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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Her speech looks like acceptance. "In just 14 days’ time.This is not enough time to agree, legislate for and ratify a deal, and yet the House has been clear it will not permit leaving without a deal. And so we will have to agree an alternative way forward. The European Union has been clear that any further extension will need to have a clear purpose and will need to be agreed unanimously by the heads of the other 27 member States ahead of 12 April."
  2. Doesn't seem to have saved them though... Labour sounding confident?
  3. Seems the threat of Boris Johnson as PM is doing enough to deter Labour from switching. Maybe May's incompetence has done us a final favour with that.
  4. Hoey seemed to just indicate she'd vote against...
  5. Yeah ok, DUP don't seem at all convinced to go for this based on what they're saying at the moment.
  6. Imagine if May hadn't gone for the 2017 election. This deal would go through no question.
  7. Yeah maybe but I don't like the slow drip of MPs swinging to her side...
  8. This is encouraging but still, there's time left and as you mentioned before, the DUP might be moving (and they would carry 10).
  9. EU confirm we can leave with just the withdrawal agreement...
  10. Because of course they are. So if we avoid this, it will be through the sheer incompetence of the diehard ERGs. The whole thing is just ludicrous.
  11. At this point, surely any Labour MP that votes for this deal, in full knowledge that it probably means Boris Johnson as PM, has to be kicked to the curb at the next election. Anyway, if the DUP are voting it down alongside what, about 30 ERG extremists? So she'd need something like the same number of Labour rebels. I think that would be completely unforgivable from Labour.
  12. SNP slamming Labour MPs now for considering voting for the deal. EDIT - There seems to be some serious concern that a significant number of Labour MPs might go that way actually... surely not?
  13. I recall that the EU's offer only referenced the withdrawal agreement. But you're right, whether that's legally the position or not, I don't know - but again, you would think the EU would have clarified if the Tories had jumped the gun on it. Anyway, it's still going to die. The DUP seem hard against and Bill Cash (No Dealer) was just up refusing to vote for it. Short of a significant number of Labour rebels, she's still fucked.
  14. Tory strategy for today appears to be threatening MPs with the prospect that voting the deal down today could lead to a straight choice between No Deal or Revoke, since there is 'no guarantee that the EU would give us an extension'. I note that none of the EU politicians have come out with anything reassuring about this today so far, but they have done previously.
  15. Seems CT is in good company with other Tories voters (well, members anyway) The month before last, 19 per cent of Party member respondents to our survey said that the agreement was acceptable to them. Last month, the total saying that MPs should vote for it touched 40 per cent. This month, it has reached 60 per cent. That’s the first time the deal has obtained the backing of a majority of replies in any form. Three in five is a clear-cut margin – although over one in three party members remain opposed, if our survey is anything to go by. Hard to accuse Tory voters of consistency, it has to be said.
  16. Well you never know if some serious momentum gets behind Remain. Anyway, tbf to Nick Brown he voted for everything he should have last night apart from abstaining on revoking A50.
  17. All Tories/DUP I assume? Did half expect to see Hoey's name in there, since she's usually synonymous with disappointment with MPs.
  18. I dunno man, I watched the debate in HOC yesterday and each option was presented to MPs, with questions from the room to clarify certain points. Ken Clarke presented this one and he was pretty thorough. I think they know what they're voting for at this point, but a customs union does appear to have the potential to be politically worse than May's deal, even if aligning our standards to the EU would mean we can at least... avoid US chicken? Or am I wrong about that?
  19. Hm. I could actually get behind Labour's plan, I just don't know if I trust them to stick to it.
  20. Not exactly catchy is it? Also, will they even have enough people to put candidates in all constituencies? I can say now, unequivocally, that my final democratic vote will go to whoever intends to deliver the least hard Brexit, weighted against their strategic chance of success.
  21. Some pundits saying that if May can't get her deal through, we're heading for a really long delay to Brexit. The alternative options won't be countenanced by May and we'll end up with a GE. That raises an interesting question. Who the fuck do we vote for?
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