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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Of Time and The City Terence Davies' tribute to Liverpool mostly consisting of archive footage and a voiceover that's up there with John Hurt in Dogville as one of the best ever. Funded partially as it was by the Liverpool capital of culture fund, it's fantastically derisive of scouse 'culture' (The Beatles take a pasting) and celebrates only the spirit of the working class of the city...which died out in the 70s to be left by scallies he no longer recognises. Loved it.
  2. I'm drinking Bulmers and watching The X-Factor ..and she's out on the drink
  3. Every time another story comes out it's advertising that the club is for sale. Free advertising like that can't do any harm, there's always the chance that someone as daft as him will throw £200M at us without doing due diligence. He'd sanp their hand off then, but he's not interested in considering anyone that offers the actual market value.
  4. I don't think Ashley is clever enough to be manipulating the situation. He's just happy to leak the name of any Tom, Dick or Harry showing a whiff of interest. The Mackems showed how easy it is to get yourself reported as a serious potential buyer with Serious MajooB.
  5. I think you've left the = between your tags.
  6. Case closed. Sorry Fish, You're not a dick. But... etc. http://www.moodiereport.com/document.php?c...mp;doc_id=15583 ...you love buying into the "Mojito Lifestyle" don't you? Bill Hicks would have anyone involved shot through the brain. could it be that I liked the taste of a Mojito? fwiw I also like Pisco Sours, Tom Collins and Rum and Coke (that they pass off as a cocktail by calling it a Cub Libre) Could be. I doubt it though. It's like eating an entire packet of Trebor Mints then having a pint of ice cold water with leaves in. No-one could actually enjoy it.
  7. Case closed. Sorry Fish, You're not a dick. But... etc. http://www.moodiereport.com/document.php?c...mp;doc_id=15583 ...you love buying into the "Mojito Lifestyle" don't you? Bill Hicks would have anyone involved shot through the brain.
  8. "Hey, careful man, there's a beverage here" Me too
  9. You got it. Zombies are nails though to tell the truth.
  10. I love the cocktail. Cannit whack a Zombie. Mojito drinkers are dicks though.
  11. Even if one of your dads was Greg Evigan?
  12. Looks like a toiletries bag. Are they allowed by the way or do 'proper men' on holiday keep their soap and toothbrush in their jeans pockets too? You often walk around the shops with a toiletries bag like? No. It looks like a tolietries bag FULL STOP. NEW SENTENCE Are they allowed by the way or do 'proper men' on holiday keep their soap and toothbrush in their jeans pockets too? Clearer now? Why's the soap and toothbrush in my jeans pocket again? I've got a Ted baker toiletries bag. It came with my watch. Not sure why. Don't know why I bought the watch actually, I think they're a bit dickish too.
  13. Looks like a toiletries bag. Are they allowed by the way or do 'proper men' on holiday keep their soap and toothbrush in their jeans pockets too? Who carries their toiletries with them everywhere they go on holiday like? You're also a dick if you pull a case under 10 kg behind you on wheels.
  14. http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/200...rats/index.html Corporations will buy the elections for whomever will legislate in their favour....and the average American isn't well informed enough to vote in their own interest. Accountability Now can bring in challengers, but their campaign war chest come the mid-terms will be non-existant. Unless they pass legislation to vastly reduce the amount of lobbying and campaign spending that's allowed before then, it's all bound to get the Republicans back in the White House come 2012. Emmanuel's just doing his job to make sure that doesn't happen.
  15. I remember going round to a lads house when I was at school and he had 2 mams. One looked like Harry Knowles and the other like a short Susan Boyle. *shudder*
  16. Man bags I just don't get - lasses being lasses need handbags but I can't think of anything I need to carry that doesn't go in pockets. If I was going to the gym I'd use a sports bag - a laptop would have its own bag, bait I would take in a carrier bag - I honestly don't see what a man bag leaves room for in a normal bloke's life. No doubt Fish will be along at some point to inform us.
  17. Speaking of which... Did anything come of this?
  18. Redheugh has said "by next week" more than Llambias. He just works at the Ronny printing press man.
  19. A* across the board. I'm an A* dick? a* card & cash storage.....and selective wallet usage. Anyone over 16 who has their NI card in their wallet is a dick too. And anyone who has a pub/club flyer to use next time they're out.
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