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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Riiiiight. We're enabling Trump by having no power whatsoever. In the UK, you could maybe make that argument. It'd be a bad one, but you could make it. In the US, the left had no power at all - the centrists lost to Trump my friend. Least popular president in history, at the time of being elected, and they still lost to him. Good grief man, we're doomed to repeat the same mistakes all over again if you don't wake up. What about Macron? The collapse of the centre elsewhere in Europe? The rise of the right in centrist Germany? I know you fucking hate Corbyn, but if you want this to stop you need to reform the centre. Not the left. Also, btw, I never shifted goalposts. I admitted I was wrong about Corbyn being the answer as an individual. My positions remain the same otherwise.
  2. Also not sure why every other political party gets a free ride. Why haven't the LDs picked up? They're pretty fucking centrist. Labour is holding strong with the people who were always voting for it. The Tories are being propped up by fucking morons who we have to cater to all the time with this centrist bollocks. I wouldn't change anything, no. I wrote two or three years ago that my view was that the left had to dig its heels in and hold its nose until eventually, people had to choose it. And I suspect it will. Come hell or high water, it needs to dig in. If I could be convinced that the centre could be trusted not to dump austerities, Brexits, and Donald Trumps onto the world, then maybe I'd think otherwise.
  3. That won't happen because the country was wrecked pre-Corbyn, in my view. His ability to manage the aftermath of the wreckage is poor to non-existent, but the centre wrecked the world. Not even just the UK. The world.
  4. Yougov always seems to be the poll most endorsing of left wing positions IMO. Generally the most pro Labour one. Although i might just think that because it was the only one to get ahead of Theresa May's mauling at the last GE.
  5. Rayvin


    I wondered if an element of it might be that life would never be so good again as it was as a footballer but it sounds like it was a constant thing. If he'd not been a footballer I guess his life would have been full of the same things. Apart from easing access to his vices, i doubt money and fame made much difference at all.
  6. Rayvin


    What actually happened to him? I never paid that much attention in earnest but he was clearly playing at the top level through his career so alcohol problems must have onset after that. Did he just retire and start drinking?
  7. I'm tempted to say the Tories would rather break up the union that back Remain. The former will take longer to happen meaning that stupid people have a chance of forgetting whose fault it is. Not so with Remain which could very literally see public fury push Corbyn into Number 10 with or without any effective manifesto or campaign on his part. If he sticks to the illusion that he backs Brexit and the Tories deliver Remain, he'll pick up the Brexiters and all the usual left leaners. Which, actually, is a bit worrying. His mandate for change would be huge.
  8. I read this in the sidebar on the main forum page and got all excited to see what had happened, and it turns out it's intense wishful thinking
  9. I mean, it's certainly the most accurate thing anyone has said about her for a while.
  10. Is No Deal even possible without a PV? Ignoring the scenario where May is a total dick which, despite everything, I still don't think she'd stoop to.
  11. You're aware that the SJWs would now consider you to be worse than me, right? You've just committed the unforgivable sin, irrespective of your intent
  12. His logic presumably being that another democratic vote is an affront to democracy.
  13. Why is May doing this to herself. How many years of her life has she lost by stressing about this lunacy, I wonder.
  14. Just read that May's dithering about the vote cost the country the equivalent of 6 weeks of the NHS' running costs. Fucking brilliant the Tories are. £1bn paid to the DUP to get them to behave, billions lost over Brexit, and now May is just throwing money away trying to delay the inevitable and hold power a little longer. Fuck off.
  15. Aye but they'd never have the numbers to actually win. Agree that a second referendum is the way to go for legitimacy but I'm not sure Leavers will accept that either.
  16. If we had a cross party vote to rescind article 50, who would leavers get annoyed at? They cant vote against all of parliament.
  17. I mean it's not us though, it's just the ludicrous fucknuggets we vote to "represent" us.
  18. Nah, the papers are being racist. Plenty of previous examples to underline it.
  19. Maybe Corbyn is at least higher than Gove? What a shambles. I wonder what Churchill would have thought.
  20. He's on ludicrous money now from what i read the other day. Hate always did sell.
  21. So many Brexiters in that thread claiming there'll be a war or anarchy if we get a second referendum and vote remain. Hard to imagine them doing a damn thing about it in reality.
  22. It really is like May is clinging to the basic principle of just surviving as long as possible despite the inevitability of her demise. It's stunning. Why doesn't she just hold her hands up, blame everyone else, and let just let the democratic process run its course from here. What is she trying to protect? It cant be herself, it sure as shit isn't the country. Are the Tories themselves even benefitting from this farce now?
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