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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Amazed how resistant people were on this 10 years ago. You can fucking see its true just looking at historical weather data. Does anyone really, seriously contend that man is not directly influencing it any more?
  2. CT is at least honest about this. I'm not much better than him. Still eat meat, recycle only because its been made so easy, etc. Governments need to mandate the changes. As with Brexit, the people are too stupid to be given a choice and expected to act accordingly. Realism needs to take hold.
  3. Where is he now anyway? Scottish football? EDIT - Milwall apparently.
  4. You have to remember that CT believes that the more money you have, the more infallible you are.
  5. It's not a touch screen thing anyway so would be awkward for a browser.
  6. I'm sure it's only this important to them because they're so determined not to be wrong. Insecure, weak people. If there was even a remotely compelling vision for a post-Brexit UK, you could have some sympathy with them - but there just isn't. For all JRM says we'll be better off in 50 years - we'll be back in by then anyway!
  7. Going to try it out then. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. It will require government subsidy. Only way it can work, surely. Unless they're about to get rid of the minimum wage.
  9. The only argument I can think of for this, is that relocating their operations to mainland Europe would be costly and expensive, moreso than presumably sponsoring the move of their suppliers to the UK. Nissan would have to pay for the latter, surely. Although I'm puzzled, if these companies are prepared to move to the UK, why don't British companies just replace them anyway? Presumably because labour costs are too high here to make them competitive. Which is the same problem that these newly located businesses will have if they set up shop in the UK.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/oct/07/macron-woos-uk-car-firms-over-private-dinner Macron had a business dinner with the heads of major British based car manufacturers to offer them a better environment to operate in - presumably in France. @Christmas Tree France doesn't appear to be behaving in a way that suggests they're about to back down.
  11. That flashed through my mind, but I'm not quite savage enough to say it Thanks for giving voice to my inner demons.
  12. "Some of us remember what the country was like before the EU destroyed it" These people need to be forcibly educated.
  13. I'm late to the party here but... why are you here? Let us vent about our team and the game, it's not like you guys dont do the same thing in similar circumstances. What does it say about your life that you're on here doing this. Fucking hell man. It's depressing.
  14. He'd inevitably end up being the one they'd make an example of, and we'd never hear the end of it
  15. So CT's position is that we'll get a deal which will eliminate tariffs on car parts and Nissan will survive. Renton's position is that no such deal is possible and it's the SM or WTO. I dont think either of you can win this one yet although i still think it's wishful thinking from CT given everything we've seen so far. CT, do you accept that if we don't get that deal, Nissan are in trouble?
  16. Several months ago I argued that the Tories would somehow find a way to keep going through this and stay standing, and I'm as convinced that they will do so now as I was then. They're just too cynical - one thing they have done extremely well is used Brexit as a smokescreen from all the other chaos they've wrought. So we're going to be a poorer nation, with a bleaker future, but 'at least Corbyn's Labour won't be in power'. I'm ashamed to be British. We have so much potential as a country and we fritter it away on small minded nonsense which only serves to keep bland, stupid people at the top of society in control of large amounts of money.
  17. They aren't bothered about what some random fat cunt thinks of them no matter how much money he has, would be my guess.
  18. There isn't going to be a widespread boycott. There is nothing we can do. Accept it. It'll be easier in the long run.
  19. Not even trying to hide it:
  20. Fuck sake. Maybe doing it once is forgivable self parody. The first attempt wasn't too committed though, so a second time, maybe, is ok. But repeatedly? No. What the fuck is wrong with her.
  21. May is getting dangerously close to a vote of no confidence it seems. 36 requests and 48 needed.
  22. I was only saying to the Fish that the Tories are probably preparing for a No Deal scenario in earnest. I don't know why you've come wading into this as if I'm making some general point about what's going to happen unless you're somehow arguing that they aren't preparing for No Deal? If that's what you're doing, I'm not getting it. That said, yes, I am discounting the notion that we will strike a deal. But that's not really what I was talking about. Having said that, the level of... I mean, boundless, unfounded optimism in your post.. it's a thing to behold CT, it really is. And people think I'm a wishful thinker...
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