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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Might've known you'd mention something twisted like this. You'll be mentioning food getting shipped to England in the 1840's next. He said that the British army hadn't murdered innocent civilians, I provided an example of where they did. Their own civilians I hasten to add. why are you so anti british It's amazing isn't it. Imagine living here and not supporting great British traditions like the murder of civilians, torture and the erosion of rights. ...oops hang on, I've got it wrong there. What I meant was we're proud to be British when we DON'T do those things and kick off big style when it happens....rather than sweep it under the carpet and pretend only the baddies do it.
  2. http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/articles/n...2240137_1934144 Peter's back in Denmark
  3. Blacburn offering 3 matches for £30 http://www.onerovers.co.uk/ Still too much to watch an Allardyce team like.
  4. Even the unfunny ones are great... http://xkcd.com/681_large/
  5. Arsenal twice in a row in the league coming up too
  6. Howay Rob, you must have been around when the French raped the shit out of the place... It's not inherently a dump, it's what foreign governments have made it and could be improved with debt cancellation. Unfortunately, I can't see the aid that reaches the country being entirely in the form of grants as it should be, it'll be another 'for profit' loan with conditions of corporate contracts so they'll be forced to borrow even more.
  7. http://www.bandnamemaker.com/
  8. I reckon they would have lost money if tickets were £8. No way would it have doubled the crowd. More people than went last night have been happily paying £15+ for 17 years. It wasn't the price of a ticket that put those fans off.
  9. Never underestimate evil/greed. or stupidity or the scale of man's inhumanity to man Or the price of a boiler.
  10. Give over man. It's funny cos i said the same thing over on N-O yesterday. Great minds....
  11. I have. "Because the whole thing is going to fall flat on its arse." Was the only response. As Homer Simpson said "Kids, You Tried Your Best and You Failed Miserably. The Lesson Is, Never Try."
  12. Why don't all the people on N-O saying it needs better people get involved?
  13. The best bit of that statement is If someone thought it in the eighteenth century then it must be true. All the best doctors still use leeches too.
  14. http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2010/01..._needs_help.php Christing hell! Those christians eh? They've got so much love for their fellow man. Mind, anyone watching CBN probably thought as much in the first place.
  15. That's commie propaganda and no mistake. The US is ALL about democracy. The planned diplomacy efforts will show you up for being in bed with Castro and Chavez.
  16. Happy Face


    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8459444.stm You think to yourself "how generous of them" to spare all those service people when they've got wars to fight on five fronts. That is until you read the press release from the Heritage Foundation... "The U.S. response to the tragic earthquake in Haiti earthquake offers opportunities to re-shape Haiti’s long-dysfunctional government and economy as well as to improve the public image of the United States in the region." Which they've since taken down, but there's still a lot of incredible self interest in what remains... The U.S. government response should be bold and decisive. It must mobilize U.S. civilian and military capabilities...While on the ground in Haiti, the U.S. military can interrupt the nightly flights of cocaine....counter the ongoing efforts of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez....prevent any large-scale movement by Haitians to take to the sea to try to enter the U.S. illegally...Congress should immediately begin work on a package of trade, and reconstruction efforts.... ...The U.S. should implement a strong and vigorous public diplomacy effort to counter the negative propaganda certain to emanate from the Castro-Chavez camp. http://blog.heritage.org/2010/01/13/things...-helping-haiti/ The Shock Doctrine applies to EVERY disaster.
  17. I don't think it's unreasonable to use past accounts to try and predict the current state of the club. It'll never be spot on but you can ballpark a lot of it. ...except the rent. That's just a hazy mystery.
  18. Aye, they're all dogs. I love these 'low standards' threads.
  19. These are clearly annual amounts and are based on a 2010 projection. I don’t know whose projection – was it the clubs own work or someone external? This projection showed income of £64m, costs of £62.5m leading to a small profit of £1.5m. The income in this projection included £22m from matchday revenue and £5m from TV. As for the rest of it I think the parachute payment is about £11m – so that leaves a balance of £26m, which must be commercial revenues. Commercial revenues are defined as sponsorship, merchandising, conference and banquet. So in summary the income in this 2010 projection of unknown origin was £22m matchday, £16m media and £26m commercial – total £64m. In 2008 when we were in the Premiership our revenue was £32m matchday, £41m media and £26m commercial – total £99m. The costs in the 2010 projection are very simply £53m wages and £9.5m other costs (including amortisation, running costs of SJP etc) – total £62.5m. In 2008 our wage bill was £70m and other costs were £50m – total £120m. So working forward from this mystery projection and bringing in the revised estimates in the latest email (and whose revised estimates are these?) the assumption is now that the accounts for the year end 30th June 2010 will look something like this: INCOME: TV £8m Parachute £11m Matchday £27m Commercial £29 TOTAL INCOME = £75m PROFIT ON PLAYER TRADING = £19M COSTS Wages £38m Other Costs £10m TOTAL COSTS = £48M Therefore Profit for the year will be £75m + £19m - £48m = £46m You could question almost every number in that scenario but a few points that occur to me: - Have we actually taken £32m out of our wage bill since 2008? - Is it possible that we have cut other costs by £40m since 2008? - Is our commercial income in the Championship really more than it was when we were in the Premiership in 2008? Sorry this is so long and hope it can be followed by those interested! - Have we actually taken £32m out of our wage bill since 2008? Possibly. Owen and Viduka were £10m between them. So that leaves £22m (or £423K per week) to save from Given, Martins, Milner, Nzogbia, Cacapa, Duff, Bassong, Beye, Gonzales and Xisco (assuming Santander pay his wage). Did those 10 players have an average salary of £42,300 a week? Probably not quite, but it must be a good slice of that. The £22m also needs to cater for the 200 other staff laid off following relegation.
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