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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Aye, but the pity for us I suppose is that if they managed to get it for £300m, we might have an extra £80-100m to spend. I'm sure it wouldn't work like that in reality but even so.
  2. The shadowy cabal of TT members etc etc...
  3. Rayvin


    In fairness, we touched on this stuff a little while ago in the Peterson debate. These guys are a real problem, and tbh I think it's fair to say that they hate normal men almost as much as they seem to hate women. Anyone who can successfully navigate relationships with the opposite sex. The problem seems to be that they self-radicalise, and it's depressing to see where it takes them. I am sure that the Guardian will give this some detailed OpEd coverage now, so maybe we can learn a bit more about where he came from - but honestly I feel that this stems from two groups of men. You have older men who have either been emotionally damaged in relationships with women, or who have simply never been able to form any meaningful relationships, and have ended up bitter and hostile - or you have younger men who lack confidence and social skills, and who retreat away from dealing with these issues. I don't know the correct approach to either group from a mental health standpoint, but the latter I would argue need to be empowered so that they can build up self confidence, and realise that they don't need to be defined by who they are or are not sleeping with. Instead though, they will now face castigation, and widespread criticism - which will entrench their attitude that the world is against them, and IMO, make them more likely to do things like this. I worked on the board of a counselling charity for a couple of years and the (female, feminist) CEO made the point that domestic violence would never be successfully tackled because no one was prepared to spend money on where the actual problem was - the mental health of the men attacking their partners. It was politically unpleasant to consider doing such a thing, and so instead the focus was on helping women to escape. Her argument was that both approaches were needed to be able to keep women safe. As with so many other aspects of modern life, I despair that we are unable to take a logical approach to fixing a problem. In the case of 'incels', to actually attempt to reverse their isolation from society, and catch them early on so that they can be encouraged to integrate into society properly. Instead, we will stand on the sidelines and yell at them, as we do with Muslim terrorists, instead of actually looking at why these things happen. TL;DR - I'm just being a bleeding heart again.
  4. Rayvin


    Nope. He sounds like a man who spent a lot of time being incredibly angry on the internet though. Do you know him?
  5. Bizarre of you to raise it then really, isn't it?
  6. I have, and i almost mentioned Parky in fact, in particular because IMO he is more anti-state libertarian than left wing. But since he hasnt been online since spacey got here i figured he must mean something else.
  7. Watch him still be here and totally intransigent to Rafa leaving in a year's time.
  8. To be honest, you could simply read that as her having knocked things on the head earlier in the season, and him responding, and her now approaching him once again, and him responding. I'd take it as a good sign for negotiations taking place, but beyond that I don't know how good it is.
  9. I genuinely think the fans themselves have a case to answer. That team was good enough to pick up more points at home than it did, but their total non-support, lack of attendance, and generally negative attitude seems to have made it very difficult for the team to pick themselves up. Tbh there's a fair case to argue that they were just fucking terrified. Honestly think this has put paid to the notion that they are 'great fans'. They're dismal. And while they weren't to blame for relegation from the PL, I think you could blame them for this one. If they actually backed their team, no way would they have gone down.
  10. Basically she's gambled and lost, with Ashley's hand having been strengthened by our strong finish to the season. Obviously he's going to want more now, and he's probably patting himself on the back. It is what it is but at least caveats about relegation can't scupper anything now.
  11. Aye basically agree but they do still have parachute payments with which to service the debt next season. What happens after that, especially with matchday revenues going through the floor as fans stay away, is really unclear. They're heading for a very austere period though.
  12. I bought this Much prefer playing it on a handheld to sitting in front of my PC - can play it on the sofa or on my bed, etc. Will be great for air and train travel.
  13. Aye I'm satisfied with the notion of them getting stuck in L1 for a while. I think the season after there's a chance they'll be put into administration though, since I don't know how they will prove to this third party that they can afford to pay back £90m or whatever it is.
  14. I think the club will make enough money in the PL, and by being a tightly run ship in general by Ashley, that there should be enough for Rafa to spend going forward. It depends on what he thinks he needs, but it's hard to imagine him thinking that the club is going to (or indeed should be) spending £100m each season. We need to sort out a new contract for him this summer either way.
  15. A decent number of Arsenal fans think they should go for him. And also that they would have no trouble prizing him away.
  16. #Trumpsavestheworld
  17. Aye, we must be the team that boards across the country use as a barometer for absolute failure
  18. If the city of Douma was being successfully held by 43 rebels, then the Syrian army is a total irrelevance. I said "only 43" in the context of it not being a game changing number of rebel casualties, assuming indeed that any of them actually were.
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