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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Essembee isn't noted for his open-minded approach to discussion and can be obsessive (in a borderline psychotic way) about certain points. I think the rest of us get the point you're making.
  2. Just from reading the comments here and in the match report, it sounds like the game was a horrific example of management. Were we down to 10 men through our own incompetence?
  3. Happy New Year all. Wishing you all a much better year than 2019...!
  4. I was being flippant ffs The fact remains they're a non entity in footballing terms.
  5. Apologies if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but Pardew has a new job as manager of ADO Den Haag. Struggling Dutch side. On an initial deal until the end of the season since his star has fallen so far that even previously unheard of Dutch teams won't give him a long term deal. The king is dead.
  6. Will the Tories do anything about it if there's any public outcry? We just be approaching that point.
  7. You either only read, or solely write, Christmas cracker jokes
  8. I mean, that's true as well in fairness. Can't imagine it was much better under Blair.
  9. I'm past caring about this kind of shit now - we voted for the Tories, so they're doing what they do. No Deal Brexit and widespread corruption in a race to the bottom of workers rights and selling off public institutions and peerages to their mates. This is the country we've chosen to be.
  10. No, just speculating that if this does become some kind of pitched battle for the heart and soul of the party, it'll probably become a two-way race.
  11. Is anyone paying close enough attention ( @The Fish ) to their team to identify the reason they currently suck? Honestly they shouldn't be midtable League One and it's borderline ridiculous that not only did they get relegated to it, they've actually actively embraced that division. It's hilarious, but ridiculous.
  12. There seems to be solid momentum behind RLB, although so far I have the feeling that she has just south of 50% of the membership behind her, and the others are spread widely amongst different candidates. If it becomes a two horse race, maybe it becomes closer.
  13. Merry Christmas lads, you're all a good bunch and I hope you and your families have a lovely day. The thread itself has been a bit of a rollercoaster
  14. Their football situation is so exciting that they have a thread where they collectively count to 1 million. Seriously. That's the thread. Each poster adds the next number in the chain. It starts at 100,036 because, presumably, the original was destroyed. They have been doing this for over a year. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/count-to-a-million-from-100-036.1434245/
  15. This is possibly the most desperate post I've seen from a mackem. That £10m, as I gather from RTG, is being spent refurbishing a lift and other bits and pieces around the stadium. You let us know how that turns out as a 'long term investment plan' for a football club.
  16. Given that history will likely be written by Remainers, and given that historians will be able to see the actual clusterfuck that Brexit caused, I think it's doubtful she's right. But at least it confirms she's an arse.
  17. Yeah fuck that. We're going to get fucking nowhere if we have "self proclaimed stalinists" in the picture.
  18. This is literally the inner battle I am currently waging
  19. It's an interesting review and I agree with a lot of it, but in fairness I doubt it comes as a surprise to anyone on here really. It does make me wonder if Labour should hold firm with these young people rather than compromise their position of strength there in a short term bid to wrest back the rural communities.
  20. So according to RTG, the next season of their Netflix comedy series will be called "The comeback". That is brutal
  21. We've lost the chance to do anything about it for another 5 years. The Tories slashed homelessness support by half, and homelessness doubled. It'll only get worse as we move into Brexit. This is what inequality looks like I suppose, and we're all just going to have to get used to seeing it.
  22. Actually, I'm not happy with anything I just wrote in that post so I'm just going to scale back on the use of education as a metric for people's voting for now. There are too many other parameters mixed up in there. I suspect I might actually mean 'informed' rather than 'educated'.
  23. "these people" in this context meaning - people who vote based on what other people think of them And I don't really believe it's a group populated by many people at all.. Also, quick reality check - if someone is uneducated, are we saying it's now not ok to state this fact, and we have to use a term like... educationally deviant? Or maybe 'people who chose non-academic proficiencies and achievements'? The value of a human being has nothing to do with their level of educational attainment as we can see from the Tory party, but the level of educational achievement an individual has directly influences their ability to smoke out bullshit. So how should I refer to people who can't smoke it out, in future? EDIT - tbh, maybe it would be better to refer to intelligence rather than educated, as I've met some moronic educated people. But calling people unintelligent seems factually wrong and unfair...
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