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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Strange you never started a thread on this either.... http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/oc...e-chopra-racism Given your clear passion to expose racists in the game.
  2. Draconian to say the least in this day and age, in the age of intergration, someone as high profile as Zaki, uttering vile racism because of someones faith and nationality, well it shows the mentality of some of them. FIFA will do fuck all of course, because the victim is jewish, not black, islamic or Asian. What do you base that on like? I thought Emre and Ferguson got away with it while Evra got charged and handed a four match ban.
  3. I'm pretty sure that last paragraph is an outright lie that climate change deniers love to spout. As for the NW passage, isn't the change that it will now be open even in winter? At the end of the day, none of us on this board has a clue about climatology so it's all a matter of who you choose to believe. Do you believe the vast majority of climatologist scientists (many of whom are independent), or do you choose to believe the small minority of scientists (usually oil company sponsored), Jeremy Clarkson, and various internet nut jobs? I know who I have faith in. I don't think there is any such thing as an independant scientist. It is a given now after a decade of revelations about data manipulations, that the AGW brigade are bancrupt. IMO the biggest danger to us is over population and it might be money better spend looking into this. You're not a scientist and have never worked with scientists, so I'll take your view with a pinch of salt. Needless to say I strongly disagree (I consider myself independent). Overpopulation is a huge problem but is due to political, economical, and religious reasons. Good luck on solving that problem with money. Global Warming will solve it for us anyway. So it is the planet after all? No, we just don't need to invest MORE money in warming the globe. We're doing a fine job as it is.
  4. I'm pretty sure that last paragraph is an outright lie that climate change deniers love to spout. As for the NW passage, isn't the change that it will now be open even in winter? At the end of the day, none of us on this board has a clue about climatology so it's all a matter of who you choose to believe. Do you believe the vast majority of climatologist scientists (many of whom are independent), or do you choose to believe the small minority of scientists (usually oil company sponsored), Jeremy Clarkson, and various internet nut jobs? I know who I have faith in. I don't think there is any such thing as an independant scientist. It is a given now after a decade of revelations about data manipulations, that the AGW brigade are bancrupt. IMO the biggest danger to us is over population and it might be money better spend looking into this. You're not a scientist and have never worked with scientists, so I'll take your view with a pinch of salt. Needless to say I strongly disagree (I consider myself independent). Overpopulation is a huge problem but is due to political, economical, and religious reasons. Good luck on solving that problem with money. Global Warming will solve it for us anyway.
  5. Probably depends on who is doing the raping but almost certainly the latter. That Fritzl lass should count her blessings.
  6. I'm pretty sure that last paragraph is an outright lie that climate change deniers love to spout. A survey carried out by the UK's Royal Society found that in 2005 ExxonMobil distributed $2.9m to 39 groups that the society said "misrepresented the science of climate change by outright denial of the evidence". It's a shame it works and they've managed to place climate change science on the same level as 'research' presented in the tabloids about boffins scientifically proving how to pour the perfect pint or evidence of the perfect pair of tits.
  7. Well, don't really understand why you think energy companies should sit around and accept a theory that is clearly bollocks and one that puts at risk their business. But Exxon now accept the 'theory' is true... Although.... Profit before principle. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008...nge.fossilfuels
  8. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=694395
  9. Exxon Mobile alone gave $23million to climate change deniers who organize wholescale media blitz operations to suppress the reality of climate change. I hardly think it's news that the people trying to combat that without any PR budget discuss how to best present their findings. ....or that it seems to have been a far bigger story than the $23million investment in denial.
  10. Funny how the only science the deniers can produce to back up their argument is that the planet warms and cools naturally. As if ANYONE denies that. http://unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Def...D=5506&l=en
  11. What type of argument is that? Heating and cooling of the planet is a natural cycle, something imo we have very little effect on. Typical smokers opinion like. We'll die eventually, might as well enjoy ourselves even if it speeds up the process. Speed up the process?!! What utter rubbish. Get back to me when we have the skills to control sunspot activity. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third Assessment Report states that the measured magnitude of recent solar variation is much smaller than the effect due to greenhouse gases.
  12. What type of argument is that? Heating and cooling of the planet is a natural cycle, something imo we have very little effect on. Typical smokers opinion like. We'll die eventually, might as well enjoy ourselves even if it speeds up the process.
  13. What type of argument is that? I wasn't alive once. So if someone shoots me now, they shouldn't be blamed for killing me. This makes the twinkie defence look cast iron. Someone inform Perry Mason.
  14. This is the only part of the article i can see where they reference any scientist (at no point do they reference any studies or provide evidence). If they do and i missed it while scanning through please quote it (it's a long piece of shit). Anyway.... According to Ross Gelbspan in a 1995 article in Harper's Magazine, Lindzen "... charges oil and coal interests $2,500 a day for his consulting services; his 1991 trip to testify before a Senate committee was paid for by Western Fuels and a speech he wrote, entitled Global Warming: the Origin and Nature of Alleged Scientific Consensus, was underwritten by OPEC. Lindzen has contributed to think tanks including the Cato Institute and the George C. Marshall Institute that have accepted money from ExxonMobil. Happer is currently chair of the George C. Marshall Institute , an organization that has been funded by Exxon (as mentioned above). Happer is an atomic physicist. So he understands a lot about how atoms interact with light, and that, he claims, makes him an expert on climate change. However, of the hundreds of things that go into understanding the effect of greenhouse gases on the earth's climate, the interaction of infrared radiation with carbon dioxide is one area where we don't need much expertise. That stuff is all well understood. Finally Freeman Dyson is quoted as saying "One of the main causes of warming is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from our burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal and natural gas." On the 700 scientists of many disciplines bit, see the petition from the discussion in the other thread. People like Ginger Spice were included.
  15. Would you prefer this or being kept in a cellar and frequently raped over a similar period?
  16. Happened on Greys anatomy too.....probably on ER and Casualty and Scrubs and Holby and Nurses to boot. Why are there so many hospital based dramas? I suppose there's plenty of police ones too. The fire service are getting a raw deal in the positive media portrayal stakes like. Londons Burning was shite.
  17. you seem to suggest it's impossible to have a varied sex life and an emotionally invested relationship? Blatantly like your lass to shit on a glass table while you lie under it. Who doesnt? Only Fish's lass I suppose.
  18. you seem to suggest it's impossible to have a varied sex life and an emotionally invested relationship? Blatantly like your lass to shit on a glass table while you lie under it.
  19. As Tony Soprano says "Hey, she kisses my kids with that mouth" Save it for the goomah.
  20. Kidulthood - Passed an hour and a half I guess. Taped In The Shadow Of The Moon off the telly last night. Got it on now. Excellent doc.
  21. As you said, only an idiot would debate it - especially one who knows nowt about it. Exactly you said it. This is like two thalidomides arguing over a comb As opposed to one boring cunt from South Shields with nothing to say? But which would win in a fight? There's only one way to find out. Qantas doesn't fly to South Shields. I was thinking more of a poll
  22. As you said, only an idiot would debate it - especially one who knows nowt about it. Exactly you said it. This is like two thalidomides arguing over a comb As opposed to one boring cunt from South Shields with nothing to say? But which would win in a fight? There's only one way to find out.
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