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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Everyone should walk out and leave Danny B to applaud.
  2. Don't think you can get much more clear than that. Although like I said he was most bullish straight after election, since then he has slowly (and cleverly) back tracked from outright denial, to "raising doubts" (which is effectively the same thing to his target audience but doesn't draw the massive international condemnation). He comes at it from the wrong angle like. Rather than pushing to get religious defamation outlawed he should be trying to get holocaust denial similarly legalised. The thing is the "religious defamation" he's on about is a ) utterly political [he's talking Islam the political force, nothing to do with Islam the practising religion] and b ) pretty much smack against freedom of speech (that's a bad road to go down IMO). In fact I do wonder if he wasn't largely after causing as big a stir in his speech as possible on another (if related) issue, to maybe get as much "religious defamation" worded into their draft as possible again. I feel dirty but I agree with Fop. Which do you think is more important to him HF, legalizing the right to deny the holocaust (and tbf I'm not even sure how that applies in the UK) or banging people up for not believing in Allah? Basically, you've shown the man is a fruit cake. It's legal in the UK. Illegal in 13 european countries. I agree too. It's not like he's the only fruitcake running a country though. The bloke in charge of the launch codes for the last 8 years believed literally that a bloke called Noah collected 2 of every animal on a boat. And those animal repopulated the whole planet.
  3. Don't think you can get much more clear than that. Although like I said he was most bullish straight after election, since then he has slowly (and cleverly) back tracked from outright denial, to "raising doubts" (which is effectively the same thing to his target audience but doesn't draw the massive international condemnation). He comes at it from the wrong angle like. Rather than pushing to get religious defamation outlawed he should be trying to get holocaust denial similarly legalised.
  4. "...there are two opinions on this in Europe. One group of scholars or persons, most of them politically motivated, say the Holocaust occurred. Then there is the group of scholars who represent the opposite position and have therefore been imprisoned for the most part." "If the Europeans are telling the truth in their claim that they have killed six million Jews in the Holocaust during the World War II - which seems they are right in their claim because they insist on it and arrest and imprison those who oppose it, why the Palestinian nation should pay for the crime. Why have they come to the very heart of the Islamic world and are committing crimes against the dear Palestine using their bombs, rockets, missiles and sanctions" No denial there. Is this what he said yesterday or just a cherry picked quote HF? And is there any real doubt about it [the holocaust occurring]? Any way, I'm happy to put my own prejudice on the plate. I admit I despise islamic states like Iran for their own abuses of human rights, so I guess I've got a conflict of interest in this discussion. It's cherry picked in that it's the man himself stating that the Holocaust happened. You can cherry pick the quote where he denies it too. I'd be interested to read it. Reading between the lines it sounds like a denial to me. I'm not going to add value by trawling the net with Google for other quotes so I'll trust you this is his worst public comment. In all honesty he comes off more xenophobic and racist than Nick Griffon most of the time. In all his quotes he sounds to me like someone who refuses to believe what Western governments tell him to be true, rather than someone insisting that it categorically didn't occur. When I googled the quote there were hundreds of sources for it. Unfortunately, though I wanted to see how it was reported on both sides, I could only access the UK, US sources. Sites like radioIslam.org are censored at work.
  5. "Daisy, daisy, give me your.....answer...dooooooooo......."
  6. "...there are two opinions on this in Europe. One group of scholars or persons, most of them politically motivated, say the Holocaust occurred. Then there is the group of scholars who represent the opposite position and have therefore been imprisoned for the most part." "If the Europeans are telling the truth in their claim that they have killed six million Jews in the Holocaust during the World War II - which seems they are right in their claim because they insist on it and arrest and imprison those who oppose it, why the Palestinian nation should pay for the crime. Why have they come to the very heart of the Islamic world and are committing crimes against the dear Palestine using their bombs, rockets, missiles and sanctions" No denial there. Is this what he said yesterday or just a cherry picked quote HF? And is there any real doubt about it [the holocaust occurring]? Any way, I'm happy to put my own prejudice on the plate. I admit I despise islamic states like Iran for their own abuses of human rights, so I guess I've got a conflict of interest in this discussion. It's cherry picked in that it's the man himself stating that the Holocaust happened. You can cherry pick the quote where he denies it too. I'd be interested to read it.
  7. He absolutely did (which is why it's a bit bizarre he was speaking - because the UN surely knew both exactly what he would say and what would happen). Aren't the UN trying to level the playing field a tad by giving him a voice even at such a low key event? The US veto of any resolution that might not be the best for their own or Israels interests narcs quite a lot of smaller members whose votes are completely discarded.... http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa03.html
  8. And in such an appropriate location for it too. Shame what may well turn out to be an obituary thread for arguably the greatest British physicist in a generation has been reduced to this like. He's nae Newton like.
  9. "...there are two opinions on this in Europe. One group of scholars or persons, most of them politically motivated, say the Holocaust occurred. Then there is the group of scholars who represent the opposite position and have therefore been imprisoned for the most part." "If the Europeans are telling the truth in their claim that they have killed six million Jews in the Holocaust during the World War II - which seems they are right in their claim because they insist on it and arrest and imprison those who oppose it, why the Palestinian nation should pay for the crime. Why have they come to the very heart of the Islamic world and are committing crimes against the dear Palestine using their bombs, rockets, missiles and sanctions" No denial there.
  10. That joke was on the front of the Metro this morning which i thought was a bit harsh of them. I was looking forward to posting it on here though.
