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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Why? He's livin' the dream, baby ! He's on a coach's rate for doing a managers job. People in Sports Direct are used to it like. If I recall correctly staff are expected to do overtime for free aren't theyy? It's cunt features money saving technique.
  2. The article was written by a fruitcake barnpot christian theologist who wants to ban secular schools like. Just for info. I think I'll retire when I'm 65. I like working, even though I don't particularly enjoy the job. Same as when I worked in a call centre or a pub for a lot less money. Whether you can afford to quit and live comfortably or not is immaterial. It must be tediously boring to not be working on something. I've often said if i won the lottery I wouldn't rush into quitting my job. Easy to say, I know. Maybe once I had kids I would.
  3. And on September 6th there's a chance to watch one of the surviving Beatles take a shit in the brand new documentary Magical Mystery Pooer
  4. And our very own Leazes. I remember him saying "beware what you wish for the grass isnt always greener" to which I think my reply was something along the lines of "whichever way we go is a gamble and I sure as hell prefer the idea of gambling on Ashley". fucking hell Pud, slightly off topic but what's the craic with this Graham Roberts guy? He's just been on SSN making a complete fucking twat of himself and name dropped NUSC/T. Who? Never heard of him????? Former Spurs player who claims he's put a group together called Fans 410 who are interested in buying Newcastle. Said he was in contact with NUST and they were on board with his plans but then went on to admit Keith Harris wouldn't talk to him, he's yet to make contact with DL/MA and Shearer, who is the groups choice for manager, has also yet to be spoken to by them. Cockney Mafia 2, coming soon* to a stadium near you, this time the chairman's out of the closet. *By the end of the week at the latest.
  5. And our very own Leazes. I remember him saying "beware what you wish for the grass isnt always greener" to which I think my reply was something along the lines of "whichever way we go is a gamble and I sure as hell prefer the idea of gambling on Ashley". fucking hell Pud, slightly off topic but what's the craic with this Graham Roberts guy? He's just been on SSN making a complete fucking twat of himself and name dropped NUSC/T. Who? Never heard of him????? Former Spurs player who claims he's put a group together called Fans 410 who are interested in buying Newcastle. Said he was in contact with NUST and they were on board with his plans but then went on to admit Keith Harris wouldn't talk to him, he's yet to make contact with DL/MA and Shearer, who is the groups choice for manager, has also yet to be spoken to by them. Cockney Mafia 2, coming soon to a stadium near you, this time the chairman's out of the closet.
  6. And our very own Leazes. I remember him saying "beware what you wish for the grass isnt always greener" to which I think my reply was something along the lines of "whichever way we go is a gamble and I sure as hell prefer the idea of gambling on Ashley". fucking hell Pud, slightly off topic but what's the craic with this Graham Roberts guy? He's just been on SSN making a complete fucking twat of himself and name dropped NUSC/T. Who? Never heard of him????? Ex Spurs Graham Roberts? Or the one out of the WWF with the snake?
  7. Source When do you see yourself taking off the handcuffs?
  8. New single... I really like it. Reminds me of Horsefish by Amon Tobin.
  9. Just a shame the players understood neither of them.
  10. Then there's the TV money and gate receipts from the last two years. Dont forget the 6 kits too! ...or the £10m per month wage bill. Not sure how PP arrives at those figures either. I guess it's from the point Milner went, which isn't quite fair, selectively including sales from one window but none of the purchases.
  11. Forced a great save from the keeper, and put a 25 yarder inches wide. Unlucky not to get 5 tbh. Anything as clearcut as Ameobi being man of the match quite comfortably was bound to flare up someones contrary nature.
