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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I daresay he's being eviscerated for that
  2. Huh. That actually might work if the government really is prepared to go through with No Deal if it comes to it. So the Tories will close ranks and go full pelt at hoping everyone else blinks first. The one advantage they have is that they retain power. Having said this, if that seems to be the direction of travel, I'd be backing a full no confidence motion in the government - surely enough Remainer Tories would join it.
  3. I like Rondon but is he worth £50m..?
  4. Maybe you both lost...
  5. RTG has always been pretty keen on Brexit with a couple of doomed but valiant exceptions.
  6. While Cameron was PM, there were two people i was very sure i never wanted to see as PM. May and Gove. Clearly the universe hates me.
  7. Isn't about 12% of the country non-white? Maybe not London but this was a march by people from all over. If only about 10% were non-white, it sounds cross sectional to me.
  8. Corbyn is in fucking Morecambe today doing fuck all Brexit related. I'm tempted to rejoin the party just so that I can leave in outrage for a second time. Utterly dismal.
  9. Too much effort though Anyway, once this is all properly over we'll just be back to voting on different shades of central beige.
  10. These people aren't as pathetic as we think though... Sargon makes £150k a year from donations. I mean he's a charlatan because he's peddling a story to people who want to believe him, but he's not some loser in a basement. He's plenty pathetic in other ways I guess.
  11. Sargon of Akkad is going to run as an MEP for UKIP if we get to Euro Elections The culture war just keeps on infecting normal life. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/mar/22/youtuber-carl-benjamin-accused-triggering-rape-threats-could-stand-for-ukip
  12. https://twitter.com/KateHoeyMP/status/1108747870520381441
  13. The Tories whipped against No Deal tbf. Free vote, it wins more heavily.
  14. Wait what? I'm not saying MV3 will pass. It won't. I'm saying that when it fails, the primary reason it is going to fail isn't because of the ERG - it's because most MPs are remainers. So the majority is for a softer Brexit. So her deal fails, she resigns, and then parliament can actually discuss how to proceed - something they have been unable to do for 3 years. If they can't make anything work in the 3 weeks leading up to April 12th, then I think they will back May's deal because even for Labour, it's better than No Deal. It will remain an option until the last minute.
  15. The way I see it, May loses MV3 and resigns - Parliament then gets to have its indicative votes exercise. If they still can't come to agreement by April 12th, then they can just go with May's deal - the only reason MV3 isn't going through is that there is a majority for a softer Brexit. If they get the chance to try for it, and it doesn't stick, those same MPs aren't going to just allow No Deal when May's option remains possible.
  16. I'm taking all of this stuff way too personally at the moment, both here and elsewhere. I probably do, on a very real level, need to stop being so angry about all of it.
  17. Aye but Preston thinks it's no deal because he doubts MPs will compromise. I still think they might. There is an overall commons majority for some manner of soft Brexit, it just needs someone somewhere to show a bit of leadership.
  18. That isn't tears, it's my will to live
  19. You get rises out of me all the time, I'm amazed you aren't bored of it yet.
  20. Yeah you have no comprehension of my life situation so this isn't really landing with me.
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