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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Maybe. The reason why they don't make the truth public is obvious to anyone with half a brain that understands how security works Sadly, this board has too many muslim sympathisers and leftie brainwashed do gooders to get it....... What about the rest of us with whole brains? The unfortunate thing about Leazes is that he really honestly sees categorising someone as a "leftie brainwashed do-gooder" as an argument winning point of fact.
  2. Maybe. The reason why they don't make the truth public is obvious to anyone with half a brain that understands how security works Sadly, this board has too many muslim sympathisers and leftie brainwashed do gooders to get it....... Why don't you sympathise with Muslims Leazes?
  3. Double irony bypass. You want us to ignore the rights of muslims....because they ignore the rights of others...because they're barbaric....while we're enlightened....and we respect the rights of others. Your views are so flawed as to be a worse threat to personal freedom and liberty than those you claim to abhor. Really ? Do you support the demonstrations against British troops on the streets of Britain ie in Wootton Basset for instance ? What "rights" are you talking about here. Those fuckers are a disgrace. If they feel so strongly about the countries where our troops are based then they can fuck off there and fight them....in a fair war too with uniforms and show themselves. Cowardly cunts. I don't know enough about the protests to say if i support it or not. A quick glance at a report tells me they're protesting British presence in Afghanistan and not "British Troops" so it's clear you don't know enough to say why you're against it either. I 100% support their right to protest though. Because I treasure the right to free speech in this country. If you don't, then why don't you move to Pakistan where they don't tolerate such things. because I'm English, not pakistani. anti-British troop demonstrations not welcome on British soil. Sorry, but you are wrong. If you want to live in a country, abide by its laws and don't demonstrate for changing them, or fuck off. Your original post was about restricting the rights of muslims (very generally) because they don't deserve the same rights we enjoy...whereby we treat everyone fairly and equally. When I pointed out the glaring contradiction in that you completely changed the subject to whether or not I agree with a specific protest you personally disagree with. You recommended that the British Muslims involved move to Afghanistan and take up arms against their own government and it's armed forces. So you're using this forum in order to call muslims to Jihad because you're uncomfortable with their peaceful form of protest. Which I find incredible. Is that serious or are you joking? In the end you've lost the plot and made a vague claim about someone breaking some unspecified law in an attempt to make some change to some law that you fail to identify. Who has broken the law? Protesting against which law? If you don't start making sense and more accurately stating your point along with the individuals/instances you're referring to then I'm not interested in getting into one of your baseless slagging matches. If you want to state the facts behind what's made you so angry and why, I'd enjoy debating them with you. Angry ? You are joking. My point made in the above post about these cowards that don't have the balls to stand up and put a uniform on stands There is no point "debating" when I know I am right. In a few decades time, you will sit back and say that Leazes was right. But won't admit it. Just like you all know I was right about the Shepherd and Halls and the running of this football club. I make no apologies for bringing this up in this thread, but I am right. At least Fop would make a fist of it
  4. They wouldn't and haven't. The show is called "The Conspiracy Files' so they're not claiming anything as fact. IIRC their main source was a tower 7 nutjob.
  5. He had dialysis at the French hospital and a couple of times in Pakistan, he was actually visited by CIA in the French hospital. It is known that between Bush and Clinton there have been about 5 chances to kill or capture him, yet the final order never came down. He was actually surrounded in Kandahar and locked on by a drone yet the order to strike never came. Strange stuff. I watched the show on BBC2 too... http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00q2..._Dead_or_Alive/ Beardy from the CIA wound me right up with his "they're evil we're good" schtick.
