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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I think I'll just leave it here for now
  2. Aye but if after two years of utter chaos, people are still prepared to buy the notion that May is doing the right thing, or that No Deal is acceptable, then at some point you have to let the toddler pick up the shotgun and blow its head off. It's the only way it'll learn.
  3. It's mostly for catharsis. Honestly though, as much as narratives are absorbed wholsale by the weakminded like the political versions of jedi mind tricks that they are, people should be better than this. They have brains. I'm sure in other areas of life they use them. I just don't understand the intellectual laziness.
  4. I mean, I work from home so this is technically almost true. So far the cat has avoided my gaze though.
  5. No disrespect to your colleague, but how stupid do you have to be to think that someone who has been almost totally inactive on Brexit for 2 years, while being actively excluded anyway by the sitting PM, has had any role in creating the shitstorm we're currently seeing? What was Corbyn meant to do, just sit down with May on the same terms Parliament had wholeheartedly rejected and rearrange the window dressing? Fuck your colleague, fuck the daily mail, fuck the Tories, fuck CT, fuck anyone who buys this transparent bullshit, seriously.
  6. So after two years of May ignoring Labour, ignoring Remainers, and ignoring all other options apart from her psycho version of Brexit, shes now blaming Labour and the Remainers, and is joined by the daily fucking mail and other associated right wing outlets. Just no. Fuck you, you daft bitch, no one with a brain is buying that. And the Daily Mail btw. I mean i hate this newspaper on about every level going, but we're reaching a point where it actually is going to be something future generations point to as a driving force behind the collapse of everything our ancestors made Britain into. One day, i deeply hope this paper gets its comeuppance. Maybe we can start calling ourselves Lesser Britain.
  7. At least Corbyn is standing firm on that.
  8. So, she's won the vote. Close but she won it. On we go into the abyss.
  9. Yeah, some truth in this. I didnt vote for Corbyn because of anything to do with Brexit but I'm deeply disappointed with his handling of this, as i have expressed before. And as much as me apologising on here is a meme at this point, im gonna hold my hands up for this. If i had known Corbyn was going to effectively support the single most damaging thing the country has embarked on in decades, i would have never voted for him. Labour's stance is pathetic. I was wrong.
  10. BoJo? Gove? All the usual power hungry lunatics? I see May's plan is to reach out across parliament while making no concessions on any of the main points of her deal. How is that even going to work? I mean, she should be done. She is the most useless individual i have ever seen. Full stop. I've seen crack addicts with a better handle on their situation and reality than May has. She really is the most loathsome human being. Just fuck off Theresa. Hold your hands up, admit your plan was bullshit from the start, and fuck off.
  11. Is that realistically an option? Where do we go from here anyway? She wont lose the no confidence motion since the DUP are backing her.
  12. Tbf, I actually don't think the investment idea is a bad one.
  13. I'd be amazed if there is any manner of backlash to the scale of what we've seen in France We're British, we just accept what we're told. Give it a week and they'll be down to the diehards, probably less than a couple of thousand.
  14. Yeah but we did need to, apparently. If nothing else, we either had to come out and say that actually, the people on the Leave campaign side were all lying about everything (which they broadly were) and the Tory party would have ultimately had to take ownership of that; or we had to explore it properly and inform ourselves so that it was clear that the democratic process had been observed. As much as the former looks more like the rational option to me, the narrative behind it is impossible. You would have had the Tories needing to have the moral fortitude to hold their hands up and say they were comprised of liars and morons, which was never going to happen, and moreover, you would have had to effectively tell 50% of the British public that they had been successfully seduced by liars and morons. The only option was wasting billions demonstrating how bad an idea this is. Because people are irrational and hate being wrong.
  15. Ah sorry, my mistake - I meant solving things in a competent way. There isn't a lot of evidence that the Tories would landslide a GE. And Labour would start falling apart if they got in and still tried to push Brexit. So, IMO, we'd be back where we started.
  16. Who cares? A general election wouldn't solve anything anyway. This is now about common sense defeating idiocy. Idiocy almost totally envelops the Tory party, and has a significant hold in Labour as well.
  17. Yeah except we have abided by the outcome of the previous vote - we've looked into Brexit, wasted fucking billions on it in fact, researched what the options are, and now can conclude that if we do it, we're fucked. And yet we're still on course. Calls for a second referendum are in light of the fact that evidence now exists, demonstrating the extent of our fuckedness. So a fair comparison would be if May lost, and then we subsequently discovered later that hers was the best option, and decided to go for it after all, once we were in possession of all the information. That might actually happen as well.
  18. This could be special May presiding over the greatest government defeat in history would be enjoyable if nothing else.
  19. What does that even mean though. She can't unilaterally make it happen.
  20. Is Bercow now actively working against the government?
  21. Why is there all this talk of the EU making concessions to try to help? Are they really that scared of No Deal? Why aren't they just being totally instransigent in the hope it forces us back into remain?
  22. We don't want a GE surely, it solves nothing. It's not like Labour are going to sort the situation out if they win. IMO, she'd probably win it anyway since even I've now reached a point where I won't vote for a Brexit backing Labour, Corbyn will have to resign, but it'll all be too late because she'll have her mandate to get her dumbfuck deal through parliament.
  23. The far right. Ludicrous statement. Is there even an established far right party? Not even UKIP are "far right".
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