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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Like I said, not posting anything contrary to you here.
  2. I've been in the business environment for coming up to ten years and the elderly folk invariably come in at 6am to drink coffee for 3 hours before going through their emails then falling asleep in an early afternoon meeting. They get off home at 2.30pm.
  3. She hated football and I suppose to call her my girlfriend is stretching it. I mean we never put it down in writing or anything. She's now getting engaged to a tree surgeon. I'm single. fuck Sounds very much like someone I know. She's not in the military is she?
  4. Reckon he's just got last weeks on tape? No, but what I do know is that it's bollocks. If the twat could predict the lottery numbers why the hell hasn't he been playing and winning every week. I'll be interested to see if he has an earpiece as there is almost certainly a very short delay on the televised version of the lottery which could be exploited. Did you see the one where he gave the woman 10 winners in a row at the horses? On the last one she was ready to put her house and her parents house on the result. I wonder how many times he had to film that sequence? It was a scheme that just sent emails for all but the last few results iirc. All 6 horse races, so they only had to follow the last 36 people whose winners had continually come up through the process.
  5. I note with interest that this is on all channel 4 channels at the same time btw. My actual prediction is that each channel gets a different set of numbers.
  6. Reckon he's just got last weeks on tape? No, but what I do know is that it's bollocks. If the twat could predict the lottery numbers why the hell hasn't he been playing and winning every week. I'll be interested to see if he has an earpiece as there is almost certainly a very short delay on the televised version of the lottery which could be exploited. Did you see the one where he gave the woman 10 winners in a row at the horses? On the last one she was ready to put her house and her parents house on the result.
  7. Loose definition of prediction there. I've never done the lottery, probably saved myself nearly a grand by now. Trying a new approach. Rather than least frequently occuring since it started, I'm going for the least recently drawn numbers. None of those have appeared in over 6 weeks now.
  8. Over a long enough timeline all the numbers should come out an equal number of times. It was on this basis that for 6 months I got tickets of 3 lines of 6 from the 8 least frequently occuring numbers. I won as little as I have in the 10 year before using my statistical approach. EDIT: Before any pedants point it out, I'm aware that this is statistically naive and none of the previous draws have any effect on the next draw.
  9. Immigration numbers are lowering these days...because there are less job opportunities. Doesn't really tally with your theory of unskilled benefit seekers being invited into the country as a matter of policy. In times of boom when demand for workers exceeds supply, immigration (and resentment among the benefit class) will grow, during a slump such as we have now, they'll drop. That's a rather false spin on the issue. Eastern European immigrant rates are slowing (with more returning home), but the massive levels of the last few years were unprecedented. Immigration from outside the new EU countries (which is still 86% of all UK immigration - ie new EU country immigration was ~25%) is still pretty buoyant. And births to non-British born mothers are still one of the largest single factors in population growth (although all birth rates have increased in the last 18 months). No matter what we're still about 30 million (and rising) over the UK's optimum population though (never mind how many were over the worlds optimum population). Exactly. You're like Political Statto you Fop by the way. It's factual though. Immigration is currently in decline. It follows an unprecedented increase (in a period of unprecedented growth). More or Less (the radio 4 statistics show) have done some interesting looks at the birth rate myths around Europe. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/more...ess/8189434.stm That's has been the establishments bunker of last resort for years now, that no one can be 100% sure of 100% of all figures so there for clearly nothing matters and nothing can be wrong. Of course in reality that is just as much bollocks as what you posted before. Not to mention that what you are posting is a strawman as it is based upon a 3rd parties iffy massaging of the official figures, where as what is mentioned above are the official figures. I'm the one saying the figures are correct.....you're saying they paint a false picture. But I wasn't commenting on birth rates or marriages or any of those factors that add non-nationals to the population. I was commenting on Stevie's assertion that immigration policy is to bring in unskilled benefit seekers. It's clearly not. That might end up being an indirect result of skilled worker immigration, or asylum seekeing. But the policy is not to let someone in because the benefits here are better. EDIT: The link was to an interesting but not directly linked story I heard on a podcast weeks ago about the sort of stats the BNP quote, without knowing the source. Not intended as a contrary position to your points.
