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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Looking at Ewerks post I think it must be something to do with pre-pubescent girls with manky armpits taking a shit then a photo of themselves.
  2. Just dunked my way through a box of Jaffa cakes with my coffee.
  3. Aye, if a ban is in order it's for the insider, not for saying the bloke can't really be a brit, but for his use of the word "anyway".
  4. Opinion pieces should have fines imposed on them when they spout such unsubstantiated drivel as that. Link So even of all the people that do support the death penalty, almost 90% of them oppose it for drug offences and this fucker says it's only the trendy elites that would think such a thing. Dipshit.
  5. David Miliband 28/12/09 BBC 30/11/09 BBC 07/12/2005
  6. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/29/opinion/...amp;ref=opinion
  7. They both took their storylines from Return Of The Jedi Too. Whether it's blue aliens, Indians or Samurai...they're all following the Humans join Ewok resistance against their own kind template...I'll gladly be corrected if there is earlier precedence. but the rebels are already fighting against the empire. This is the key difference as the leads in the other films belong to a force hostile to the aliens/indians/samurai before "going native". Either way, 3 shite films to take the story from
  8. One notable trend was that eight out of the top 10 acts in the poll are signed to independent record labels. Another pattern saw New York-based bands dominate the higher ranks in the survey, with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Dirty Projectors and Grizzly Bear joining Animal Collective to claim four of the top five positions. Merriweather Post Pavilion, which was released in January and reached number 26 in the charts, received 13 nominations. It was named album of the year by Mojo and Uncut magazines, as well as the Sunday Times. The Domino-signed three-piece band, who are known for their innovative sampling of other artists' work, narrowly beat the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, whose third studio album It's Blitz was widely acclaimed. Indie rockers The XX, the highest rated UK act, were third. The self-titled debut by the four-piece from London, which was released in August, reached number 36 in the charts. Fourth place was claimed by Brooklyn-based experimental rock outfit Dirty Projectors and Grizzly Bear, another act from the New York borough, was fifth. Mr Hirst said the Animal Collective album was "selling steadily" after being discovered by fans "through word-of-mouth". He added: "It's also encouraging to see indie labels doing so well, which reflects on the vibrant state of our music right now." The Seldom Seen Kid, by last year's Mercury Prize winners Elbow, topped the 2008 poll. In recent years records from Arcade Fire, OutKast, Kanye West and Daft Punk have been named as the critics' choice. No Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix?
  9. They should really have watched the video before claiming it's about low levels of brightness rather than low levels of whiteness.
  10. They both took their storylines from Return Of The Jedi Too. Whether it's blue aliens, Indians or Samurai...they're all following the Humans join Ewok resistance against their own kind template...I'll gladly be corrected if there is earlier precedence.
  11. Increase the fear and the perception anything can be done to stop these loons. Next on board announcements will include a history of terrorist attacks. Close Guantanamo and let journalists who've been imprisoned for 7 years without charge go free? What a crazy notion when dangerous minds like this are on the loose.
  12. He didn't direct it. Ken Loach did. The bloke that did Kes.
  13. The way I read it from The Guardian was that they showed the funds were available in order to enter due diligence but once that had finished, they couldn't then produce the funds - sounds like the usual shite to me. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/de...-derek-llambias Given that proof of funds was a requirement of proceeding with due diligence, I think this revelation is interesting. Potential buyers (plural) were keen enough to to get the ball rolling, they had the money and on the surface seemed to think it was a deal worth pursuing, but given access to the books and following talks none of them saw the asking price as reasonable when push came to shove. This suggests that £100m (plus whatever add-ons we've not been informed of) was unrealistic. Despite all the claims from the club of how much Mike Ashley had pumped in, how he stabalised the club finances, how he just wanted out and was going to cut his losses, he was still asking too much of several bidders that were keen to take the club on. Rather than something to highlight in your program notes, I'd have thought putting potential buyers through the whole purchase process but refusing to budge...and then dropping the asking price to £80m a month later for a bloke that can't scrape it together...is not only going to infuriate fans but put off any buyers serious enough to go through whole process with you again in the future. We all know Mike Ashley never had any intention of selling, and does not intend to, at least until he has recouped his outlay. Any suggestion otherwise is simply more "public relations".
  14. Encounters At The End Of The World - Herzog visits the south pole and chats to some of the characters colonising it. He's excellent as always, pondering as he does questions such as if basic single celled organisms are intelligent enough to use and filter different sands or feed of other animals then why don't monkeys ride goats and what happens to mentally unstable penguins. Superb.
  15. Dreamgirls - Awful. I was filled with dread every time another song started. I love musicals, but the songs here were almost as bad as Trapped In The Closet for plot exposition inanity. How did it get Oscar nominated? I cried at the end like ) Muppet Christmas Carol - Class. Flags of our fathers - Average Letters From Iwo Jima - Better
  16. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/21/s...t_n_399733.html
  17. http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/200...n-regents-canal
  18. " Hello Jawdys, Derek here, we did have 2 bids, but they didn't have any money. See, I'm not a lying puppet. Honest. Love me pleeease. " save you the bother of a click HF. I'm sure he said the bids were there but were pulled following due dilligence....and he made out this was a fault on behalf of the bidders. I thought when reading it that the more reasoned conclusion would be that the asking price Ashley placed on the package was unreasonable.
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