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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Is this actually true in the sense that we have evidence of it, or just your impression from talking to some of them? Not doubting you as such, just curious if anyone has actually explored it - I would indeed think it would be jarring for the party's left.
  2. Yeah when you put it like this it does seem like she's staking everything on the GE. At least she's still targeting the Tories over Labour on that front.
  3. The evidence is what Gloom posted on the last page. And also, I might add, supporting austerity - the most damaging Tory policy of our generation. She seems far harder on Corbyn than anyone else, she's falling over herself to distance from Labour. Anyway, like I said, I'm not really following her - if I've got her wrong then my bad, but no smoke without fire, etc.
  4. But Swinson herself is positioning herself that way by distancing from Labour and towards the Tories. I don't know enough about her policies to say one way or the other about her, but from her own mouth, she sounds prepared to enable a Tory government.
  5. Apparently she's a popular choice because no one thinks she has any aspirations to hold power, so maybe she's played them all.
  6. Yeah so, this speaks volumes really. I don't think she's understood that her party are being buoyed by predominantly centre-left remainers. Who will more naturally gravitate to Corbyn than any Tory lite position. Anyway, apparently there is a movement to get behind Margaret Beckett taking over as PM. Tory outcasts could support that, so presumably the LDs could too.
  7. Well apparently that's what she thinks herself. She's ruled out working with Labour but not the Tories, according to Gloom.
  8. Maybe once Brexit is out of the way? I cannot see how she reconciles Brexit with them at present. Also, is she fucking mental?
  9. Surely it's impossible for her to do that given the Brexit stances? I do think she's otherwise far more closely aligned to them, but I really think they have to get on board with Labour in the end, somehow.
  10. They do, I just think it's interesting to watch the numbers change. The argument for Labour to take over becomes stronger once their support goes past that of the Tories IMO.
  11. I think that's unlikely since Swinson would have to swallow her pride a great deal now to back Labour. In fact I'd say she's made it impossible for herself. I really don't think she's played this well at all for someone who supposedly wants to remain.
  12. SNP have, as predicted, confirmed they would back Corbyn in a temporary government. Not a shock really but we are now theoretically 6 seats smaller than the Tories. EDIT - although I suppose they have the DUP still, so more like 16.
  13. This is all I'm doing as well. I mean it's Labour for me too, but if I was in a Lib Dem area I'd go for them.
  14. I suspect it might be a policy to implement for the future rather than one which will cover drugs that already exist. Who knows, I'm sure it'll be scrutinised over the coming few days.
  15. I just want to remain in the EU But having said that, we can either continue to have this abject fucking austerity driven mess that we're currently living under, aided and abetted by the Lib Dems and even old New Labour, or we can have some actual positive change. And if it all falls apart in a few years then the Tories can sweep back in and pretend to be the party of competence again. At least in the meantime we'll have fewer people dying on the streets.
  16. Why is it impossible? How long does it take to sort out a referendum? I thought the idea on drugs wasn't stealing it, it was simply denying public funding to anyone who doesn't play ball. Honestly though man, this is the sort of stuff people will get behind. Labour have looked uncertain and dithering for ages, but Corbyn looks totally confident on this GE. There's a lot of stuff in that speech that I totally support and would love to see come in.
  17. I'm listening to Labour's policy on Brexit and it's clear and it makes sense - it continues to perplex me why anyone thinks this is a bad position: Corbyn says only Labour is offering a referendum.
  18. SNP have come out and said they would back a VONC which presumably means they're comfortable with a Corbyn led government. Last time I checked Labour + the SNP were about 7 seats behind the Tories in numbers, so we'd need some independents to back it, or the Liberals - none of whom will. So a government of national unity is out of the question at the moment I think, as the centrists won't countenance Corbyn.
  19. Boris sticking to his guns it seems. Presumably the idea is just to ride it out.
  20. Watson has given his speech slot to Corbyn and pulled out of the conference, preferring to go back to Parliament tomorrow. Mini-crisis averted.
  21. It's certainly the one way to deliver a safe leave. How far all these parties are prepared to work together is unclear though, Remain has been hopelessly disunited.
  22. I've wondered this too, and I can only think it's because it lacks legitimacy without a coalition government behind it. Also not totally clear that there is a majority - a good number of Labour MPs seem to want a deal.
  23. If true there can be no cause for complaint then I suppose. Although it -could- have been done by now if not for the Tories going for hard Brexit.
  24. Eventually leavers will have to acknowledge that they were lied to. I don't know why this is so difficult for some people but there it is. It's not really zerosum's fault for voting leave based on a pack of absolute bullshit that he didn't know was bullshit at the time, but it is his responsibility to acknowledge that once it becomes clear.
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