  11. Who'd have guessed. That turned out to be bollocks.... http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/news/2009/..._to_fork_in.htm Wahey! Another deadline. Being someone closely related to the auto industry here in the States, I find it hard to believe that the government would insist that Wagoner step down and Fritz take the wheel. Not so much because I think Wagoner was a genius who was left holding the bag, but because none of the banks had their CEOs ousted throughout this process. Maybe I'm naive, but I think any large company is poorly run just by it's very nature. We just never noticed it before because nearly all Americans drive to work everyday, and as such, need cars to get there. How in the world you can fuck that up is beyond me, but at the same time, how in the world can you fuck up as an insurance company? That shit is the biggest racket on the face of the earth. You pay and pay and pay for some shit that might happen, then when it does, you get a tiny percentage back on what you've paid in over the years. I definitely wasn't a McCain supporter, but I also wasn't one of these moonies who was convinced that Obama was going to ride in on a lightning bolt and save us all from the big bad Bush. Clinton duped me with all his lies back in the first election I could vote in. It hasn't happened a second time. The truth is, we did it to ourselves, and like Thom Yorke so eloquently sang, that's what really hurts. We took on loans we couldn't afford from banks who knew we couldn't afford them, but the ever increasing housing market in this country made it all seem like a can't-lose proposition. When the real estate bubble finally burst and people couldn't even afford the no money down ridiculous ARM loans on houses they couldn't hope to afford, it all went to shit. Should the government have protected us from ourselves? In all honesty, no, but our government has transformed itself in my lifetime from necessary evil for the public good to babysitter and surrogate parent. It's all moot points though as this country was bought and sold when Nixon signed the HMOs into existence (at least in my opinion). Frankly, it all makes me want to vomit, and the two-party partisan cockblocking and name-calling that passes for politics in Washington these days gives me the dry heaves. To think I had family members die for this sham that passes for America these days is a fucking travesty. Totally agree that whichever party gets into power only maintains the status quo, the illusion of left and right wing policies is a charade perpetuated on both sides of the atlantic. The celebrations when their guy wins is baffling given that it's still exactly the same corporations that are running the show. Not sure I totally agree we did it to ourselves though. I know the view of government is different in America where the idea is they should interfere as little possible. But the only people that took out loans they couldn't afford were those gullible enough to be hoodwinked by the banks and the extortionate rates they'd offer someone on the bones of their arse. I believe it's the place of government to protect those people from their own stupidity, not enable the strongest members of society to bleed them dry and make off with their ill gotten gains.
  12. Sufjan Stevens - Illinois Modern classic tastic
  13. Summed up perfectly Jill Well who's the list of people who have asked for Danny B to be banned. HF, and Gejon are all I can see, on the basis, good points JKill I did?
  14. Said it elsewhere....Shearer's making a point. I'm starting to think he wants to go down too. Make his job a bit easier in his first full season. He's going out of his way to say its till May 24th only.....do you really think he could stomach working for Ashley much longer?....unless he knows something we don't?....... It's a perennial fact that all chairmen are stupid twats though. It's 53 years since Len Shackleton wrote his biography and included a chapter called "The Average Director's Knowledge of Football" consisting of a single blank page.
  15. Said it elsewhere....Shearer's making a point. I'm starting to think he wants to go down too. Make his job a bit easier in his first full season.
  16. You're being kind to say "even" rather than "slightly".
  17. Right said Mike, both of us together, one each end and steady as we go Tried to to shift it, couldn't even lift it, we was getting nowhere And so, we, had a cup of tea Right said Mike, give a shout to Derek, up comes Derek from the floor below After straining, heaving and complaining, we was getting nowhere And so, we, had a cup of tea Derek had a think and he thought we ought, to sell off all the players sack the man that answers prayers, but it did no good, well I never thought it would Right said Mike, have to buy some cheap ones, to get some cheap ones wouldn't take a mo Bought some cheap ones, even got a free one, should have got us somewhere but no So Mike said lets have another cup of tea and we said right-o Right said Mike, have to take some points now, need more points to shift the so and so Brought in Joe Kinnear, I'm not jokin here, and it got us nowhere And so, we, had a cup of tea Right said Mike, have to sell some tickets, them there tickets are gonna have to go Brought in Shearer, relegations only nearer, we was getting nowhere And so, we, had a cup of tea Derek had a think and and he said look Mike, I've got a sort of feeling If I do some dealing, with a pound or two we can avoid division two Right said Mike, making the fans sadder, I've made millions now stick it in the bank Was he in trouble? no he burst the bubble, and landed on his feet So Derek and me had another cup of tea and then we went home I said to Derek we'll just have to leave the ship, stranded in the championship You see the trouble with Mike is he's too hasty Now you never get nowhere if you're too hasty
  18. Either way. I reckon he's great value. I think we should have a Danny B's greatest hits thread to showcase all the times he's been bang on the money without wumming anyone. My favourite was... http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...mp;#entry494502
  19. What he said Don't worry. He'll sharp disappear when Spurs have their shit start next year.
  20. If you don't like freedom of speech go and live in America.
  21. Be fair chaps. It seems we're slagging off Danny for EVERY thread he starts. He'll never learn if we keep it up. When he starts an interesting topic full of intricacies and his opening post shows insight while encouraging others into the discussion, then we should help it along so he feels the warm welcoming glow we're capable of and tries to repeat his success in the pursuit of that fuzzy feeling. This topic is fucking wank like, but he must have done it once.
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