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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Is that a band I've never heard of? Or is that supposed to be Grizzly Bear? I may have been distracted from accurate recollection by pesky work stuff You sound like my dad. "Oh aye yeah, I love a bit of The Basements Jack, he's champion". EDIT:
  2. Good luck to him. Thanks for everything Mikey.
  3. Is that a band I've never heard of? Or is that supposed to be Grizzly Bear?
  4. FAO Sammy - Greasy Haired twat It's good when two topics make one sentence. Congratumulations.
  5. Sometimes I think Danny B is right about the odd thing.
  6. "He's not even a real player anyway!"
  7. This is why votes on my blog include the Mackem perspective followed by "...but then I'm just a mackem here to cleverly subvert the results of the poll"
  8. Seriously man - 70 % of their footballing attention is in regards to Newcastle United. And most of them have already forgotten that they have ever been relegated... Was just about to say, I'd vote for one of their shit performers....but i wouldn't have a fucking clue who to choose.
  9. Could knock up his sale price. I'm in.
  10. Goddess going faster than she's ever gone before. I must have listened to that album 5 times a day for a year or summat when it came out. Esau Mwamwaya & Radioclit - Tengazako (which samples MIA "all I wanna do - pow pow pow pow - take your money") top stuff.
  11. Think his most recent one was at the Sage, preceded by his documentary about his dad - Hugh Everett came up with a many-worlds interpretation of Schroedinger's cat.
  12. You're better at this sort of thing than Park (7th) Life.
  13. Eels have got a new album which I've taped off the radio today. Looking forward to it. Supposed to be like Souljacker.
  14. The Bermuda triangle must be on the move.
  15. Wasn't the last Prime minister a Geordie? Why on earth hasn't he secured our financial security with a multi billion pound loan from the IMF?
  16. That's about 1/3 of the current budget. Can't see them penny pinching that much....or getting re-elected if they whack 33% on top of everyone's bill.
  17. It does say the membership cash comes out of your season ticket....so the club would get nowt more. ...but let's not dismiss the pipe dream out of hand. it's just completely unfeasible, not impossible.
  18. That's £45,537.35 each. Everyone send your cheque's to......erm......2J.
  19. I expect an unexplained fire to ravage St James' Park.....perhaps while some of the players out of contract in July are bound and gagged inside.
  20. http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsD...1676557,00.html
  21. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8076413.stm Loony toad quack
  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8076779.stm
  23. Did I hear Milner's been called up on Five Live? If you want to get ahead...get out of Newcastle.
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