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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. In fairness, my expectations remain low - but between the large number of new voters who may not have been accounted for in polling, and the assumption that many Remain voters will vote tactically (every single Remainer I know is doing this), I think a bloody nose for the Tories is still possible, even if not likely.
  2. 4000 votes per seat really doesn't need to be that organised. Momentum will be out on election day making sure the Lib Dems who would tactically vote Labour will do so. Hopefully the LDs have a similar cohort. The educated voters are on our side in this, at least.
  3. Not telling us anything Gem didn't say earlier tbf. Tactical voting, I assume, can still swing it.
  4. There's no media bias mate, it's been confirmed several times and I for one am totally convinced. This shitshow is just standard operating procedure for what I can only assume are a collective of utter muppets.
  5. If true, surely this isn't beyond us. It won't deliver a Labour majority either, meaning Labour are free to promise the earth without having to deliver.
  6. So we use "getvoting.org". And yet when I Google it, I get an article from the guardian saying not to trust it...
  7. Ah so, MRP is a tactical voting tool? I missed that, I thought it was just a set of polling data. Well of this is the one to use then great, I'll spread it around.
  8. Every tactical voting tool that I've come across seems to be telling people to vote LD in seats where they stand no chance of winning based on the 2019 Euro elections. It's a worthless recommendation. Also, no one seems to be pushing any of them into the public eye because the Peoples Vote campaign has decided to devour itself from the inside out.
  9. Why is there not an actually functional and non-partisan tactical voting tool yet ffs.
  10. Aren't we the millenials? EDIT sometimes I forget the ages on here. I'm sure some of it will be that but the positive here is that the EU elections were not long ago. That should have confirmed to many people if they were registered or not.
  11. I don't think this latest round of antisemitism stuff is going to be a big issue. People know what the real issues are and deep down, everyone knows that Labour arent going to start persecuting Jews. Let the press have it IMO, once it's gone they've got nothing.
  12. It's at least nice to see that Labour have some guns in their arsenal.
  13. Actually, does Boris Johnson have to be interviewed by Andrew Neil today? Or imminently at least? Is this the revenge play?
  14. How has Corbyn managed to get hold of that trade deal? And would it not have been better released after Trump visits when this antisemitism nonsense is out if the way? I appreciate it's a dead cat but still.
  15. As an aside, what does anyone think of this? Couple of years old. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/08/israeli-diplomat-shai-masot-plotted-against-mps-set-up-political-groups-labour
  16. He's part of a threat to the media, not you. Unless you're speaking on behalf of "they" in which case fair enough
  17. He's followed by over a million people and has now been interviewed by the BBC amongst other outlets. Like it or not, he has clout with the brainless. I know you hate the guy and are determined to minimise him, in part because he represents part of a wider threat to traditional media, but rationally he is a contributory problem and increasingly so.
  18. Taken seriously by you? No. Taken seriously by leave and Trump voters. You bet. I mean, keep ignoring it but they're fucking loving where the world is right now.
  19. ? I despise everyone aligned with the alt right, right up to and including Sargon. My enduring issue is that these people are now being listened to more than people in your profession are. As we can see from the utter clusterfuck of British politics.
  20. Aye. I do wonder what becomes of these loyalties once Brexit is done.
  21. My bad then, I thought they'd been quiet.
  22. Swinson hasn't and the Tories haven't. No one else matters?
  23. Slightly left of field question, are you of Chinese descent Essembee? I could kind of understand your frustration if so.
  24. How reasonable is it to assume that most of those are Labour voters? No other party is encouraging voter registration.
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