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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. CT - Imagine feeling 5 times as dismal about Corbyn as you already do. If you manage that, you'll be about 10% of the way to how the I feel about May. You'd need to treble it again to get to where Renton is on Brexit. Tbh I'm at the stage now where I would happily oust Corbyn to replace him with a younger, prettier, smoother talking version of the the same, just so that everyone could stop bleating about him and actually look at the charlatans who have been systematically annihilating the country for the past 10 years. The biggest problem with Corbyn now, IMO, is that his existence serves as a distraction to the incomprehensible, devastating incompetence of the biggest gaggle of fuckwits I have literally ever seen, in any organisation, anywhere. And to think you actually voted for these people... I'm staggered CT, that you could ever have thought, that any of the utter turgid horseshit we have seen from the Tories since Labour were last in, is even remotely acceptable. Look at them man. Fucking look at them. Stop worrying about Corbyn for a second and just look at the Tories. These people are "leading" the country. What have you done? What the fuck have you done?
  2. Don't think she's racist tbh, I think she just lacks a spine and is prepared to do whatever it takes to get ahead. If that means throwing racist policies around to pick up votes, then she'll do it. I suspect if she thought she could get ahead by deporting all white people, she'd probably try.
  3. Comes to something when some of us on the left are sitting here thinking "maybe we should just let her off with this one, cos fuck knows what we'll get if she goes"
  4. Ah so that's the Fulwell thing. I actually don't really know what went on there...?
  5. She must have a plan. There's surely no way she would blindly walk up this alley with governmental collapse on one hand and the break up of the union on the other, if she could even get that past the DUP. I refuse to believe the Tories are that stupid.
  6. Its a hugely significant date for him but i'll be damned if i remember why. Im going to guess it's a record low attendance. Essembee, can you remind us?
  7. I haven't followed it very closely tbh but the guy thought he was going to prison from what I understand (ended up with a fine), and was clearly deeply distressed about this. He took the video down as soon as it became a legal complication. Now that he's been fined, I think he may well play a martyr though.
  8. Was just trying to get a rise out of you.
  9. If I'm a fucking nazi, then literally everyone else on here is too The amount of casual racism on these boards is a sight to behold, and none of it has come from me! In fact, I must be one of the few 'nazis' in existence who gets made fun of by 'progressive, left wing people' when he explains that their racial stereotyping of Chinese people is inaccurate Jonathan Pie is left wing IMO btw - anti-Tory, pro-Labour, but with a good mix of common sense.
  10. Aye but he's mainstream and Baddiel is both mainstream and Jewish, which means they're allowed to make valid arguments about this, whereas you and I are not.
  11. Aye well, I daresay you're right there
  12. Just can't help myself.
  13. As much as you may struggle to believe this, he was taken to court over teaching his girlfriend's dog a nazi salute. A lot of these are just ordinary guys... And Sargon is married with a kid already... The world is changing
  14. That's all he is. A nerd with a dark sense of humour. But ignoring what we think of him as a man, I really think some scrutiny of a judge who decided that all context should be ignored when assessing the intent behind an utterance is needed here That's a fucking mental position to take. It means you could literally string people up for even quoting nazis for educational purposes.
  15. The flag isn't but the wider culture war is now all over the place. Peterson breaking Newman brought it into the living rooms of "normies". Better out than in though...
  16. I spent a lot of time trying to get my head around this about a year or so ago. I'm less committed to keeping on top of it now since it appears the debate is now mainstreaming itself anyway. I consider it a testament to my left wing credentials that I explored this community in depth, listened to what they had to say, and still voted for a 'far left' party at the last election Easy to see the battlegrounds that the left loses on now though, having actually looked at the other side. Unfortunately, pointing this out tends to get one branded a nazi.
  17. It's the Kekistani national flag... In a nutshell, it's the symbol of a nationality that was devised by internet shitposters in order to poke fun at an ideology that assigns victimhood to minorities after Sargon noticed that shitposters themselves could technically fit the definition of their own ethnic group by UK government policy. The word "kek" comes from World of Warcraft where it was used instead of "lol". I'm not really sure how it became mainstream internet lingo but that's what I read. It's also an Egyptian god though, so I guess it's a crossover from the two. It's fair to say that there are no adults left in the room in the culture war.
  18. Thin end of the wedge, etc...
  19. I'm not a Corbynista. As you know. Don't have a Times subscription either. I don't recall his time as Justice Minister but didn't get sacked after falling out with Theresa May? On Education, he seems to be loathed by parents, teachers and students alike. So I'm at a loss as to who thinks he did a good job there. And the environment - ignoring the fact that his recent plans appear to have been inspired by a documentary rather than him actually keeping on top of things himself - I do concede that he may well actually do some good there. But until he does, he's getting fuck all credit from me.
  20. When has Gove ever proven to be a political thinker? I can't recall any single thing he has done in any position of power, that has impressed anyone with half a brain. Not even anti-Tory bias on this one, even amongst the Tories he's fucking pathetic.
  21. How so? Anything new happened? My dad was telling me that Ken Clarke and Michael Heseltine were on... I'm gonna guess Radio 4 but tbh I missed the program name - but anyway, Clarke apparently stated that remaining in the single market was so important to this country's future that if a Labour government was needed to ensure that this outcome was delivered, then people should vote Labour. Not so much an endorsement of Labour as a withering condemnation of his own party's approach to Brexit.
  22. 1 - you were right by accident. 2 - even if you weren't, you've only managed to correctly guess the behaviour of a truly irrational man.
  23. Honestly, that genuinely does look as if someone at the Tory party fervently believes that standing like that makes them look powerful. It has to be something they're told to do, it's too fucking bizarre for anything else. No one stands like that.
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