  12. In Barton £6m Rozehnal £3m Smith £5m Enrique £6m Faye £2m Beye £2m Jonas £6m Guthrie £2.5m Colo £9m Bassong £2m Xisco £6m Nolan £4m R. Taylor £0 Lovenkrands £0 Total £53.5m Out Parker £7m Dyer £6m Solano? Luque? Rozehnal - £3m Emre - BBC suggested that was £8m We'll say £4m Faye - £2m Milner - £12m Given - £8m Zoggo - £6m Martins - £9m Bassong - £8m (?) Beye - £3m (?) Total £68m At least £14.5m up
  13. I think you've got that the wrong way round. It's the UK that inspects the value of a treatment before rolling it out to the NHS. In the US you can pay for anything you can afford. That's true but in the US the bottom line is if you personally can't afford your health insurance then you can't have it. And we're not talking about wonder drugs that extend your life by an average of 4 months when you've got terminal cancer here, we're talking about very basic life-saving drugs for diabetes etc. Absolutley, just seemed a rosey view of the NHS....which does refuse treatment based on cost....which is the way I think it should be in a publicly run system. I also think the latter is desirable, but would be cautious about how "basic" free healthcare becomes. Speaking as someone with no knowledge whatsoever of hybrid systems elsewhere, I'd worry that less costly procedures will end up being made available only to those with private coverage. I was shocked to read on wiki that in 1993, 89% of the population of Oman had access to health care services. In 2000, 40% of the population had access to health care services. If that's true it's a shocking decline. I think a system (as good as) fully financed by government can work better than it does in the UK. Italy modelled their system on ours and seem to be doing it better. Second only to France in the world. Austria's public system makes the top ten too....but then, so does Oman's which I find incredible, if the Wiki quote is true.
  14. Assuming this is the book value of these players, to my mind the value of the club would only diminish if the club doesn't get any of the cash. Otherwise you've just swapped assets of $24m for cash/debtors of $24m. Plus you've removed the high cost of their wages. What I assume is that it'll come off the loan from Barclays rather than Ashley, so maintaining (or slightly increasing) the clubs value. However, the question is what that loan was used for in the first place. We've had 2 years of fat fuck telling us the club has no debts and the books are balanced, then all of a sudden we're relegated and there's a £40m Barclayloan and a mortgage outstanding. We've bought no players, and we've received a parachute payment to cover immediate costs, so what was the loan for? My guess is, they estimated the maximum squad value, borrowed it to pay off some Ashley debt immediately and are now in the process of recouping it on behalf of the club who "have to sell to survive". The club won't be sold with £24m in the bank to invest. It'll be with significant debt and without a first team squad.
  15. I think you've got that the wrong way round. It's the UK that inspects the value of a treatment before rolling it out to the NHS. In the US you can pay for anything you can afford.
  16. How much have we made then? I've not seen confirmed fees. Martins £9m Bassong £9m Beye £2m Duff £4m £24m total. Quarter of the clubs value gone already.
  17. What tune? Get off of my cloud? Get Up Offa That Thing? Get The Funk Out? Get Your Freak on? Get Out Of My House? Get The Lead Out?
  18. It's a gambling site, not a news site. Skybet saying "Everyone's betting on Kinnear" is like Coca Cola saying "Everyone's drinking coca cola". Everybody go back to your business.
  19. Shearer's too big for Ashley. He was burnt by Keegan's popularity. He's not interested in getting in a manager who the fans would side with in opposition to him. “We want him to be the manager 110%. He’s very good at what he does and he’s a straight-talking guy – we like that." Probably best to judge Ashley on his actions rather than his words like.
  20. Shearer's too big for Ashley. He was burnt by Keegan's popularity. He's not interested in getting in a manager who the fans would side with in opposition to him.
  21. Yep. I'd have him. But then, I'm so scared of Joe Kinnear coming back I'd give it to Malcolm Allen.
  22. What song have the Black Eyed Peas ripped off for that Boom Boom Pow? Doing my head in. Gotta get that Dough. Gotta get that Dough. Gotta get that Dough. Lyrics finders say 2pac, but i don't listen to him so it can't be, unless anyone can tell me songs that sample him doing that. I thought it was The Cool Kids. But listening to the album I can't find it. Doing my head in.
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