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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Bought a box of bines and a bag of crisps from the corner shop a while ago. £3.05 and 36p. The till was broke though... "The till's broke so I'll just use the calculator. "It's £3.41" "Well I'll just make sure" "It's £3.41, here's £3.50" "...and...thirty...six...." "keep the change" "£3.41 please" "bye" Fuck me, Cherod's faster totting up the whitey's.
  2. Interesting page... http://www.abpi.org.uk/statistics/section.asp?sect=4 We spend more on booze, restaurant meals and shoes than on medecine.
  3. Any idea what the NHS costs each of us taxpayers Chez?
  4. Men have somewhere to keep their stuff....in their pockets. putting your change in a recepticle inside your pocket is as good as wearing a pantyliner. FACT!
  5. I had one of those too, but it disintegrated. I've got a paper wallet nowadays.
  6. If you're a man who keeps his change in a pouch on your wallet you are. Nowt I hate more than seeing a grown bloke rummaging around for the right change.
  7. I assumed everyone was sticking to the hidden board these days.
  8. My dad needs a small boiler to fit where his old broken one is. If anyone knows where you can get one.
  9. Happy Face

    I'm having

    I've got a yoghurt in the fridge nearing it's use by date that's worrying me more than work. [/Gordon Strachan]
  10. Didn't we agree it was about a £14m profit he'd made in the transfer market since he arrived?
  11. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcas...72703-24545194/ How do you copy text off the Ronny site? Anyway, I seem to remember the same promises being made in January.
  12. Exactly. And Keegan fell of his bike! So who's best now?
  13. Yet Spongebob and the other old timers love the bloke. I'm not comfortable calling Keegan bashers idiots because they have no idea what a difference he made to the club, while bashing Supermac without any appreciation of what he did for the club. Lots of old-timers i know still use the phrase 'darkies' to refer to non-whites, should i take a leaf out of their book all the time, sometimes, or never? Wisdom with age is a fallacy with only those who truly strive to learn from their lives acheiving anything like it. The amount of old people i know who are essentially cunts is disturbing. I'm not even clear on what your argument is. Judge a person by all his words and actions across his life, not selected high points from his late 20's. Any other approach is just nonsensical sentimentalism. It wasn't an argument. And I'm not saying oldest knows best. I just decided I've harshly judged a man on the negatives I perceive, taking no account whatsoever of the positives I've wilfully ignored.
  14. Yet Spongebob and the other old timers love the bloke. I'm not comfortable calling Keegan bashers idiots because they have no idea what a difference he made to the club, while bashing Supermac without any appreciation of what he did for the club.
  15. http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2009/aug/26...o-james-cameron
  16. Where does that come from? I can't see how it's possible when the wage bill has been dropped at least lower than £44m.
  17. That's right Fop. And one day, long in the future, when you admit to a mistake or a fault, or even just accept someone's point in one of your naysaying "I only say what's wrong" nothing constructive to add fingers in ears naanaanaaa I'm not listening arguments, then maybe you can start to walk the path of personal growth too. Good luck with it.
  18. Everything Ashley's put into the club is as a loan. He's not lost anything until he sells and writes off that money....which I don't think he'll do....or ever had any intention of doing.
  19. French consumer groups are investigating reports of iPhones that explode
  20. Had a good night. The best game of football I've seen in years. Felt dead old stood in the corner with the 12 year olds. they were actually turning around when they got to that bit in "woah shoila Ameobi" Made me think what a twat I must sound to the older generations. These kids are going on about Ameobi being a legend, but they go on NO calling Keegan a twat. I think they're a fucking disgrace, yet I do the same myself.... I've never had a good word for Supermac, I slate him for talking shite on the radio and always being the talking head at every miserable turn for the club. I've bought the story that he fucked us over in '74. It's the ONE thing i think of about his playing days at Newcastle...that he goaded the scousers into murdering us in the final. And I've always been of the opinion that if some cockney station would have him, he'd be away in a shot to be the Arsenal 'legend'. But I've never met anyone that saw him play with a bad word for the bloke. My boss waxes lyrical about how he is (still) the best striker that he's ever seen at the club....and i argue with him. I won't have it. A true Geordie hero and i dismiss him as a twat with stupid squinty eyes and goofy teeth. Anyway, I'm basically saying I had a moment of clarity watching the bairns around me and thinking back to the Keegan ESPN thread. Supermac's not a twat. I am. Sorry Malcolm. I'll buy you a pint next time I see you at a Bob Dylan concert rather than giving you the evils and grumbling at you.
  21. While we're on the Kennedy's I have to recommend Thirteen Days. Great film.
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