. They function as a media bypass, taking political messages unedited directly to the electorate. If the enthusiasm remains, they should win out in the end. Remember that Labour won the vote share for everyone under 45. Momentum did its job - it was out on the streets in force. And remember it was on the defensive last time out. Had they attacked, we would almost certainly have seen the back of Rudd, if not many others. https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/01/jeremy-corbyns-takeover-is-complete-and-the-tories-are-terrified/ Momentum, a group that did not exist four years ago, has instead succeeded in taking over a party: the leadership and the membership. The NEC changes mean Momentum’s reverse takeover of the Labour party is now complete, and Labour MPs are now its hostages. MPs who complain about hard-left takeover will be told that this is not ‘entryism’ but simple democracy — which it is. Momentum found and inspired thousands to join the Labour party and call the shots. It deserves its victory.
  6. I can never quite decide if I hate Gove or Johnson more. It speaks volumes about those two that Hunt isn't even in that equation tbh. May I can't hate anymore. She's too pathetic.
  7. What ideology is it that you think Renton has?
  8. That is a pathetic overreaction from Sunderland
  9. Gove has just claimed that Brexit has made the UK the most immigration friendly country in the EU
  10. Ahhhh. Ok i got you. Pro-Sargon? I thought the nazi pug affair was insane but that isnt much of a statement.
  11. Tbh i hope this guy stays. Should improve debate considerably. It can get a bit echo chamber esque i here.
  12. Remind me... unlimited capitalism? Or have I got that wrong? The free market is paramount, right?
  13. Yeah that word is being used by almost all sides of the political spectrum now so it doesn't help much. I guess it'll become clear over time. FWIW I'm liberal too.
  14. Separate question - where would you place yourself on the political spectrum?
  15. Would you accept a reformed EU that elected officials and had greater accountability?
  16. Really? British people strike me as particular susceptible to being sleep walked into fascism given our predilection for just accepting the reality of things and not actually taking any action to bring about change from the ground up.
  17. straight into the EU thread. @SpaceCadet Its worth making clear tbh that hardly anyone on here voted out. No one will make a big issue of it generally but you're going to be standing alone in here on this. Well you'll have CT but thats actually worse than nothing.
  18. Given that I just called for a centralised EU superstate in the Brexit thread, he might actually believe this
  19. In For basically the opposite reason
  20. If you get called a cunt directly as well, we mean it affectionately. We seem to lose a lot of newbies to that particular misunderstanding. And it gets @Tdansmith all riled up.
  21. Cattermole thinks they've got going now mind. 3 straight draws against midtable opposition will have put the fear into any side in that division for sure.
  22. Still think us, but if they go down again I think we have to consider that they're just too small a team to be a rival. We should perhaps consider adopting them as one of those small clubs bigger teams loan players to. Like Gateshead.
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