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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. They were £55 in 2006. A 45% increase in 3 years. I thought the petrol hikes were bad juju.
  2. I can understand the approach of leaving options open for a new owner, but not keeping Shearer involved even on a month by month contract without purchase power is mental.
  3. Champion. Hoping to get along to the Simonside gig.
  4. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/you-hav...ing/4od#2927112 Deadliest Warriors seems to be the greatest program ever devised. I'll not spoil the final face off, but if I've ever laughed as much, I don't remember it.
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/work...nch/8091621.stm
  6. Happy Face


    Same birthday as Imre Varadi. ...and we re-signed Beardsley on your birthday.
  7. Black Sheep - The Choice is Yours (Revisited)
  8. Koyaanisqatsi "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah - aho - aho -aho - aho - aho - aho - aho -aho"
  9. I fucking HATE Sharpton with a passion. I can't wait for the day that fucker pegs it....I'll have a party! His 'debate' with Hitchens is a hoot. You'll find it on Youtube.
  10. Did you not see the pictures of Rio "coming out"?
  11. It won't get that far. Everything will be sorted within one week.
  12. I was gutted when "Pass to Guchi on the left hand side" never caught on. Perhaps it will in Milan.
  13. I like reading the counter terrorism blog. They've been serieliasing how the FBI broke Saddam ther last few weeks... http://counterterrorismblog.org/
  14. Sounds like it I change mine every two months to keep the bizzies off my case. Barksdale crew homey.
  15. How many others have won the title with two different clubs? Clough. Any more? To be fair, I was only 5 when he got the Liverpool job and I never even realised he'd won the title 3 times in 5 years. I've always thought of him as riding on the coat-tails of his predecessors success there though...and of course buying the title at Blackburn. I can't see Mark Hughes being able to buy the title in the next 2 years like, so it might just be my hatred of the man that's blinded me to his quality.
  16. "This is once in a lifetime...stay tuned...because Michael Jackson will only die once"
  17. http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle6568537.ece I don't follow the cricket, but that's class. The Myspace version doesn't dub out the sweary bit of Jiggery Pokery (which I've now listened to 6 times and is the best track of the year). http://www.myspace.com/dlmethod "I HATE SHANE WARNE!!"
  18. http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle6568537.ece I don't follow the cricket, but that's class.
  19. Who in the what now? Massey Ferguson in the Femenists Against Censorship?
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