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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Ryders blog... I wonder if the print story will be as strong.
  2. Chronicle reflect fans opinion... http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcas...72703-25031025/
  3. When other clubs name their stadium, the fans generally get some input. This crystallises his contempt for his customers. Not sure that is the case when it's a sponsorship deal, did Leicester fans get to choose Walkers, Arsenal fans the Emirates, Hull fans the KC? Originally the ground was to have been called the "Walkers Bowl", but that name was dropped after a fans' petition against it. The other two are new. That's marvellous, so instead of the Big Dom Dome we can have the Domestos Way Stadium. I'll sleep easy at night. Are you saying we are allowed to complain or not then? I'm saying it's fucking pointless complaining if all we are changing is semantics. Walkers Bowl or Walkers Stadium, it is still a sell out. He will sell the rights regardless so the best we can hope for is a compromise. I think that the most sensible course of action is to retain the St James' Park part of the name and like the Riverside have the Sponsor as prefix. Sage St James Park for instance would not be the end of the world. I don't want to argue semantics. You asked if the Walkers was an example of a stadium where the fans had no input, as if it should exempt Ashley...I answered why it shouldn't. I'm lost as to what your point is. You'd be happy with a compromise but Ashley's not offered it. You don't think it shows his disregard for the fans, renaming the stadium entirely is within his right as it was with other clubs new stadiums but you want to retain St James' Park.
  4. 25000 season tickets. We'd still have above average gate receipts for the division.
  5. When other clubs name their stadium, the fans generally get some input. This crystallises his contempt for his customers. Not sure that is the case when it's a sponsorship deal, did Leicester fans get to choose Walkers, Arsenal fans the Emirates, Hull fans the KC? Originally the ground was to have been called the "Walkers Bowl", but that name was dropped after a fans' petition against it. The other two are new. That's marvellous, so instead of the Big Dom Dome we can have the Domestos Way Stadium. I'll sleep easy at night. Are you saying we are allowed to complain or not then?
  6. When other clubs name their stadium, the fans generally get some input. This crystallises his contempt for his customers. Not sure that is the case when it's a sponsorship deal, did Leicester fans get to choose Walkers, Arsenal fans the Emirates, Hull fans the KC? Originally the ground was to have been called the "Walkers Bowl", but that name was dropped after a fans' petition against it. They're all new as well.
  7. When other clubs name their stadium, the fans generally get some input. This crystallises his contempt for his customers.
  8. Good idea. Paul, I am becoming more and more frustrated with The Chronicles coverage of the Newcastle ownership saga. Your matchday coverage continues to be excellent and the insight expert, however the widespread contempt for Mike Ashley on the stands and among those registered on your website is not reflected as it should be in your newspaper. Apart from John Gibson I have seen little from your newspaper that holds the owner to account for his actions. I hope todays announcement that he will rename our stadium for cash prompts a stronger line against the owner. Please consider taking a harsher line against Ashley that endorses the fans who want him out rather than kowtowing to him. If a change in the Newcastle editorial line is not seen soon then I can only see your readership dwindling further. Many Thanks I'm shite at complaint letters though. Someone should draft a better one then everyone can send a copy of it.
  9. The Newcastle page still has a dedicated section called "Keegan damages case" which links to all the stories about Keegan fleecing the club. No wonder dip shits at the match blame him. Where's the section on Ashleys fuck ups from day 1?
  10. Ryder posted to his blog immediately. No opinion, just the facts... http://www.blogonthetyne.co.uk/2009/10/uni...-as-h.html#more Pussy
  11. Not read the thread, but NUSC should announce they'll push all Newcastle fans to boycott any company that enters into a deal to rename the stadium.
  12. Just found out. Can't say I'm surprised. At least he didn't ask interested parties to email Decka.
  13. Even if their actions restrict the choices that you can make? I can restrict my own choices while nobody else does and there'll be no effect, or the government can restrict everyones choices and there will be an effect. If there was no law against it, I'd choose to not pay for anything and walk around bollock naked masturbating into the faces of attractive women on the metro. The government restricts my choices for the common good every day. That 'UP' film has really got to you ain't it? Wall-E is the environmentalist one Or did you think the old fella in UP goes around wanking in the face of attractive women
  14. Nope, is that a prerequisite for eating one? No, but maybe it ought to be. You think people choosing not to eat meat is an extreme stance. I think your stance is extreme if you have never actually witnessed the reality of slaughter. When you take life from another creature it certainly has an impact on your opinions, they are then founded in the reality of the industry, the reality of death. I think, if we were ever to move toward a responsible society (wild concept I know), people should kill at least once each of the animals they choose to eat, just so that they are aware of the responsibility they are passing on to others. It is not just another product on the shelves. Extreme, I know. I'll never get in with that vote either. Not during a recession like.
  15. A Goldman Sachs lobbying document has just come right out and said it.... http://www2.goldmansachs.com/ideas/public-...-reg-part-4.pdf In other words, we can't have transparency in the market, if we did, we wouldn't be to fuck the little guy up his arse!
  16. The animal still has to be dead though, right? Is that not an ethical concern? Perhaps you're right and we could reduce the number of cattle raised to feed the worlds population by eating human meat as well.
  17. Anyone seen The Cove yet. Supposed to be mint...and will turn you off dolphin meat for a good while.
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8327569.stm I especially love the bit in bold, as if that distinguishes it from other churches.
  19. Difficult to see what they can actually do though without it being counter-productive. And even then, it's difficult to see what it would achieve. They can't magic a buyer out of thin air. My own gut feeling is we might be better off not going up to really sicken the bastard. That goes against everything I want each time we play though. They could organise opposition come out and criticise him publicly and in the press point out what he is doing and put the case forward for Newcastle fans to try and give as little of their money to him as possibble while still supporting the team. Haven't they already done that? And been heavily criticised for it.
  20. He ISN'T going to sell? But he said he would! Not for sale
  21. The human race is a disease on the verge of killing it's host. Fop had it right when he advocated systematic population reduction. Of course people tend not to vote for parties running on a platform of widespread genocide. Catch 22.
  22. It's a fair point but would you vote a government in if they were proposing insanely radical new policy in an effort to do so. I think there will be some strong new policies following Copenhagen and the election, not strong enough but things are certainly going to get different. Anyone here know much about the CRCEES? Carbon economy now imminent. I voted Green last time so you you can't get more insanely radical than that. I wonder if i'm the only green voter that refuses to use his recycle bin Top Obama administration officials are looking to make their case at a U.S. Senate hearing Tuesday for aggressive action to combat climate change, even as Republicans show no sign of softening their dislike of a Democratic bill that would dramatically cut heat-trapping pollution.
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