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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Had a bit of a drink and let his mouth go. It only serves to highlight the disingenuity of his earlier drafted statements like "I would like to say sorry to our magnificent supporters who have turned up in their thousands, home and away, up and down the country and who have given the team amazing ­backing throughout" You can stuff your sorrys in a sack mister.
  2. This is my concern. The wheels have well and truely fallen off and Hughton is no mechanic. Doesn't help that Ashley has taken most of the wheel nuts and his jack.
  3. Have you read Great Apes. Canny pap.
  4. I keep thinking of this and it's winding me the fuck up. Everything that remains good about this club relies on the fans. Not just the current extraordinary attendances and loyalty it shows. The £20m a season he still collects from ticket sales to real commited fans would have been drastically less if the stadium wasn't expanded a decade ago...an expansion that only got the go-ahead because of a five figure season ticket waiting list. Anyone got a ticket in the box and I'll stab the fat conceited prick in the eye next home game.
  5. This is lush. Seems to be a trend in the whitehouse to come out fighting. The president bitch-slapped the insurers in his address this weekend too.
  6. I voted 'Null' because you're both cunts.
  7. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2009/10/16/daily...r-gay-backlash/ And never was it more richly deserved. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2009/10/18/polic...stephen-gately/
  8. Now then Mike, Mikey boy, mate. How about proving that bold statement? When we were young and naive under your stewardship you made the same statement, that the club would be run properly and you would pump £20m per year in towards the purchase of new players. To date we've yet to see it. Now we are a Championship club, we have slashed the wage bill, cut normal staff by 120 or so, reduced costs left right and centre. Shirts (even the yellow ones) are flying out of the club stores and the gates week in week out are unheard of for this level of football. Yet you still make out that you're pumping the same amount of cash in annually with nothing to show for it, no purchases, no players of any form coming through the doors. I say thats poppycock old boy, its a downright lie in fact. As for Moat, the fact he wants to pay £40m now and £40m at the end of the season not only proves he doesnt have the cash but for me means that hes looking to get the club itself to bankroll half of the purchase. Gillette, Hicks and Glazer come to mind. He put in £20m in his first season....but it was a loan that's still outstanding so fuck knows why he's going on like it was an altruistic act that makes him the staunchest Newcastle fan in the stadium. If he doesn't get it back, it's his fault. Funny to hear him moan about buyers that can't afford it too...when he himself has proven to be a buyer who couldn't afford it. He's spent every minute since arriving complaining about costs and has wound us down to championship running costs just so he can afford to keep hold of us. Fat fuck.
  9. He needs to finish higher than fifth in the last race to avoid the lowest winning total in a decade.
  10. Where has it been reported that the price is down to £80m btw? All I've seen is that he wants £80m up front.
  11. A US intelligence report revealed last week says Afghan fighters aren't generally motivated by religion.... http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeas...ry_reports_say/
  12. Just been reading a bit more about Atta... http://www.juancole.com/2009/01/al-fakhour...-42-killed.html
  13. Shock, horror, could Ashley be lying?! No, he's said it in the papers so it must be true..... Exactly why I said it is there on record for the other players such as moat to ca his bluff. Moat's already offered £100m. As have two other groups. Llambias said so.
  14. Strike one from KD then All will be tappy lappy again. I see another solution: Add Tom to the poll and stick 50 votes on his total. A forumwide cunt-off is called for. Fop would take his dick off with the cheese-grater if he got that glory.
  15. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/1...idence-miliband This is scalpel to the testacles stuff.
  16. £1.1m water sports plan under way http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/8312342.stm A disappointingly piss free story.
  17. Rodrigo y Gabriela: Tiny Desk Concert http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...oryId=113641457
  18. Leave it too long and the posse from NO will get wind of it, head over here and completely wreck the result! Posse. "Aah've come from NO to vote for mah Cunt"
  19. Well start a poll who's a bigger cunt, and the one with the most posts, is banned for a month, deal? Are you doing your best to prove me right here!? Get a grip boy Boy Clearly you know what the outcome would be. At least ten people on here would post saying I'm not a cunt, less than three would for you, and you know that. Hospital porters from Durham should know their place. That's all I'm saying. I’ve probably got more friends than you’ve got cows.
  20. If it's a draw will you both go?
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