  6. Double irony bypass. You want us to ignore the rights of muslims....because they ignore the rights of others...because they're barbaric....while we're enlightened....and we respect the rights of others. Your views are so flawed as to be a worse threat to personal freedom and liberty than those you claim to abhor. Really ? Do you support the demonstrations against British troops on the streets of Britain ie in Wootton Basset for instance ? What "rights" are you talking about here. Those fuckers are a disgrace. If they feel so strongly about the countries where our troops are based then they can fuck off there and fight them....in a fair war too with uniforms and show themselves. Cowardly cunts. I don't know enough about the protests to say if i support it or not. A quick glance at a report tells me they're protesting British presence in Afghanistan and not "British Troops" so it's clear you don't know enough to say why you're against it either. I 100% support their right to protest though. Because I treasure the right to free speech in this country. If you don't, then why don't you move to Pakistan where they don't tolerate such things. because I'm English, not pakistani. anti-British troop demonstrations not welcome on British soil. Sorry, but you are wrong. If you want to live in a country, abide by its laws and don't demonstrate for changing them, or fuck off. Your original post was about restricting the rights of muslims (very generally) because they don't deserve the same rights we enjoy...whereby we treat everyone fairly and equally. When I pointed out the glaring contradiction in that you completely changed the subject to whether or not I agree with a specific protest you personally disagree with. You recommended that the British Muslims involved move to Afghanistan and take up arms against their own government and it's armed forces. So you're using this forum in order to call muslims to Jihad because you're uncomfortable with their peaceful form of protest. Which I find incredible. Is that serious or are you joking? In the end you've lost the plot and made a vague claim about someone breaking some unspecified law in an attempt to make some change to some law that you fail to identify. Who has broken the law? Protesting against which law? If you don't start making sense and more accurately stating your point along with the individuals/instances you're referring to then I'm not interested in getting into one of your baseless slagging matches. If you want to state the facts behind what's made you so angry and why, I'd enjoy debating them with you.
  7. Double irony bypass. You want us to ignore the rights of muslims....because they ignore the rights of others...because they're barbaric....while we're enlightened....and we respect the rights of others. Your views are so flawed as to be a worse threat to personal freedom and liberty than those you claim to abhor. Really ? Do you support the demonstrations against British troops on the streets of Britain ie in Wootton Basset for instance ? What "rights" are you talking about here. Those fuckers are a disgrace. If they feel so strongly about the countries where our troops are based then they can fuck off there and fight them....in a fair war too with uniforms and show themselves. Cowardly cunts. I don't know enough about the protests to say if i support it or not. A quick glance at a report tells me they're protesting British presence in Afghanistan and not "British Troops" so it's clear you don't know enough to say why you're against it either. I 100% support their right to protest though. Because I treasure the right to free speech in this country. If you don't, then why don't you move to Pakistan where they don't tolerate such things.
  8. Can someone remind me what our European record's got to do with Ashley selling up or not?
  9. Youre a hard man to please Parky lad. Everyone I know whos seen Law Abiding Citizen have given it 8.5+ man! The bloke out of 300 doing a one-man A-Team? Looks wank.
  10. Champion. Good lad. I plan to get knocked back when I get home.
  11. This is what's wrong in the film industry. The demand for films where you not only can leave your brain at the door, but must.
  12. http://www.sundaysun.co.uk/sport/newcastle...79310-25565574/? I don't know why but i STILL get angry as fuck at these bastards. What in christ is Lambias doing in Vegas when we've got 20 days to sort out our threadbare squad? I knew we weren't going to do owt, but Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
  13. http://www.tribalfootball.com/ashley-ready...et-again-563021? Doesn't quite tally with... "His commitment is unwavering and the additional large sums of money he has recently pumped into the club amply demonstrate that." Does it?
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8439495.stm http://www.beautifulpeople.com/ Let us know how you get on.
  15. Happy birthday chaps. I don't start birthday threads so can't be blamed for it being almost midnight before anyone said anything.
  16. Thats the same as I'm using. Only had a few weeks as well. Still only got the kit lens (18-55mm), though I've just bought a polarising filter. Looking to buy a decent telephoto and macro lens. Just not yet. Only just getting into photography. I knew someone had mentioned it so thought I'd hoy a few samples of it up.
  17. Double irony bypass. You want us to ignore the rights of muslims....because they ignore the rights of others...because they're barbaric....while we're enlightened....and we respect the rights of others. Your views are so flawed as to be a worse threat to personal freedom and liberty than those you claim to abhor.
  18. Tempted to go to Tynemouth and take a few but it's a bit chilly for my liking. Wor lass took the walk from Cullercoats to Tynemouth and got some lush photos at 8am yesterday morning. She got the Nikon D3000 for christmas so I'll try and hoy a few of hers up.
  19. Anyone else been out taking photos in it?
  20. You'll be wondering if I have you set up to be ignored now
  21. Apparently HMV are doing them in store for under £50. Multi Region. http://www.hotukdeals.com/item/575568/limi...-multiregion-49
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