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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I've seen the IFS come out and say that there's nothing terrifying in Labour's manifesto, they just think it will involve more tax for everyone. Which I would be fine with personally.
  2. That video is on her tweet is fucking enraging btw. How anyone can watch that and think that they're not being taken for a ride by a collection of rich jackasses, I don't know. I really don't. And CT, you know fuck all about economics. Stop voting based on it. I know a guy with a fucking PhD in it and works as an advisor to the South Korean government. Guess whose spending policies he backs?
  3. Which means Tory but with a vague attempt to appear as if that's not the case Why bother hiding it man, just say you want Johnson to win.
  4. I don't think I can bear to watch people cheer and gloat over the Tory victory... the people who think that none of this shit matters, its all just a game.
  5. Sorry, I was under the impression that you would find Johnson repellent. No? You've not struggled with this voting decision? But you did back Corbyn last time out, which means you think Johnson is an improvement on May?
  6. Looks like you'll get Brexit though CT. Any consolation in that?
  7. Letwin is still a Tory... several of those who split off from him over the No Deal business too? Cameron maybe would do the right thing this time?! It's desperate tbh.
  8. I think they'll win a majority of around 20. I think Johnson will sell out the country either way so prefer that his majority is as small as possible. Are there any moderate Tories left...?
  9. Well that's some reassurance but yes, shame for those young people. Must be super frustrating. I haven't voted yet, will be going around rush hour. Would be reassuring to see a queue but I've always been alone in the room previously.
  10. Don't sound nefarious but is spectacularly incompetent.
  11. So 380. If its super marginal and that number makes the difference, there's going to be hell on.
  12. How many has it affected? And what actually happened anyway..
  13. That is awesome but it's also a little concerning that the notion that this election is absolutely a must win is really sticking with people. Sometimes i try to reassure myself that the Tories won't be that bad, but I'm really struggling to convince myself now...
  14. I have this fear that were going to see victory on vote share and loss in seats. At which point, surely, the calls to bin off FPTP have to become thunderous. But we somehow need to get rid of the bastards first...
  15. Yeah those look good but it sounds like it's only happening in the cities. Not getting much info from the danger areas. All the students in the world could vote in London and it wouldnt stop the Tories winning if they pick up a handful of the red belt.
  16. Yes that got me too, as sure as I was that it wouldn't Nice to see.
  17. Aye except the Twitter handle is Brian elects so I've been had with that one Brian can fuck off.
  18. A few days old but how has Johnson let himself end up in such a tight spot for his seat? EDIT - nvm, further investigation reveals I got fake news'd. This election man, fucking pain in the ass having to double check literally everything.
  19. Well I'm not saying they should have objected to it, I think now that actually they should have listened far more. But it's more an explanation of why people simply didn't trust that it was real. Anyway I've shared that article around a bit.
  20. I think part of the problem was that the issue became hugely politicised early on. It wasnt raised in isolation, it was raised alongside a coup from the moderate Labour MPs and almost as an afterthought from the press once continuous banging on about his electability had failed to yield results. As such, for me at least, it just got lumped in with all the other bollocks that was being spouted as a cynical move to take him down. Honestly, I barely even understood why anyone would be talking about it within the left, this whole Jewish global conspiracy thing I always thought was a right wing position. Anyway, Corbyn won't win power today and he won't survive any non-victory outcome, so we have a chance to move on from it with someone younger who isn't steeped in so much historical baggage around the issue. That's a start I guess.
  21. Seems like we're going to have to take Labour to task for this either way. These fringe loonies need kicking out, they're only hurting us anyway. The policies need to stay though.
  22. I also think her conclusion on Corbyn is probably accurate. In his heart not an antisemite, but by his actions he is.
  23. I think its a brave article and I really get a stronger sense of why the Jewish community are struggling with this one. I mean, I wasn't blaming them for not voting Labour anyway, they can vote how they want, but it does at least shine a light on why so many of them are concerned. And I do have a lot of sympathy actually because they are genuinely caught between two horrible positions and are essentially expected to self sacrifice with little guarantee that Labour are taking this seriously. One thing I think i struggle with a bit is that she's not spent any time on mitigations. It is undeniable, thanks largely to admissions from Israel itself, that the Israeli government actively tries to politically eliminate non-Israel friendly MPs. So I can see to a degree why there is a strong sensitivity around this issue within Labour. So the Israeli government is hardly helping their cause either, in fact I suspect that this is actively the response it wants. And I don't say this out of some sense that there's a Jewish collective that wants to control things, but out of a 'It's a foreign nation that wants to make political gains by influencing the politics of another country'. See also Russia. How do we counteract that? I mean tbh, if it was up to me I would issue a statement tomorrow saying that Israel was a fine nation and that i couldn't care less what it does because this shit really isnt important to domestic politics in the UK. But clearly that isn't possible. The other thing is, like it or not, the media haven't helped them. No one in the mainstream media (I know) save for perhaps a handful of people, actually gives a fuck about this issue for what it is. And that is transparently obvious to any Labour voters. This is just the issue that stuck, the one thing that has really cut through and which the right wing press have been using over and over. There's a siege mentality within the left against this sort of thing anyway, and it makes getting anyone to listen very difficult indeed. However, we should be recognising that our Jewish comrades are caught helplessly in the middle of this, and that just because the right wing press are delighted to have something that actually lands on Corbyn, it doesn't mean it's not something of substance. So when I say mitigations, I mean that much of the pressure on this has come from a right wing press that no one in Labour trusts (for good reason) and against a backdrop of Israel making clear that it actively tries to fuck up non-Israel friendly MPs. I think its fear and mistrust more then genuine hatred. Of course, the former ends up as the latter quite often. Either way, I appreciate you sending it over and will keep it at the forefront of my thoughts on this. And I guess it has changed my view in fairness. I'll speak out more strongly on this in future, in defence of Jewish people. And I'm sorry for not having given it sufficient weight previously.
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