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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. More or Less did some statistical analysis on it. It used to be a standard price so everyone knew the cost in advance first come first served, but privatisation means each seat is sold for it's true value. There's whole sets of formulae for the number of seats on a train or plane and the price of each seat in relation to others given the journey date/time, the number of seats remaining at that time and that. And each company sets different thresholds on each criteria.
  2. Fair and balanced Fox News are organising, hosting, promoting and supporting tea party's to protest the government...then reporting on them as a glorious example of grass roots protest and democracy in action. It's not left wing to oppose that. whats wrong with organising, hosting, promoting and supporting tea party's? whats wrong with protesting against a government you disagree with? whats wrong about calling it democratic? it's an opposing p.o.v. which you need in a democracy. glorious grass roots protest. is that a direct quote? is so, then it's a bit o.t.t. not looking for an argument here. just giving the discusion a bit of balance! Which is more than Fox are doing, given their tagline. There's nothing wrong with any motivated group of individuals doing any of that. For a TV news channel to organise those events and report them as news is scandalous.
  3. A single ticket for Sunn o))) as nobody is willing to go with me. The sage website says: "NB: This performance will be extraordinarily loud" Also spent a couple of hundred on birthday books, DVDs, cuddly toys, kitchen utensils, trains and meals this weekend gone but still ended up in the shithouse for being too vague when pointing at squares when helping out with her su doku
  4. Fair and balanced Fox News are organising, hosting, promoting and supporting tea party's to protest the government...then reporting on them as a glorious example of grass roots protest and democracy in action. It's not left wing to oppose that.
  5. And it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Plus, it was a favour to get the best South American kids. How come we never got any since we actually took the player on loan anyway? Dionatan Nascimento.
  6. I agree, he was right. Reading it back now, at the point Llambias hesitates, you can see he was going to say that "gonzales was a... commercial deal" which would have been hugely illuminating at the time. I think the naivety of us fans believing that (whoever made the deal) it was one made to help the injury ridden squad, rather than as a favour to some shady agents is just as illuminating with hindsight like. Even after all the shite, we STILL thought better of them than that.
  7. Now it's been revealed to be the truth, do the NUSC reps that wrote the mail think Keegan was wrong to walk out on Ashley?
  8. Everyone else has accepted his mind was made up long ago and he isn't selling. Once you accept it you'll be a lot calmer. The 'For Sale' ruse has allowed him to sell all our players without replacing them over 3 transfer windows and will allow him to continue that policy come January and still maintain 40k+ crowds.
  9. It's funny looking at who's banned over there. Magma - ABUSE thompers - FLAME WARS + BAN EVASION + POSTING PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGES mufcgeordie - GLORYHUNTING Delima - Idiocy
  10. I refer you back to Jonny's post on page 1 NINE WEEKS ago...
  11. ..... http://rebelreports.com/post/205318314/ny-...tan-film-is-not
  12. Mind, picking on Fox lets the other woeful 'news organisations' in the states off the hook. http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/
  13. Biggest prick in football bar none. He's actually on my msn believe it or not, and I most of you don't but during talksport he puts it on, and invites people to message him, so I told him he's a depressive, woman beating, disgrace to this nation, who should be sacked on the spot for saying Villa are bigger than Arsenal, and his reply was along the lines of my mother being a prostitute. He's a total cunt. 38 year old. And how old are you? If you're insuating it's immature for someone in their thirties to call Stan Collymore a prick, there must a lot of immature 30 somethings about. I was more amused by the fact you're an MSN bully.
  14. Biggest prick in football bar none. He's actually on my msn believe it or not, and I most of you don't but during talksport he puts it on, and invites people to message him, so I told him he's a depressive, woman beating, disgrace to this nation, who should be sacked on the spot for saying Villa are bigger than Arsenal, and his reply was along the lines of my mother being a prostitute. He's a total cunt. 38 year old. And how old are you?
  15. I reckon these agents sold Wise some magic beans while they were at it.
  16. Is he right or are you right? You'll have to be more clear about why we can't both be right. Where have I said anything about German, Israeli or UK Intelligence? What I find hard to fathom is, why you would be so very serious with a dweeb likeflop???? The guy's a fucking gonad. Do you feel disheartened when he responds back to you saying you don't have a clue with and attached to his comments??? For fucks sake. It's like I'm holding a big magnifying glass in the sun and he's an ant. I know I shouldn't, but I entertain myself burning him. It's a morbid fascination to see him run around in increasingly desparate circles.
  17. On 20 October 2008, in a landmark case that may have set a precedent for cases in the future, Collymore won more than £1.5m in damages from his financial advisers, for the poor investment advice he had been given since retiring from professional football in 2001. The judge ruled that Collymore had indeed been given advice that was in breach of statutory obligations. I did not know that. Mercenary cunt.
  18. I didn't really want to click the link. It's the number of hits this horseshit gets that keeps getting him space to spout it. Since I was bored enough to do so, here's the text so no-one else has to...
  19. He's taking longer to get out of our club than the closing down sale in his shop at Eldon Square. Hang on... He's not selling is he?
  20. AKA the end of the week Next it'll be "prior to the start of next week".
  21. Unless Ashley has now sold I vote CT is banned until the end of the week.
  22. The Daily Show did a good bit on this the other night. Every channel that got an interview went on about how Obama is over exposed, out there on every issue sticking his nose in and needs to be more Presidential (whatever that's supposed to mean). Then Fox pop up and they harangued the shit out of him for being a cosetted, elitist snob out of touch with the people holed up in his bunker and letting others take the lead on every issue. He shouldn't give any of the major channels interviews though. He should go on Dailykos, Salon, Democracy Now, NPR etc and promote a wider discourse amongst the American public. All the other corporate owned channels would be able to pick up whatever he says.
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