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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Cant have it though. No child left behind. EVERYONE gets a medal on sports day.
  2. I preferred Millwall to West Ham ever since I watched a lone pisshead fan in Hastings, bar skiing and singing songs for an hour on his own while 6 hammers sat quiet in the corner. "My arld man, sid follow Wist 'am, I said fack off, bollocks you're a cant!" Like comparing chalk and chalk though really.
  3. Richard Herring's new stand up routine Hitler moustache has a bit about BNP members being so stupid they shouldn't be allowed to vote. Of course, he's playing an idiotic character
  4. Wouldn't the 24m be paid in instalments though.....so 24m in player sales doesn't reduce the overdraft by 24m straightaway? I have no idea if that's still the policy. It only made sense when Ashley was our only creditor. Now that we're facing punitive interest payments, you'd have thought we'd demand entire fees up front to minimise that waste.
  5. as .com point out.... I reckon we DO have a team that should be ashamed to not get promoted out of this league. 3 or 4 injuries/suspensions though and our squad couldn't cope.
  6. Don't ask him that ffs!!!111 The irony of YOU saying someone else doesn't like questions by the way.... Irony? How so? Are you really saying people purposely ask awkward questions on here for no other reason than to be vexatious? You know you could be right, some people might just do that here. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=663643
  7. This is your "anti-police" thread, Fop doesn't do those, Fop just points out what is going wrong.
  8. Anyone know for certain if it's playing or playing/coaching? I've heard people say both but playing seems absolutely mad, he's 34 already! Surely if the Notts plan works, that would mean Campbell in the premiership aged 38 or 39. Hardly forward planning... Either way. They've made him the highest paid player outside the Premier League. It's insane for an over the hill player or an inexperienced coach.
  9. Good luck to him, more fool our lot for letting him get away... again. You'd have given him 5 years? Gerraway man.
  10. The Duckworth Lewis Method - Jiggery Pokery "I hate Shane Warne!"
  11. omg, must go. Now you made me buy tickets for Emiliana Torrini and The Zombies. Glad to be of service Stewart Lee has sold out Relieved to tell the truth. I've never been to a gig/show on my own and because I don't know anyone else that would sit through (never mind enjoy) the 5 minute bit where he says nothing but "Pear cider made from 100% pears", I would have had to this time.
  12. Most definitely. I guess the rules Barclays have in place are so that clubs averaging 8k a game can't get into hock. You'd have thought they'd be a bit more malleable with a club that'll average 40k+
  13. Has he checked his bank account though? That was my first thought, texted him and he says he's not noticed anything go out of his account.
  14. I guess you'll be to wander in anywhere. My mate didn't renew this season, we tried his old season ticket on saturday though and waltzed straight in on it.
  15. They are one and the same, article suggests that the overdraft facility is £40m of which we are currently utilising £20m and Barclays have a limit for Championship clubs of £10m. This tallies up with my earlier thought that the overdraft was taken out up to the value of the squad in order to immediately recoup funds for Ashley following relegation, while also suggesting a drop in the asking price publicly. £40m overdraft minus £24m player sales leaves £16m....The £20m outstanding indicates £4m in running costs since relegation.
  16. Lord of the Rings??? The Empire Strikes Back Looks like Uncle Fester to me. The Hills Have Eyes.
  17. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/au...rs-climate-camp
  18. The EU says 48 hours i think. They have an official level for police to become women beating monsters? Perhaps not unsurprising. But that's only 8 or so hours a week, how is a police officer supposed to get by on a basic wage, and how would you fill in short falls and event policing? You don't think the basic wage for a constable is a living wage? I think most people can get by on the starting salary of £22,680...increasing to £25,317 (a more than 10% rise) after one years service. Of course reducing overtime will mean more constables are needed. I'd like to encourage more people into the force, and those kinds of attractive basic salary hikes are the sort of thing needed. What about you? Do you think the numbers currently in the force is optimum? That the overtime demanded of them is reasonable? The way you demonise the police in thread after thread i assume you don't see it as a job ANYONE could be proud of. If the disdain you have for them is reprasentative of the public view, then recruitment numbers will only diminish and overtime increase even more. How would YOU avoid that?
  19. Don't ask him that ffs!!!111 The irony of YOU saying someone else doesn't like questions by the way....
  20. They'd prefer it didn't transfer to the home. It's basically an anti-piracy measure. Fish wouldn't dream of downloading Avatar because the 2D version isn't the film. The director says you have to see it 3D to see it properly....and rather than being £6.50....you have to pay £9.50....but you can't keep the glasses or anything and pay £6.50 next time....you have to pay more because they need new projectors and that....not because they'll be showing 3D films for years....but because they'll be showing digital films for years....but digital is lower quality than film.....so they can't exactly charge more for a poorer picture....but it saves the studios money when they make the film and add effects....so we're getting it whether we like it or not....and funding it. You think anti-piracy measures (that just happen to help rake in more investment) are a bad thing? Why don't you have done with it and suck my cock? "One swallow doesn't make a spring". (he doesn't like questions much, Fop wouldn't like to be the coffee shop server that asks Chris "would you like milk with that" ) When I said "yes" you'd ask "how much?" "nice and milky" "could you define milky?" "towards the light end of the colour spectrum" "that could be yellow, do you want yellow milk?" "I don't think yellow milk exists" "It does if it's banana milkshake, are you saying you want banana milkshake" "no I want coffee" "would you like milk?" etc.
  21. If I ever said i was for it you'll be able to refer us all to that post, won't you? So you think the beating of innocent women is fine then? You think overtime only has a negative impact when you do so much that it doubles your pay? Anything up to that point and your a finely honed machine at the peak of your ability? Keep going Fop, you'll find something if you keep probing. So are you saying ALL police over time should be banned? No. Are you this stupid in real life? So what's the "safe" level of overtime before you think they stop functioning at the peak of their ability and become women beating monsters? The EU says 48 hours i think.
  22. They'd prefer it didn't transfer to the home. It's basically an anti-piracy measure. Fish wouldn't dream of downloading Avatar because the 2D version isn't the film. The director says you have to see it 3D to see it properly....and rather than being £6.50....you have to pay £9.50....but you can't keep the glasses or anything and pay £6.50 next time....you have to pay more because they need new projectors and that....not because they'll be showing 3D films for years....but because they'll be showing digital films for years....but digital is lower quality than film.....so they can't exactly charge more for a poorer picture....but it saves the studios money when they make the film and add effects....so we're getting it whether we like it or not....and funding it. You think anti-piracy measures (that just happen to help rake in more investment) are a bad thing? Why don't you have done with it and suck my cock?
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