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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. But KD can't afford one so I thought I'd help him out
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/8449319.stm Doesn't bode well
  3. http://www.techcrunch.com/2010/01/05/googl...hcrunch-review/ http://www.techtree.com/India/Reviews/Batt...8528-614-6.html
  4. How does that equate with Leeds transfer listing him last summer but him going on to be (currently) the 3rd highest scorer across all the leagues for them? Cynically? 'Cos he's playing for a move, not because his attutude has improved. If today's report is to be belived, he's deparate to come to us and I believe that's because he sees us as a surefire route to the Prem. Whilst there's nothing wrong in that, he needs us more than we need him IMO. I think we should stay clear. But that doesn't tally with his head dropping. When he doesn't get his own way he either redoubles his efforts (for whatever reason) or he goes in a strop and stops performing. You can't have it both ways, it seems clear to me from his performances that it's the former.
  5. How does that equate with Leeds transfer listing him last summer but him going on to be (currently) the 3rd highest scorer across all the leagues for them?
  6. Bollocks imo How have you come to reach that opinion, what factors do you think caused it and why? Since 2007, no scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion on this. Scientist have used complicated sums and interpreted huge amounts of data and agree... Can't wait to see what evidence the insider has. Perhaps he should pass it on to the Royal Society as they seem to have missed it.
  7. Inglourious Basterds What a misleading trailer. It set the film up entirely as a Dirty Dozen style men on a mission war flick...but you only actually see two of the 'basterds' speak in the whole film. None of the storyline described in the trailer is on screen. That doesn't make it a bad film. What does that is how much Tarantino loves his own writing. Chapter 1 is two men sitting at a dining room table talking. Chapter 2 is the basterds in a forest talking. Chapter 3 is two men and a woman sitting at a restaurant table talking. Chapter 4 is three men and a woman sitting at a bar table talking. Chapter 5 is everyone being killed None of the story in the first four chapters is told in the images. Even as people are doing all this excessive talking, writing pops up on screen with arrows pointing out who's who because Tarantino apparently doesn't have the ability to place characters in a setting unless it's explicit. When you compare this to something like Wall-E or Up that go long stretches with a completely dialogue free story arc you wonder if Tarantino knows what film is about, he's clearly far more interested in writing than film making. Which wouldn't be bad if he was Mankiewicz, but there's barely a laugh out loud moment in the film until the final line. It's been over a decade that Tarantino was talking up his war movie so this is a huge disappointment. Someone take back his screenplay oscar cos it was blatantly Roger Avery's award (Pulp Fiction co-writer and uncredited on true Romance and Reservoir Dogs) and it's gone to QT's head.
  8. Pigs are as man-made as chickens, cows and sheep. I read a stat that claimed that before farming took off about 10k years ago humans and "our" animals made up 0.98% of vertebrates. Now that figure is 98%. They're a derivative of wild boar..... By that rationale there's no man-made impact whatsoever because we're derivative of chimpanzee's. Planet of the Apes was right Damn You!! Damn you all to hell!
  9. We probably have less ambition now than we did in the 80's. Not sure what the last three decades have to do with our current predicament like. You might as well opine that George Rutherford was better. No amount of booing got rid of anybody either, just cold hard cash.
  10. Around the same time he said.....
  11. I've heard he prefers the Arse too.
  12. Forgive my ignorance, who was this said about ? Keggy Keegle
  13. Yes but the existence of domesticated animals is down to us so that isn't a get-out. I think the thing that concerns people who are aware of climate cycles is that the earth has bounced back from all of the "natural" ones but theres no idea whether theres something different about man-made effects that could fuck it completely. As for the current conditions it should be obvious but theres a difference between climate and weather - the last decade was still the warmest since the cliched records began. The earth will survive, no matter what...at least as long as the Sun does. The human race on the other hand.... Strange to think that for all our claims of intelligence humans have only managed two hundred thousand years on this rock before looking like we're on the downhill slope. Even going back to the beginning of our evolution, we've only managed 6.5 million years since diverging genetically from Chimpanzees. Sharks are still going strong after 420 million years! Dinosaurs lasted 165 million years before nature did for them.
  14. you been listening to Dekka again?? na, still dont believe a tenth of the global warming crap we are being fed on a daily basis. dont forget, we as a nation were told 15yrs ago that bannanas would be growing wild in britain by now and has it happened? Source? There's universal agreement on warming. The science is incontrovertible. I don't know how you can keep a straight face and suggest "just as many" deny it. There is debate around how the trend will continue going forward, the cause, the methods that might be used to slow/reverse it and how dramatic our response should be.
  15. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/c...it-1858998.html pffffft, maybe they are having higher than normal temps in the places mentioned, but a lot of the world is having below average temps ie. here, china etc......... so it all averages out. justification journalism imo! Yeah, your "It's cold = no global warming" rationalising is far more thought out than the met office's global research into warming trends. Newcastle are top of the league so we must be a well run club.
  16. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/c...it-1858998.html
  17. He's been told he'll be backed, but the evidence is clear that he won't be. Simon Cox cost WBA £1.9M from league one just 6 months back, so if Ashley is refusing to budge from £1.5m he's clearly refusing to invest at the going rate even within the parameters of league one, despite all the talk of making a fist of it in the Premier League. Donny got £2m for Matthew Mills after they won League One too....and he's a centre back. It's blatantly the going rate. Except for there being only 6 months to go on his contract, they are taking the piss.
  18. Chris Hughton.... He's been told he'll be backed, but the evidence is clear that he won't be. Simon Cox cost WBA £1.9M from league one just 6 months back, so if Ashley is refusing to budge from £1.5m he's clearly refusing to invest at the going rate even within the parameters of league one, despite all the talk of making a fist of it in the Premier League.
  19. We're ridiculously low in numbers. Especially defenders, I can't see any use in putting Kadar out on loan. Our reserves are about the same quality as any of the lower league teams that might take an interest.
  20. If you think any purchase is being made for football reasons you haven't been listening to Mike Ashley.... He admits he knows nowt about football.... "I never said I was an expert in football clubs. I tried my best. But I accept my best was woefully short." ..but he's making all the decisions.... "if I keep the club I will have the final say on players." Anyone else who's admitted they're shite at it would give the manager a total budget and invite him to spend it as he sees fit. Fat fuck is going to micro manage every deal to squeeze every saving he can out of it...even if it means all our targets falling by the wayside. Just like (as has been mentioned) Modric. Imagine, the £5m wasted on Xisco that could have gone towards Modric. He has no idea. He's a cunt.
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