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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I thought they were all brown bread now. Wasn't there 4 of them? 2 shot, 1 shot down in WW....... Hang on...KARL?! I see what you've done there.
  2. In my industry there is a LOT of shite on good money and this has played into some employers hands. As soon as it kicks off again a lot of people will have changed careers and the gash will be back on decent money again I'm not so fussed about cutting loose the dead weight to tell the truth. I've not stressed too much about it because I know I'm good at my job (I'd have to be to get away with 5 hours a day on here ), but they've also forced a 5% pay cut across the board to "remain competetive" and "position ourselves to remain at #1 after the recovery". It's a permanant cut, and the policy is not to reward performance with a raise, but with a bonus, so it's difficult to get that pensionable salary back any time in the future. It's utter bullshit, luckily we can refuse it in the UK. They're not so lucky in the US though. The top directors are taking the cut too, but their bonuses this year will be $30m+ for coping so well with the downturn. Their basic salary is less than 10% of their total income so their cut works out way under 1%. The joy of capitalism.
  3. 25 people on our team at the start of the month. 12 left now. Despite posting strong third quarter results. Every company is using the downturn as a excuse to streamline, even those unaffected. It's what sees economists reporting a "recovery" as the markets grow beyond the levels they peaked at 12 months ago, even while unemployment continues to rise.
  4. I'm sure the queing at the first few games of the season has been engineered to get people to arrive 90 minutes before kick off and get the pints in. Fuck 'em! I'm still going to roll up at 7.45.
  5. Steve Mcmahon Freddy Shepherd Osama Bin Ladens cousin Malaysians that did a tour of the Toon South Africans Nigerians UAE consortium Singapore consortium Abu Dhabi United Group Graham Roberts Barry Moat Geoff Sheard American Consortium Have I missed out anyone who's buying the club?
  6. Of course... http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...;hl=big+brother
  7. Not according to Redheugh and after the abuse recieved ends up the best ITK since Akabusi... What's Redhugh predicted right? He's only got 50 posts so i had a gander... He was spot on like. I think these Americans are definitley the real deal and at the same time, definitley a put up job. ITK And that followed up his earlier opinion... Referring to the reported New York bid...16 days ago. Akabusi and Jimbo's TV are still the benchmark of nailed on news. He's posted everything of note on N-O because he got the piss taken out of him here. Apparently he works for one of the banks involved in the deal and he's predicted a handful of things which a day or two have been corroborated in the Ronny Gill. For example after the initial article yesterday he came out and said not to worry as Sheard isn't behind the takeover, he's simply introducing the two parties. Today that has been confirmed, complete with quotes from Sheard, by the Chronicle. ...and the Ronny Gill have been led a merry dance for 3 months too. Now I get the Redheugh is Ryder's ITK joke.
  8. The same SSN that reported he'd taken us off the market and appointed O'Leary?
  9. Aye, but then nor would you or I.
  10. Not according to Redheugh and after the abuse recieved ends up the best ITK since Akabusi... What's Redhugh predicted right? He's only got 50 posts so i had a gander... He was spot on like. I think these Americans are definitley the real deal and at the same time, definitley a put up job. ITK And that followed up his earlier opinion... Referring to the reported New York bid...16 days ago. Akabusi and Jimbo's TV are still the benchmark of nailed on news.
  11. Not according to Redheugh and after the abuse recieved ends up the best ITK since Akabusi... What's Redhugh predicted right? He's only got 50 posts so i had a gander... He was spot on like. I think these Americans are definitley the real deal and at the same time, definitley a put up job. ITK
  12. Not according to Redheugh and after the abuse recieved ends up the best ITK since Akabusi... What's Redhugh predicted right?
  13. http://www.amazon.com/Bob-Dylan/e/B000AP7N...ntt_mus_gen_pel Legend.
  14. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/north-east-...72703-24525580/ I never knew Jasper Carrot was from the North East.
  15. It's because i stopped watching this year. Fun show, just ran its course. I'm sure it'll be back on our screens sooner or later.
  16. Hughton is a strong enough manager for the Championship. When the alternatives are JFK or O'Leary (he actually turned us down didn't he?) who you gonna have? I wonder if many fans deserve what they get, being so delusional.
  17. Family statement... Various interest groups have given Kennedy scores or grades as to how well his votes align with the positions of each group. The American Civil Liberties Union gives him an 84 percent lifetime score as of 2009. During the 1990s and 2000s, NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood typically gave Kennedy ratings of 100 percent, while the National Right to Life Committee typically gave him a rating of less than 10 percent. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave Kennedy a lifetime rating of 100 percent through 2002, while National Rifle Association gave Kennedy a lifetime grade of 'F' (failing) as of 2006. Senator Kennedy has received a number of awards and honors over the years. They include an honorary knighthood bestowed by Queen Elizabeth II of England, the Order of the Aztec Eagle from Mexico, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Order of the Merit of Chile, and honorary degrees from a number of institutions including Harvard University.
  18. Full article (I particularly like the URL used)... http://trueslant.com/matttaibbi/2009/08/21...aging-dickhead/
  19. Nothing could illustrate more perfectly how the club has been taken from the community. They have dropped the long term ideal of cultivating a strong core support of local youth, and sacrificed it for the sake of immediate profit. It only seems like yesterday the whole squad spent an hour after training every day signing stuff for the kids that showed up in their thousands. I give them all the credit in the world for the extended family enclosure, but you know for a fact it would never have happened if we were able to sell out.
  20. Do we have enough inexperienced midfielders to rest the first teamers? Inman, Ferguson, Vuckic.....? I guess Geremi will get a start.
  21. Based on experience, I work on the assumption that he'll do the opposite of what he says he'll do. He's definitely going to keep hold of us and hope to recoup some more.
  22. True dat. But then, Martin Samuel, Rob Shepherd and James Corden are West Ham fans. Cunt top trumps.
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