  10. Immigration numbers are lowering these days...because there are less job opportunities. Doesn't really tally with your theory of unskilled benefit seekers being invited into the country as a matter of policy. In times of boom when demand for workers exceeds supply, immigration (and resentment among the benefit class) will grow, during a slump such as we have now, they'll drop. That's a rather false spin on the issue. Eastern European immigrant rates are slowing (with more returning home), but the massive levels of the last few years were unprecedented. Immigration from outside the new EU countries (which is still 86% of all UK immigration - ie new EU country immigration was ~25%) is still pretty buoyant. And births to non-British born mothers are still one of the largest single factors in population growth (although all birth rates have increased in the last 18 months). No matter what we're still about 30 million (and rising) over the UK's optimum population though (never mind how many were over the worlds optimum population). Exactly. You're like Political Statto you Fop by the way. It's factual though. Immigration is currently in decline. It follows an unprecedented increase (in a period of unprecedented growth). More or Less (the radio 4 statistics show) have done some interesting looks at the birth rate myths around Europe. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/more...ess/8189434.stm
  11. Immigration numbers are lowering these days...because there are less job opportunities. Doesn't really tally with your theory of unskilled benefit seekers being invited into the country as a matter of policy. In times of boom when demand for workers exceeds supply, immigration (and resentment among the benefit class) will grow, during a slump such as we have now, they'll drop. You've missed the point more badly than Liam O'Brien's penalty against Bournemouth in 1992. Perhaps the point wasn't well made then.
  12. Immigration numbers are lowering these days...because there are less job opportunities. Doesn't really tally with your theory of unskilled benefit seekers being invited into the country as a matter of policy. In times of boom when demand for workers exceeds supply, immigration (and resentment among the benefit class) will grow, during a slump such as we have now, they'll drop.
  13. I just couldn't see any british PM not backing them to the hilt - though Blair's zeal was especially distasteful. I think calls for them to be charged with war crimes are probably over the top but then again when they both come out with the God told me to do it/I'll be judged by God bullshit I think they'd deserve it and more. I don't know if they should be charged...there should definitley be an investigation to determine if they should though. Torture is a war crime after all.
  14. The interesting thing in Bob Woodwards book about the 100 days after 9/11, is how immediate the drum started getting banged for going into Iraq. Within days of 9/11 with no links whatsoever provided, Cheyney and Rumsfeld were bringing it up as a strong recommendation in daily NSC meeting. What's impressive is how Bush refused to take that advice...for a while...until the CIA told him it was a "slam dunk" that Iraq had WMD.
  15. The Govt in the U.S. hasn't changed since Kennedy died. More or less the same people and interest groups get in every time, Obama included. I don't really think that's true in foreign policy / international diplomacy terms. I don't think you'd have had someone like Clinton (who I'm not saying is a saint by any means) would have launched into rhetoric like 'you're either with us or you're against us' or indeed would have invaded Iraq on such a dodgy premise. It's simply not true on any level. Just another Parkyism. No it's not. There's still a difference. But the entire political spectrum inhabits the right now. Rather than Liberal policies versus conservative, the debate is now between conservative democrats and ultra right wing religious extremists.
  16. Didn't the number of BNP votes at the Euro elections actually go down compared with the previous one? I think they won seats because the Labour vote collapsed. Turnout was low across the board.
  17. Proof if ever it were needed that the English are as non-racist as Ron Atkinson. We are so much better than everyone else aren't we?
  18. Or have sold them more weapons to facillitate the attack. Mike Ashley says one thing and does another too. He's a cunt for it. So you want people at Vickers in Scotswood on the dole? Are you saying we should wage war to keep unemployment low? WW2 did end the last depression, maybe in the current eeconomic climate we should invade more countries.
  19. Le Pen and the far right were close to taking over France only a few years ago. It would be the equivalent of the BNP running England. France and Germany are 2 of the more racist countries...but support is waning there...as your post suggests. It's on the rise here.
  20. Really good film. 9/10 Very unique and well thought through. Really enjoyed it too. It was almost disappointing when the action really got started, because up to then it had all been so perfectly real, then I was reminded of Red Matter with some of the more inexplicable stretches to move the story on ("I'm making a bomb!"?), but it was short lived and the later action was superb, really lived up to time dedicated to introducing the characters. Amazing effects too. Perfectly integrated CGI across the board. I've got a choice between this and Inglourious basterds on Friday. District 9 is receiving all the rave reviews but tbh the whole idea of it seems shite to me, alien refugees, wtf? Whereas the Tarantino film is receiving mixed reviews, but I've liked nearly everything else he's done. Which do you recommend? I've not seen Inglorious Bastards yet...I chose Disttrict 9 ahead of it. Tarantino isn't the opening day draw he once was after Death Proof. The effects in District 9 should be seen on the big screen though.
  21. The people jumping got me like, burn to death or create a 3 foot crater, what a fucking dilemma. I'm still disgusted we ended up talking about hard done to muslims on this particular thread to be honest. Your opening post refers to "these evil bastards, the scurge of the world" man.
  22. Or have sold them more weapons to facillitate the attack. Mike Ashley says one thing and does another too. He's a cunt for it.
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