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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. That's a common misunderstanding apparently. We elect them but they don't do anything whatsoever. Unlike 95% of our MPs who are of course hugely influential in everything that happens in the country.
  2. So we would need to pass this and then get the EU to give us an extended period to decide, which they've already signalled they would be happy to do. We would, however, have to engage in the EU elections. Which seems to be a problem for everyone although I'm not totally sure why. By far and away this is the sensible move. Literally the only thing really stopping this from happening, as far as I can tell, is Theresa May.
  3. Never heard of it but googled it now. Seems to be a lot of noise without much substance though. The NSPCC stating that they had more calls from the media than from parents Would be an unusual thing to see the media making a giant fuss out of nothing. As far as i understand it, the creepy doll thing tells people to kill themselves, right? Except no one has as far as we can tell.
  4. Why would anyone use Newcastle for that though No fucker is going to believe we could stump up £50m man, come on.
  5. Wait what... I'm not a Muslim.. Damn fucking right it has.
  6. Not denying the problem, just castigating the media. I think I've been pretty consistent on that. Also gonna stress that I don't give a single shit how my stance makes 'Labour supporters' look. My stance is just my stance.
  7. It does. The guy clearly seems antisemitic, not that I understand all of it. Curious that he's been an MP since 2010 without anyone seems to cause a fuss about him though...
  8. Has all that literally just happened
  9. Not so much that I'm ignoring them, I'm just not remembering them at present and lack the motivation to go back through and look. Honestly man, my issue is really not with whether or not antisemitism exists in Labour. If you say it does I'm happy to believe you, and have done so. My issue is the disproportionate scale of the media response compared to the very little actual tangible problems this antisemitism -appears- to be causing. As I've said before, where is the outrage about people actually out on the streets doubling in number since May took office? Save for the Guardian, rarely, it's nowhere to be seen. Why does some name calling on Twitter (which is all I have personally seen of it so far) deserve more outrage and condemnation than people living in cardboard next to Tesco because the government has cut their legs out from under them?
  10. ...no? I was referring to non-MPs who have experienced it. And yeah the MPs sure as shit do have agendas. I mean there's an anti-Zionist Jewish wing inside the Labour Party is there not. Have they reported extensively on anti-semitism? His views on nuclear weapons didn't seem to stick at all, that's why that story isn't still running. Same with the IRA. In fact those weapons were put to bed when Labour didn't collapse at the last GE. Clearly the public didn't give a fuck so the media dropped them. And the city? Yes, historically, the public have really had a lot of respect for the city and their views, and don't at all think they're a pack of monumental cunts broadly responsible for plunging us into a decade of austerity.
  11. Javid? I must be living in the past, I thought he was business secretary. He did that once, right? Now that you mention it I remember seeing his name all over various news reports that seem on the face of them to be dog whistle racism so I can see May's logic in who she chose. Actually that's probably one. I get the feeling he has stuck to her side on this shambles. May and Javid. And that little runt Williamson in defense I guess. People who should never have been promoted to the positions of power they hold, all united by incompetence.
  12. I admit there is anti-semitism in Labour. I suppose I could be accused of being blind to the scale of the problem, but I'm not denying that it exists. What I have issue with, is that the only reason this story exists (maybe not for you, but certainly for most of the fucking press) is that it is literally the only thing they threw at Corbyn that seemed to stick. Anti-semitism in Labour will not be new and they've never given a fuck about it previously. I would need some serious convincing to actually believe that anyone in the press who is in charge of 'leading' these stories, really actually cares about it. And by all means do continue to post it, but it'd be helpful if someone (at the national media level) could also throw up the Islamophobia in UKIP and the Tories, as well as the garden variety racism, talking about it endlessly for months and applying extreme pressure on their respective leaders to do something about it. Although I daresay UKIP would consider it to be a badge of honour. For me it's all part of a narrative to make Labour look like it's been taken over by 'dangerous, radical left wingers' so that people like CT can compare them to Venezuela and fucking Stalin. I do not trust our press as far as I can throw them. If you posted actual stories from Jewish people in Labour (not MPs with agendas) who have been targetted by anti-semitism and who are posting in their own blogs or non-national media outlets... or on twitter or whatever, those I will trust so much more than the media. That's not me challenging you to do that by the way, I'm not saying those stories don't exist and that you won't find any, because clearly they will do. No smoke without fire, etc. But I'm going to be extremely cynical with the national media line on this, sorry.
  13. You do that Gloom. And CT, I have nothing for you but a
  14. She's an absolute disgrace and I cannot understand why she isn't being jettisoned. Is there actually anyone in government who even supports her? Hammond clearly doesn't. Does Hunt? I doubt he does more than he just wants to keep a government position in the end. Gove only cares about Gove and honest to fuck I don't even know who our Home Secretary is at the moment, domestic politics having been of such little importance over the past few months. Is it still Rudd (because May has now lost her too) or is it now some other random Tory woman? Who is actually in her corner on this?
  15. So his view is that Anti-Semitism is a scourge, but that Labour have accepted the shafting they've had from the press over this too readily - I guess, thus making themselves look bad in the process, when in fact they do a lot of very positive anti-racist work which no fucker in the media gives a shit about because it doesn't get clicks. Well I mean, I am just outraged that this man had an opinion that doesn't follow the media line. Outraged. I assume he will be executed in the normal way, by use of Twitter.
  16. Surely even the Tories are running out of patience with her mad fucking machinations now. She is one fucking person exerting her will upon the country as if she was a fucking dictator - and not even through personal strength ffs, she's doing it through being a snidey bitch. Have we not collectively run out of patience with her yet? Seriously?
  17. I don't know if I think it's their ambition, I just mean that saving Everton, no club seems to be able to ward off relegation from outside the top 6 for more than about a decade.
  18. You mean brave visionaries to lead us to a glorious, beige future /ewerk
  19. Why wouldn't they just leave as soon as her deal fails to pass and he drops it then?
  20. I mean, that vote is in a couple of weeks ewerk, what does doing that really buy him?
  21. Presumably the same goes if it doesn't pass also... Depends what he means tbh, it sounds on paper better than the idea of only campaigning for one if her deal fails and we're looking at just falling out.
  22. I'm not a great believer in this threat of civil unrest tbh. We're largely talking about overweight middle aged men. I think they'd calm down and fuck off in the end. Although I concede that there may be one or two individual and extreme acts.
  23. As a thought, can you imagine the Daily Mail if we not only got a second referendum, but actually won it. The comment section would be a thing of beauty.
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