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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Exodus fine on my fire stick. 1080p shizzle. But I do have a real debrid account. Had the golf on SS1 yesterday via phoenix too.
  2. £25 to vote for a new coup in August. Erdogen not on the ballot but will kill anyone who is.
  3. Looks like this will be short lived.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/15/bastille-day-truck-driver-was-known-to-police-reports-say?CMP=twt_gu
  5. Yeah I watched it too. Pitched at teenagers and her inability to argue against lunatics with informed facts was disappointing but overall a balanced look at the wankers and the integrators. Back to this attack, this piece from Jason Burke on why France is getting targeted and the failings of their intelligence is an informative read. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/15/why-does-france-keep-getting-attacked?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  6. If they do make a link retrospectively, he still won't have been known to have links to terrorists ahead of the attack.
  7. Was this not a French geezer with no link to terrorism?
  8. No it was aimed at CT. You only defended his right to make claims he himself said were not well researched. The claim that "a lot of this hatred will be festering / discussed regularly" in regards to an entire town that has allegedly been subsumed by extremism is dangerous. Blokes like the idiot that did this arent popular and well regarded members of a wide community with similar evil intent. They're very secretive about the extent of their hatred and their inclination to act on it. They would rarely voice any inclination to do so outside of anonymous interaction on extremist websites. The general population of any majority Muslim towns would have no more time for such a heinous attack as we would.
  9. I'd be interested to read creditable sources that report on these no go zones. If you genuinely fear a backlash on Muslim communities though, then to me it seems dangerous to disseminate myths that mass murders are shared values among wider Muslim groups rather than only among dangerous individuals finding each other online and radicalising one another.
  10. Donald Trump has said the same about London.
  11. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/14/opinions/truck-attacks-tactic-analysis-bergen/
  12. "He was known to the police for violence, and using weapons, but had no direct links with terrorism," said an investigating source.
  13. Looks unreal. Like a scene from GTA. Sickening stuff.
  14. Aye, but I think when people who earn more than the majority are outraged that the majority would vote to exit because of the impact on the economy, they're not following how little the economy means to to the significant number who have literally fuck all to lose comparatively.
  15. Are you working class? http://www.ifs.org.uk/wheredoyoufitin/ I get the impression most on here would fall in the peak decile or to it's right.
  16. There's a very good few minutes on the mindset of the average Tory cabinet member here. Starts at 23 minutes.
  17. I think when CT said BAU, what he meant was, whichever insect overlords we get, he'll be pulling a Kent Brockman.
  18. The web of ill thought out bullshit closes in around him.
  19. While he dereves every ounce of criticism, I always found the focus on Hunt an odd one. He's nowt more than a tory shit shield is he?
  20. 14/06 - "Osborne's plans are beyond reproach, the economy is in fine fettle" 14/07 - "May is completely right to rip up Osborne's plan, the revolution is coming" Have some shame man.
  21. Has his career advancement got the biggest boost from the Brexit fallout of the lot of them? I've never bought into him putting on an act. Massive privelige mixed with complete confidence in your own ability despite the reality sees many idiots promoted to positions of power they're happy to blunder their way through. But when you see this it makes you wonder about the devious machinations he must have made if it was a long game. That said, he looked dumbfounded to have got it in his interview.
  22. Yeah, the study distinguished between pure placebo and impure placebo http://www.nhs.uk/news/2013/03March/Pages/97-percent-of-GPs-admit-prescribing-placebos.aspx "Most doctors said placebos were ethical in some circumstances." Not that this is controversial or Renton would disagree. The problem with Corbyn is he's arguing the dilutey water is working, not making the case for ethical placebo use across the NHS.
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