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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. After the planted corpse and the dirty protest, most people would realise the neighbors don't appreciate the stained glass window and want them out.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/23/munich-shooting-teenage-gunman-researched-killing-sprees-no-isis-links My Columbine comment looks closer to the mark than I had expected. Boris totally fucks up his first speech rushing to conclusions http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/munich-attack-terrorism-gunman-boris-johnson-read-united-nations-a7151801.html
  3. That's a difficult moral question. When does criticism cross the line into abuse that should be acted on lawfully? Like the NRA after a shooting though, wikileaks and the ACLU are going to stick with their core message, not cede ground in the overall debate. The law in the US is pretty black and white, all speech is protected. No matter how hateful. That's different from most European countries where shades of grey are accounted for. But difficult for the public to be informed on where protections stop and start. Obviously Twitter are not obligated to allow anyone on, and their T&Cs aren't aligned with laws necessarily, they can be more intolerant of any abusive language, but their interpretation of what to allow or not invites discussion of the shades of grey. Personally I can see both sides, but I think I like the American way better. The victim here would have the support of 99% of people reading about it. The antagonist comes out of it with no credit whatsoever and i don't think that she's been made to fear for her safety at any point. I don't think it teaches fat, black 5 year olds methods for dealing with the abuse they get every day when adults ban abusive people rather than win the argument. Not saying you've done this, but it worries me when the "I'm Charlie Hebdo" line of free speech defense withers when it's not Muslims that are the victim.
  4. So if it's a couple of kids like Columbine it's terrorism? My point is the quote suggests protocols are dictated by the ideaology of the attackers rather than the nature of the attack. Which seems bonkers. Whatever their cause/malfunction you wouldn't think there would be any possibility of under resourcing the manhunt for cunts like this.
  5. I'm advocating wait and see. Ideaology (if any) irrelevent right now. Just shocked that an ongoing attack has to be labelled terrorism to qualify for a fully resourced response.
  6. "We assume it's a terror attack so that can ensure maximum resources and measures. If it turns out that there is a completely different background to this, then we certainly mobilised a lot of resources but we had a worst-case scenario covered." What will determine if it's a "terror attack" and how will that determine whether the response was proportionate? Surely you react to 9 people being shot by 3 or more people the same way, regardless of the motivations of the attackers. You pull out all the stops to capture them.
  7. Except for this place not having 300m users, half of whom have got a hard on about defending free speech Was nice to see anonymous defend Twitter like. Tough call that would piss off a great number of people whatever was decided. A bit like LM. Imagine the uproar if the issue was over something more important than a celebrity cunt, chasing celebrities to be a cunt to.
  8. @@Alex Adios is right, it was FiveThirtyEight got it spot on last time. They're currently wracked with doubt about their predictions as trump is defying them at every turn though. They gave him no hope whatsoever in the republican primaries. Nate Silver, their chief polling analyst, did a massive write up on where mistakes may have been made.... http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-i-acted-like-a-pundit-and-screwed-up-on-donald-trump/ All that said, they call it 60/40 for Clinton right now... http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo But that's as close as they have had it, so the gap may continue to close.
  9. Did @nero incite violence? They're a free speech advocacy group. Organisations like the ACLU defend the right to hate speech too. The supreme court backed the KKK's right to hate speech in Brandenburg v. Ohio. @lesdogg has the right to block anyone giving her abuse. A principled free speech defence comes when you defend the most abhorrent speech you most vehemently oppose.
  10. Last time we were relegated we recouped £21.5m from Martins, Duff, Beye & Bassong. If we got £25m and £35m for Wijnaldum and Sissoko that would take us up to £75.5m of sales this time around. More than our entire Premier League wage bill. Sold more season tickets than in the Premier League too. Not sure why anyone feared we might struggle financially in this division.
  11. Judging by Twitter, only Mackems.
  12. Close encounters is a bit slow and the climax could only be seen as a worthwhile pay off 40 years ago. I always preferred the first dialogue free half hour of 2001 with the monkeys to the hour in space and the dialogue free last half hour. Think Americans like the bit in space more because they don't realise it's Rigsby. Genius from start to finish though, obvs.
  13. In the last 5 years Liverpool have paid £66m for players from us. Wijnaldum, Enrique and Carroll. Their fans must be fucking sick of us
  14. Agreed, he's been in the same boat as a lot of our managers in fighting against the tide when it comes to signings. Recommend Lacazette as a prime target but get Doumbia, Mitrovic and Toney as cheaper options. Only slight criticism I would give him is that when he was getting fullsome praise for Cabaye, Tiote, Cisse, Ba and that he was straight onto Talksport giving it Billy Big Bollocks. He should know it's not an exact science and there's so much that can go wrong, whatever talent a player he finds has (see Ben Arfa). Was a bit of a dickish Pardew type move to bask in the credit.
  15. You beat me to it. iirc Redknapp was the target and met Mort between sacking Allardyce and appointing Keegan.
  16. Aye, I went to the Stoke away 3rd round FA cup game which was his last and he was applauded from the field and reciprocated, despite failing to win for the 5th game in a row, and winning only 2 (by single goals) from 13.
  17. Accounting profit after amortisation on Mbiwa & Santon Bit of profit on Townsend Massive profit on Wijnaldum Doubled our money on Debuchy Unfathomable profit on Sissoko Mbemba our best CB Lascelles our new captain and maybe our best CB Does Carr deserve any re-reappraisal following all the criticism re Thauvin & Cabella? Is he still involved at all under Benitez?
  18. "He calls it austerity. I call it living within our means. Now, where's that £40Bn Trident cheque I have to sign?"
  19. CT quick to disseminate the Torygraph talking points How Theresa May wiped the floor at her first PMQs Nice work Tory boy
  20. BAU for the eu funded apprentices at our place who struggle along on £12k and have been told they won't be getting the extra £2k they're supposed to after completing 1 year.
  21. Smith abstained on the welfare reform bill. The primary thing Corbyn voters are angry about. ...and for military action in Syria and Iraq. Corbyn has voted against every use of military force up for a vote in parliament.
  22. This being top of a new page I feared "The Fonz" was no more.
  23. Contract to end when due to end exclusive. Fair do's to them like, be happy if they get a more appropriate sponsor. If they really want to get fans on side though, they'll vastly reduce the Sport's direct signage. Don't think many would complain if it was on the big screen & Pitchside electronic boards along with others.
  24. The Transfers spreadsheet isn't too uber, but it's shared for anyone to have a look at, copy & manipulate however they want. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nNwyXvdj8pcfjDXg_l7vPJ1MuyMtSdMID91ck8aQ5rg/edit?usp=sharing
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