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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. He's got a head that belongs in a channel 5 documentary.
  2. The best bit about that is her status
  3. Never seen or heard any of the game yet, but that's a pleasant surprise.
  4. ANY player left at the club can be slapped down like a bitch because NO club wants them. Anyone that can be sold, has/will be. That's gotta be great for ridding the club of prima dona behaviour and getting everyone's head down to the task in hand. Leave Hughton to it I say. You don't need a big name to come in and rule the roost like you do in the Premier league.
  5. The Horrors - I only Think of You Growing on me
  6. Don't see why you can't slag off the trailer, just because it's not in 3D. That's like saying you can't slag off a colour trailer if it's in black and white. That's got nowt to do with it. If all it has is the gimmick of 3D then it most definitley WILL be shit. ....and the trailer was horrific.
  7. Decka's going to stand behind a plinth with a mallet and give it... "who'll start the bidding at...£80m...doisee80?wheres80?comeonladiesandgents80millionforthisfineclubisasnipwhatabout75?doisee75?wheres75?anybody75?thatincludesSholaAmeobi!....OKcanihave70millionpounds?thatreallyisgivingitaway70million?....
  8. Health Insurance company prices have grown about 6% the last few days, since the public option was deemed not critical... http://www.google.co.uk/finance?catid=us-52935503 They're now at almost a year long high (since Obama won basically). Obama's feeding the Horse.
  9. http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/filmblog/20...d-james-cameron http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/fi...3D-preview.html
  10. He's like one of those twats who borrow a tenner and are always definitely going to pay it back next week.
  11. Even better.... http://trueslant.com/matttaibbi/2009/08/17...t-com/#more-681
  12. http://trueslant.com/matttaibbi/2009/08/20...f-the-woodwork/
  13. Isn't that the norm though? Nah. The geeks spunk all over shite like Transformers, X-Men and Watchmen no matter how bad they are just because the effects are cool. The effects (not the cinematography) in this trailer look like they were done by Eidos in the 1990s. If they don't want it judged on a 3 inch 2d screen, they should only issue the trailer ahead of 3d movies on 30 foot screens. There's 15 minute snippets being screened in cinemas today, so we'll see what people think of that.
  14. Did you see Xe (formerly Blackwater) were doing covert ops as a contractor for the CIA under Bush, and not just the basic transparent security (by which I mean the open slaughter of Iraqi citizens). Source
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7824731.stm Not the tens of thousands of (mostly gun related) homicides by Americans on Americans every year. Not the millions of people below the poverty line without access to medicine. Not the thousands of deaths and many more homeless from natural diasters like Katrina for which defences are still ill prepared for and which are encouraged by environmental policy. Not the trillions of tax payer dollars being handed over to private businesses in the hope of triggering a stimulus, rather than being used by the government ensuring work by providing municipal jobs. But the threat that apparently STILL lingers as a consequence of 3000 people being killed almost a decade ago despite throwing 2 to 3 trillion $ at the problem since. Fuck off Bush. What's absolutley terrifying is the fact that I'm sure Mr. Bush actually believes this to be true. He has no ulterior motives, he actually believes this. Almost 7.5 years later and he still thinks we're under constant threat by the evil terrorists. It's nice to think our leaders mistakes are made only with the best intentions, but.... In The Test of Our Times: America Under Siege...and How We Can Be Safe Again, out September 1, Tom Ridge (the first head of the 9/11-inspired Department of Homeland Security) tells how he was was pushed to raise the security alert on the eve of President Bush's re-election, something he saw as politically motivated and worth resigning over. Source
  16. Just because you've got a little dick...
  17. I've been impressed with the money we've got for everyone we've sold so far to be fair.
  18. ....Leeds had a higher average thanm them that year. Sunderland were champions...Leeds came 14th.
  19. Sunderland 2004/2005 Highest 47350 vs Stoke City(08/05/05) Lowest 22267 vs Rotherham(22/02/05) Average 28820
  20. http://www.totalfilm.com/news/avatar-trailer-is-here
  21. ...and the nerds of the internets agree.... http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/306246/the...er_oh_dear.html
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