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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Happy Face


    Aye, Stevie = Leazes Lad, LM = LeazesMag The latter's timeline has been nothing more than a robot telling people how many unfollows he's had since his last rage at the NO and TT babies a few months ago.
  2. Happy Face


    There's 40 Toontasticers in my Toontastic list. You can follow that and pick and choose individuals off it to follow.. https://twitter.com/bigchrisholt/lists/toontastic/members Following individuals puts them in your timeline, and they know you're watching and can DM you. You can also view the list any time and see what people you don't follow are saying, without actually allowing them to DM you (LM calling everyone on Toontastic babies for example, it's funny to look at, but you don't want that shit coming in via DM). EDIT: haven't updated this list in a while, so anyone missing, let me know.
  3. Couldn't remember the episode so had to go and read the synopsis...
  4. England players going from Klopp, Mourinhio, Conte, Guardiola, Pochetinho and Ranieri to Allardyce are going to be massively enthused to play for England with the step up in tactical efficacy he brings.
  5. There's another angle of the same scene and it looks pretty similar
  6. Is that exponential? 400%, then 100%? Can see that the count is getting bigger each iteration, but growth is slowing, right?
  7. Can anyone name that tune in 4?
  8. I like him exponentially more every time I watch it. I sing shit wherever i walk all the time. I wonder if he's thinking of taking food out of the mouths of disabled children to enrich those in the top 1 percentile while he does it though? He sounds much too happy, more like father Dougal forgetting that he's even done it in the first place
  9. Is she announcing a new Channel 5 chat show in the style of Ricki Lake?
  10. Armando Ianucci MUST be scripting these campaigns like. Pure genius.
  11. On the other hand, stuff like this is still getting huge exposure...
  12. We only came for the soft play. Wasnt expecting owt from the food, so was surprisingly adequate. There's still more people in the soft play than the restaurant/bar like.
  13. The bairn had a shit in his nappy. I took him to the changing room which was busy. Stood outside holding him for an age and the sloppy shit seeped out the nappy, through his vest, onto my chest. When I eventually got in, I got him stripped and cleaned and as I opened up a new nappy he did a sniper shot with a fountain of piss aimed at my lap. Like a scene from Mr Bean. I love having kids
  14. Nacho burger wasn't bad. The doom bar wasnt up to scratch like.
  15. Genuinely interested in any credible source you have for that justification in significant numbers. The Quran says that all devout Muslim males, not only martyrs, will be rewarded with 72 virgins. Women get one man. If you don't need to kill anyone, let alone yourself, to qualify, then it seems unlikely it would be anyones primary motivation.
  16. I doubt we will find any more common ground on this. Just to respond on your view that a suicide attack is a primarily religious act, I don't think you could be further from the truth. From WW2 kamikazes to the Tamil tigers, suicide attacks have most often been secular, politically motivated choices. Most religions view suicide negatively, Islam especially views it as one of the greatest sins. Most suicide bombers are currently Muslim, but saying their religion motivates their attacks is as facile as claiming that because most murders are committed by men so being a man is the primary cause of bring a murderer. This MIT study from 2006 is an interesting read on the subject https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://web.mit.edu/cis/pdf/argo_audit_4.06.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjRnNm_g-LNAhULCcAKHVnxBpkQFggbMAA&usg=AFQjCNHn-jzfc2txbUqm-8oc8uSHAPGssw&sig2=z4CZK6hl0mD3jCmBUboQMw
  17. https://theintercept.com/2016/07/07/chilcot-report-and-77-london-bombing-anniversary-converge-to-highlight-terrorisms-causes/ Worth reading. On the evidence that terrorism is further fueled by our militarism. How this is widely accepted within the leadership of aggressive western nations and was well known and recognised prior to ramping up aggression post 9/11, specifically by Blair himself.
  18. Response to Gemmil, not the Pistorius decision . https://theintercept.com/2016/07/05/washington-has-been-obsessed-with-punishing-secrecy-violations-until-hillary-clinton/
  19. No. Manning didn't share anything top secret like Clinton risked.
  20. See Chelsea Manning also reportedly attempted suicide on the same day. Wonder if she'd seen the news and lamented the disparity and how the cards are decked against her. Grotesque.
  21. Here it is https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/robin-cooks-powerful-resignation-speech-8357795.amp?client=ms-android-oneplus#
  22. I saw tweets linking to Cooks resignation speech all morning before corbyn mentioned it. Point was that his speech summarised in a few hundred words PRIOR to the invasion what Chilcot says in far more detail and with what Blair would have you think was hindsight. The publication is a vindication of Cook who never lived to see it.
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