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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I feel like a right twat when i forget to get my cousins a card and at least pop a scratch card or summat in. I cannit believe people fuck over their siblings come birthday time.
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8130476.stm D'oh
  3. So it's just me and Sir Alex Ferguson in agreement then.
  4. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/706bbcde-640d-11...?nclick_check=1
  5. Cos it's ridiculous hyperbole. Ashley's done plenty of excellent stuff that Shepherd wouldn't have contemplated. Just a shame none of it had anything to do with the first team.
  6. Hoyed the second series DVD on last night. "Does Chuck Norris still want that Woodchip?"
  7. Lad at work was telling me yesterday he went in the Lodge over the weekend and ordered a Pimms. Some people never cease to amaze me.
  8. That's exactly the same result, course and dirty makem poly degree that I have.. We can probably talk at length about how shite the course is then I'm fairly sure that when I did it it was the first year it was ever run. They cobbled together bits of media studies and Media production with a bit of journalism. I have to say that concentrating on the basics of print journlism and getting that spot on would have been infinitely more useful in terms of preparing me for the world of work. Is the job in journalism? Sounds like it hasn't changed a bit It's for a sixth month internship at the Sunderland Echo contributing to a multimedia journalism project they're running. Good luck mate, it's very tough at the moment (there are loads of experienced people out of work) so getting experience like that will be vital. The pay is shit, but the job is great. Might as well do a degree in Blacksmithery.
  9. NUFC are not the 5th best club in the league.
  10. What are the self-evident universally recognized truths about NUFC that no longer need to be re-hashed over and over on the forum? These can be used as the starting point of arguments in future, rather than being the debate themselves. Couple to start off... Ashley was worse than Shepherd. Our support is better than Spurs'
  11. Never met the bloke. I'm sure he'll have given Gemmil some ginge abuse, Alex some bald abuse and Wacky some Ronnie Corbett syndrome stick though. Banter innit.
  12. It's just the start of a sentence that was supposed to end with... ...Fish!
  13. Bush at War - Bob Woodward First of his 4 books on Afghanistan/Iraq. It goes through the 100 days immediately following 9/11. The problem is that once bombing started in Afghanistan, the same discussions were being had most days, and Woodward omits none of it. He repeats the views of each principal at each daily gathering of the NSC when perhaps a weekly view of the changing situation would be less laborious. Despite that, it is often fascinating and probably a fairer view than the more left leaning books I normally go for. Woodward never gives opinion, he just reports the way it went which has given me sympathy for Bush and a bit more respect....though it is still clear he made one almighty clusterfuck out of things.
  14. It's just the start of a sentence that was supposed to end with... ...Fish!
  15. I'd have thought not testing on animals is viewed as more ethical than testing on animals. ars imo. I'm no expert though. If you believe pharamceutical drugs are unethical feel free to not use them, and use unproven/ineffective/potentially dangerous medicine instead. Easy to say when you're healthy mind. People clearly have different ethical values so why should I accept theirs? Also re: GM food/organic. Which is more ethical, embracing a technology that may go some way to solving the world's food shortages, or feeling smug because you can afford to be a luddite as the third world starves? Anyway, the point is, Aldi is shit. Fop style argument right there like. They're giving the full picture. Personally I hold no great objection to testing on animals, i think it would be pretty hypocritical as a meat eater. I wouldn't try and argue that gives me any kind of moral high ground though, that I view the prolonged torture of sentient beings as perfectly acceptable so I can have a pill to lessen my headache after a night on the piss. There are veggie, hippies who WOULD refuse to use ANY product tested on animals. I have the utmost respect for their stance. How very dare you. I don't think you can give the full picture by giving a single score out of 20. How ethical a shop is depends on your personal values and anyway, it's the individual products that you buy that are important. Plus staff pay etc, can't imagine Aldi would compare favourably to M&S on that score. In all seriousness I'd agree with Alex and say Aldi has some decent lines but you couldn't do a full shop there, so not much use to me. As for the co-op, they do seem to making a comeback. The checkout staff in the one next to the gate want shooting though. I seem to remember reading that Aldi staff are very well taken care of...because there's so few of them that have to work so hard. The flipside is that an Aldi can drive local grocers out of business just as effectively as an Asda, while creating just a fraction of the jobs. As I said though, none of the supermarkets did better than 'poor', so it's only a question of how bad each one is. I don't see why you can't get an overall view taking lots of criteria into account, it's all relative.
  16. Tossers who insist on sticking to the process one minute when it gets them out of doing work, but bypassing it the next if it would mean responsibility falls on them. I don't mind either fucking way as long as you're consistent. Twats.
  17. I'll have to invest in some too. Loved this bit of grafitti round the corner from mine too.... A good old fashioned cock and single drop, right over some kids goalposts.
  18. Six Organs of Admittance if your happy to go folky If you've not heard the Robert Plant Alison Krauss album it's good too. Neko Case is superb too.
  19. Just met this cheeky chap at my front door...
  20. Never listen to any of those. And definitions of country might vary but I like Jenny Lewis, Jolie Holland, Loretta Lynn and Buck 65.
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