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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. The New Vampire Weekend album streamed in its entirity.... http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...oryId=122213523
  2. He'd probably do that just to avoid the reinvesting I actually suggested
  3. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,1...5831136,00.html?
  4. It isn't working........ http://www.juancole.com/2010/01/serial-cat...fghanistan.html
  5. Happy Face


  6. The US are occupying or bombing 5 muslim countries now - occupation of Iraq, twice-escalated war in Afghanistan, rapidly escalating bombing campaigns in Pakistan and Yemen, and various forms of covert war involvement in Somalia. Fuck Yeah!
  7. Well done PP. Robledo Beardsley is it?
  8. Though anyone here would have gladly accepted the sale of Geremi. No doubt. I have no problem whatsoever with getting rid of Geremi as he's an expensive bench warmer. However, as predicted, it hasn't taken long for another public statement from the club to be exposed as a lie. A lie that will only be forgiveable if the £60,000 a week reduction in the wage bill secured by the deal is reinvested in the first team to ensure we can compete in the Premier League next year. I won't hold my breath.
  9. I seem to recall Llambias sayinbg "We're still paying for some of them now, we won’t clear the debt for those players as it will take us until 2011” Who else we still paying for?
  10. That's not the top model either. You could go for the XXL.... Which is a snip at £2500. You'd struggle to take it with you and use it it in your hotel like.
  11. The Geneva XL seems to be the way to go like.... http://uk.genevalab.co.uk/shop.asp £1500
  12. “We don’t envisage anyone leaving in January" Nice one Decka.
  13. In English...just about..... http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11688_5830013,00.html
  14. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/01/opinion/...dsredirect=true
  15. Amazing to think Lockerbie didn't generate such hysterical overreaction as this daft cunt trying to set fire to his fart.
  16. For All Mankind Class doc that Alex has been bangiong on about since I joined on here. Was on BBC4 over christmas. Available on Iplayer until 12:19am Tuesday 5th January 2010. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00lk...or_All_Mankind/ Now to get the soundtrack. Big Trouble in Little China Coming to it over 20 years late it was never going to be the classic for me that others perceive it to be. Canny funny, but there's nowt much to it.
  17. If they win their 2 games in hand they'll have more points than Sunderland. Strange how Bruce is perceived as doing well having spent £25m and Megson gets the sack having spent zero. That said, 2 of their next 3 PL games are against Arsenal, so they probably won't be climbing the table any time soon. Elmander 11m, Zat Knight 5m, Paul Robinson 2m, Sam Ricketts 1.5m, Danny Shittu 2m, Jlloyd Samuel 1m Not saying he had Man City levels of cash available, but he must have spent a good 20 million or so. http://www.soccerbase.com/transfers_by_team.sd?teamid=354 Soccerbase is shite innit?
  18. Grey Gardens is on Channel 4 at 12.45 tonight. Great documentary.
  19. And at the other end of the spectrum.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8434987.stm
  20. If they win their 2 games in hand they'll have more points than Sunderland. Strange how Bruce is perceived as doing well having spent £25m and Megson gets the sack having spent zero. That said, 2 of their next 3 PL games are against Arsenal, so they probably won't be climbing the table any time soon.
  21. From a personal perspective, if the fuckers are guilty, am not arsed if they pull their fingernails out with pliers. This is the exact point. They're held without charge. over 50% were eventually released without charge after several years. It's barbaric. You see opposition to torture as a religious position? I'm as atheistic as they come and I'm dead against it, especially prior to trial and determination of guilt. I think expectations have been dropped so low by Bush a lot of people are glad just to have the "erudite inspirational leader that the world has been crying out for". But that should be a given. The most powerful man in the world shouldn't be a drunken hick zealot. He should be able to string 2 sentences together as a bare minimum and be judged on actions rather than words.
  22. If that's your response to my post, there's only one mention of Guantanamo in the article, torture is said to have been stopped, which is a strange thing to comend him for, like giving a dog a bone for shitting on the floor as long as it doesn't piss too. Torture is a small aspect of the human rights abuses the US have performed recently, many more continue. I've never said Obama is an abject failure, I'd agree with a lot of the credit that article gives him and he's still much preferable to Bush. In the healthcare thread, I said the bill that goes before him will be better than nothing. But as I've also said elsewhere, the idea anyone should be silently grateful for whatever scraps he throws is ridiculous. Obama is a politician. He will respond to the most vocal responses to his actions. There should be constant pressure on him to do better from the left, because the right won't let up.
  23. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8434275.stm Love the way Obama's started doing all his speeches with tie off. Clearly he's in all action mode.
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