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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Russia went out to Slovenia didn't they? Did they? I just assumed EDIT: change it to Greece.
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/8367913.stm Do we really need live updates on peoples reaction? Mind Mike Ashley will be pleased Russia and France got through.
  3. I don't expect anything else. When i'm being arse raped I prefer to make some noise though.
  4. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=aeV9jwqKKrEw No offer to forego the $Billion bonuses that will be at an all time high this year. No offer to repay some of the $21 billion long term debt still guaranteed by the Fed. No offer to put a freeze on foreclosures for the people they stole $50 Billion from. No directive issued to staff to avoid the type of activities that led to the collapse. No promise they won't do it all again. But he's sorry. So let's forgive and forget.
  5. From the reviews i've read and the trailers I've seen, it seems horrifically religious. Says the world is destined to be destroyed, but it's a good thing because the righteous will survive (the only major character to die is the unmarried adulterer, right?) and build arks with two of each animal to start over. It sounds like they started by trying to do a modern tale of Noah's ark (that infers global warming is gods will), but end literally with two giraffes getting on the boat, as if they can re-populate the earth.
  6. I am sure the seventies provided its fair share of dross. Personally there have been some great Romance / Tearjerkers out in the last decade and I list a few below for disection villification or simply entertainment. The Notebook http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332280/ Elizabethtown http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0368709/ Away from her http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0491747/ Life as a house http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0264796/ What dreams may come http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120889/ Captain Corelli's Mandolin http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0238112/ The English Patient http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116209/ (just outside your decade but worth chucking in ) And one of the greatest of all time ...... Love Actually --- Sheer brilliance. I've not seen any of those. But I think they prove my point.... The Notebook - ending happified from the novel Elizabethtown - At the end, "after looking desperately for a few minutes, he finds Claire." Away from her - Fiona remembers him and the love she has for him. The film closes on their embrace Life as a house - George wins Robin back. What Dreams May come - Not from this decade and ending happified from the novel. Captain Corelli - Not from this decade and ending happified from the novel. The English Patient - Not from this decade
  7. The Way We Were Me-e-e-e-e-mories. Pretty average hollywood romance, still a cut above anything this decade though*. Reminded me how boring and formulaic romances are these days, they always seem to have a happy ending. I liked the 70's ones like this and Love Story and Kramer Vs Kramer where people died and got divorced. The classical Casablanca, Brief Encounter, Gone With The Wind, Romeo and Juliet approach of impossible love is always far more dramatic. *Apart from Eternal Sunshine.
  8. I can see how he would be, I'm just easily pleased tbh Shall have a gander, cheers. Tried out Jupitus and...stupider? the other day, didn't reckon much to them. Stuck with Jupitus as long as I could but had to give up. The man is a cunt.
  9. Links please mate... You can grab both on http://absolute.co.uk but subscribing through itunes is prob easiest if you swing that way. Dave Gorman bored me when he stood in for Skinner, who's excellent. Collings and Herrin and Adam and Joe are still the best comedy podcasts though.
  10. By no means my favourite, but I just had a chuckle at this bloke Micky Flanagan that I only just heard of and had nowhere else to put it...
  11. I've got a Samsung Soul U900 and a Nokia N73 sat doing nothing. This handy site tells me that I can get £40 for one and £60 for the other plus an extra £5 cashback for each with a voucher code. It's like £110 for old rope. Handy over christmas.
  12. Kelly Clarkson is there to represent the pop idol phenomenon which, whatever the quality, has had a huge impact on the music industry. Definitley important. She's the most critically acclaimed, longest lasting of all of them. I think Beyonce is just great. You're not a fan?
  13. NPR music: The 50 Most Important Recordings Of The Decade in alphabetic order 01. John Adams: On The Transmigration Of Souls 02. Animal Collective: Merriweather Post Pavilion 03. The Arcade Fire: Funeral 04. The Bad Plus: These Are The Vistas 05. Beyonce: Dangerously In Love 06. Bon Iver: For Emma, Forever Ago 07. Bright Eyes: I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning 08. Burial: Untrue 09. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: S/T 10. Kelly Clarkson: Breakaway 11. Coldplay: A Rush Of Blood To The Head 12. Danger Mouse: The Grey Album 13. Death Cab For Cutie: Transatlanticism 14. The Decemberists: The Crane Wife 15. Eminem: The Marshall Mathers LP 16. The Flaming Lips: Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots 17. Osvaldo Golijov: La Pasión Segun San Marcos (Saint Mark's Passion) 18. Green Day: American Idiot 19. Iron And Wine: Our Endless Numbered Days 20. Jay-Z: The Blueprint 21. Norah Jones: Come Away With Me 22. Juanes: Fijate Bien 23. LCD Soundsystem: Sound Of Silver 24. Lil’ Wayne: Tha Carter III 25. Little Brother: The Listening 26. M.I.A.: Kala 27. Yo-Yo Ma: Silk Road Journeys: When Strangers Meet 28. Mastodon: Leviathan 29. Jason Moran: Black Stars 30. OutKast: Stankonia 31. Brad Paisley: 5th Gear 32. Panda Bear: Person Pitch 33. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss: Raising Sand 34. The Postal Service: Give Up 35. Radiohead: In Rainbows 36. Radiohead: Kid A 37. Shakira: Fijación Oral, Vol. 1 38. Sigur Ros: ( ) 39. Britney Spears: In The Zone 40. Sufjan Stevens: Illinois 41. The Strokes: Is This It 42. The Swell Season: Once Soundtrack 43. Ali Farka Toure & Toumani Diabate: In The Heart Of The Moon 44. TV On The Radio: Return To Cookie Mountain 45. Various: Garden State Soundtrack 46. Various: O Brother, Where Art Thou? Soundtrack 47. Kanye West: The College Dropout 48. The White Stripes: White Blood Cells 49. Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 50. Amy Winehouse: Back To Black Podcast discussion... http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...oryId=120326033
  14. Any band is the sum of it's influences.... every one of the bands being listed as the 'Grunge' originators would wish they could have been the ones that made the leap to global phenomenon. Originating the form is not necessarily as important as advancing it further than anyone else could, which Nirvana undoubtedly did. Those other bands will be very grateful to the huge breakthrough acts that popularised their music with just a nod towards it. It's a mutualistic realtionship, by which I mean The Melvins (for example) gained as much from Nirvana as Nirvana gained from the Melvins...they got signed to Atlantic for a start.
  15. Les Paul was more important...etc etc.
  16. 70's Happy, it was the 70's that gave birth to Disco. the 80's gave birth to the New Romantics, Hair Metal and later on in the decade, House!! ACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!! I was trying to be polite to the 80's and suggest it was good for something. Otherwise it was shite, as your examples show. you think disco was good?? try this one on fer size my friend!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc5d01_riBo...feature=related the worst thing about it is, I thought it was FANTASTIC when i was 6! That's quality. Disco is great man.
  17. 70's Happy, it was the 70's that gave birth to Disco. the 80's gave birth to the New Romantics, Hair Metal and later on in the decade, House!! ACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!! I was trying to be polite to the 80's and suggest it was good for something. Otherwise it was shite, as your examples show.
  18. Men think of sex every time they see a pair of tits. We can go hours without seeing a pair of tits or thinking of sex, but the researchers averaged every pair of tits we see over a day to come up with 7 seconds.
  19. Take That limited edition cd/dvd/book box set Wii Fit Plus Coronation Street The Novel Paul O'Grady book Loose Women Book I might be all done before December this year
  20. Can't believe I must have left it 2 years before giving this another listen. Harder than You Think is fantastic.
  21. The Elbow South Bank Show on Sunday night was canny.
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