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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. If my theory from July was correct (and I've seen nothing to suggest otherwise), he's just putting back into the club some of the money he took out at the end of the season. The £40m overdraft only appeared at the end of last season. I've always thought it was money he took from Barclays to cover some of the cash he'd put into the club. He then set about selling players and using that cash to reduce the overdraft. He took £24m in player sales in the close season, so there's still £16m+ of the overdarft outstanding. He's now putting back £20m of the £40m he took out of the club in May/June in order to avoid charges on the overdraft.
  2. Cunt owners come and go. Barring unfortunate incidents I'll be alive another 40 or 50 years. I'm 99% certain that I will live to see Ashley out of my club. His heart's not in it like mine is. There's no need to boycott or come up with the money to buy him out. Until he does fuck off I'll complain about the fat fucker and give him a load of shit while I'm there, but no way will I stop going.
  3. One of the best sci-fi films I've seen in a long time. 7 Parky's out of ten. What a brainfuck eh Waking up to realise you are just another clone who's being lied to over and over again and that all the promises were fake. Sounds a tad familiar Seems you've spoiled it for him Christmas Tree. First thing you learn in this thread, don't assume Parky's seen a film just because he's reviewing it. Even when he says Usually means he's seen the trailer...or the dvd box.
  4. One of the best sci-fi films I've seen in a long time. 7 Parky's out of ten. What a brainfuck eh Waking up to realise you are just another clone who's being lied to over and over again and that all the promises were fake. Sounds a tad familiar Seems you've spoiled it for him Christmas Tree. First thing you learn in this thread, don't assume Parky's seen a film just because he's reviewing it.
  5. On a related note, anyone been following the net neutrailty debate in the US? http://www.v3.co.uk/v3/news/2251853/net-ne...ity-fight-heats http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2009/10/th...ations-com.html Love how they frame regulation and government control as a bad thing when it's purpose will be top MAINTAIN neutrality. AT&T et al want to be able to improve delivery of certain sites and restrict delivery of others, effectively censoring the web, and claim regulating so that they can't is a breach of their freedom.
  6. Thanks Nick We'll save the planet by sending the buggers back.
  7. By the way, if you don't already download Melvyn Bragg's In Our Time podcasts, I strongly recommend last weeks which was on the geological formation of Britain and has a lot of discussion on natural climate change... Around six hundred million years ago, the island that we now call Britain was in two parts, far to the south of the Equator. Scotland – and north-western Ireland – were part of a continent (Laurentia) that also included what is now North America. To the south-east, near the Antarctic Circle, meanwhile, you would have found Southern Ireland, England and Wales. They formed a mini-continent (Avalonia) with what is now Newfoundland. Over the course of hundreds of millions of years, as they inched their way north, the two parts came together, first as part of a vast unitary continent (Pangaea), later as a promontory on the edge of Europe, and eventually, as sea levels rose, as an island. The story of how Britain came to be where it is now, in its current shape – from the separation of North America and Europe to the carving out of the English Channel - is still being uncovered today. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/inourt..._20091022.shtml They stipulate that these natural changes over hundreds of millions of years have no bearing on the arguments for or against a man made effect on climate change. It's just a fascinating show that made me feel incredibly insignificant...as I am. They've got the whole back catalogue online now too Of the few I've heard over the last year I particularly recommend the The Vacuum of Space if you like that kind of thing.
  8. I'll take you seriously if you admit tower 7 wasn't demolished.
  9. I thought this hit it's stride this week. Some class stuff about Question time...
  10. If you enjoyed it, there's a new Encore available.... http://www.jaydiohead.com/?jh=ENCORE
  11. They do lots of that sort of thing already imho tbh tttt iyam iirc. For example, this Friday... and
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00nf...rth_of_Germany/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00np...MinimumMaximum/
  13. Did you see the Krautrock shows on BBC4 over the weekend. Should still be on Iplayer if not. The Minimum maximum live show was on too.
  14. I'm not sure which is Stevie and which is Fish but that chomp looks like it could have come from any one of their patented tiffs.
  15. If you wanna see me hang, me hang, me hang If you wanna see me hang...watch Channel 4.
  16. Keegan should use his winnings to name it the Mike Ashley is a cunt stadium.
  17. Otherwise known as the Bell end? The East Stand will Be The Dennis Wise stand, dwarfed as it is.
  18. Remember when he spoke up about Diedre Rashid being wrongfully imprisoned? She's free and easy now. It might just work.
  19. That'll be Ashleys next statement...."if the fans don't like it, they can pay for the naming rights themself". The cum farting pig fucker.
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