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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Sporting is an absolute catastrophe of a football club.
  2. You're right tbh. I don't know really, I just remember thinking that if Brexit was going to take Marmite away there'd be blood in the streets.
  3. Wasn't Marmite part of the great betrayal as Unilever mentioned the price would go up or something?
  4. I guess we'll just see what happens. Tbh, my money is on Trump backtracking on the whole thing anyway.
  5. Yeah that sounds credible to me - but if that is the case, Trump is going to get a Nobel unless there is a serious media effort to verify the notion that the nukes were gone anyway. And with North Korea being as secretive as it is, there's no chance of that coming out. So like I said, we're going to be remembering Trump for bringing peace to the Koreas. Peace based on a lie, but there it is.
  6. Is there really any serious notion that anyone was going to attack DPRK? If there was then I can only think that this would be because of Trump, and he is therefore a rather effective deterrent. I don't think that's what it was about though, Kim will have known that even Trump wasn't going to kick off a war that would effectively destroy both Koreas, and likely drag China in. He'd be thrown out of office before that happened. And if he keeps his nukes but the world thinks he has disarmed, they're not very effective as a deterrent... I mean I guess he can pop up in a year or two and say "ha! fooled you, we had nukes all along" but I don't see how that radically changes the position he's in apart from losing trust from the Chinese.
  7. True, but you would think he only gets to play that card once. If he pulls away from this deal, no US President in future is going to give him anywhere near close to such an opportunity. It would be a very short termist outlook. Still though, the Chinese seemed pretty impressed with this so it's certainly a possibility.
  8. Look at it this way - there was a reason this happened, on both sides. Trump's reason is easy - he's an idiot, wanted to distract everyone from the Russian collusion stuff, and generally takes any opportunity to make himself look good. Kim's is... presumably to gain international recognition? OK, so he's got that now. But to what end? What does he intend to do with it if not engage with the world?
  9. If he gets peace. I'm not saying it's likely, I'm just noting that if Kim actually wants to return to the international fold in any genuine sense, he may just be using Trump as a face saving way of doing it - which means this could be a serious attempt at peace from the Korean side, irrespective of what the Americans think is happening.
  10. Can you imagine if this works, and instead of being the greatest laughing stock of a US President in history, we actually have to remember Trump for something impressive I guess as long as it saves lives it doesn't matter who farcical the whole thing is.
  11. Would love to know what the Sun and Express are threatening to actually do tbh. As for Farage, he isn't intelligent enough to defend himself on the fly.
  12. I always liked that. The desolation and bleakness. Speaks to my soul #emo
  13. Temples, caves, untravelled reaches and steppes? I think a really well done game based on that kind of landscape would be amazing. I always enjoyed the desert sections in Zelda. I saw someone comment somewhere else that they might merge two lands together though, so it has the potential to cover both I guess.
  14. Presumably no command console for this either if it's online.
  15. Would have preferred them to go for one of the less typical fantasy options in landscapes - the desert one for instance. Having said that, I will absolutely be buying it.
  16. They've capped the number of players per server at fairly low levels, but I'm inclined to agree that this is a bit of a worry. I would willingly embrace a co-op centred Fallout experience but all that's going to happen with this is you'll get sniped from 100 miles away whenever you set foot in the open. It'll just be dog eat dog in the end.
  17. The EU may not have the headline grabbing aggressive rhetoric of Trump, but I am totally certain that they will push back as hard, if not harder, than Trump has gone here. Largely because they aren't a gaggle of fucking idiots, unlike everyone associated with the Trump Administration.
  18. I sometimes think you consider me to be way more socialist than I actually am, mind..
  19. That's not the same scenario CT. They actually could influence Corbyn's chances of becoming PM because there was an upcoming vote at which that question would be decided. The Brexit scenario would only be the same if we were going to have another vote on it. Brexit is failing not because the government is worrying about what remainers think, or because there is an upcoming vote that they might lose power over due to remainer sabotage - but because it is totally, pragmatically, unworkable. But to be fair to you, I guess if you can articulate what the remainer camp has done to negatively impact Brexit, maybe you have a case? I mean we didn't create the NI issue, and that seems to be the main problem presently.
  20. Yeah I'm really not furious about this either. Prime is a fucking good service anyway (saves me every Christmas) and Amazon adding value to it is exactly what they should be doing to keep customers happy.
  21. The thing that really gets me on this, is that so many of the people who refuse to take responsibility for their vote and its consequences, are the same people who believe in 'pulling yourself up by your shoelaces' or whatever it is, and 'personal responsibility'. Brexit has proven these people to be hypocrites of the highest order. Why are people so fucking terrified of admitting they were wrong?
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