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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Right, so the moniker, "do-gooder" bears zero connection to what you're trying to describe. Like calling a car "whip". I see doing good as most other people do, being kind to your fellow man, not breaking the laws of the land, finishing your greens and stuff like that. The people you seem to be describing are what I'd call Neanderthal xenophobes, racists, chavs, some of the boarding school crowd, some of the yolkels. But that's what I'd call them, not do-gooders you still haven't explained how being an intellectual is a bad thing by the by. The funny thing is, "do gooder" usually means someone's naive views are particularly impractical. On every issue it's the likes of Leazes and Stevie who's solution is completely impractical (ban free speech and certain items of clothing, send 2,000,000 British protesters to other countries, Nuke Israel, restrict international spelling conventions etc).
  2. such as ? don't bother saying we should pander to muslims if that is what you mean. Just like now you admit I was right all along about the Halls and Shepherd running the football club, you will say in 20 years time "Leazes was right, again" I won't even bother mentioning going soft on terrorist scumbags and those who abuse our troops on British soil which has been said already Leazes, I have no idea what you mean when you you say "do gooders". That's why I asked! I've not mentioned pandering to Muslims, or your fall back of Hall and Shepherd, so how's about you you answer my question. ah. Tell me what you mean by "doing good" because I think "do gooders" are idiotic, naive, stupid ignorant cunts. Didn't you say do gooders were university educated and read lots of books. Is it the books and education that make them stupid and idiotic? Is that how you remain so learned? By avoiding books and education at all costs? What's the opposite of a do gooder? A cunt?
  3. Once we hit Godwins law the thread gets closed, right?
  4. thou hast forgytan feawe Englisc wurdan remanere originale.
  5. Like color instead of colour? If that was me I would go all Hungerford on that school. You didn't complain??? They aren't even a proper fuckin country, and they're saying your spelling English versions of words wrong. Remind them they'd be speaking Kraut or Jap if it wasn't for us, I wouldn't care most proper people know fuck all about their history, while I've read our history is high on their educational agenda, as it should be for the whole world, and they're telling you, you're spelling words incorrectly in authentic English. What a fuckin wank country. Americans are jealous as fuck of our history and traditions. Fact. Because they have no history of their own, they are only 200-odd years old ffs. Is that what you say to your grandkids? "Look at you man, you're only 5. You wish you were as old as me don't you? You're shit and you know you are. How many birds you shagged? None? Ha! I've shagged 3! You're fucking useless."
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8452993.stm Just heard about this on the film program.
  7. Are you quoting those figures to show you agree or am I interpreting them differently? 53% of Obama voters who didn't turn out this week think the reform is too diluted. In the October poll I posted over half were in favor of reform (when a public option was an option). In your poll only 32%-34% of DEMOCRATS are in favor of the reform as it is (as a corporate blow job). Just being objective and posting up the exit poll. I think it does show there are issues about the reform proposals which supports your point. I also think that the conversation inside a voter's head isnt that complicated and that the vociferous criticism from the left has undermined Obama when people need re-assurance about him. They need to be re-assured about the economy, one way to sort that out is to stop the current healthcare expenditure trajectory that will see 1 in every 3 US dollars spent on healthcare by 2020. The other is to sort the economy which means a tough call on how to address Wall Street, since although it may be just, it may not be prudent to fuck them over. Arriana Huffington has an interesting take on it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huff...r_b_430678.html Glad to have you on board the with me an Arrianna The left treat their president like Newcastle fans treat Bobby Robson. He could be doing incredible things that no-one imagined possible a couple of years before, but drop the ball for a second and they'll be on his back. I think that's far preferable to the right who treat their president like Leazes treats Shepherd. He could throw them out of their homes and call their wives dogs and they'll still blow smoke up his arse.
  8. Are you quoting those figures to show you agree or am I interpreting them differently? 53% of Obama voters who didn't turn out this week think the reform is too diluted. In the October poll I posted over half were in favor of reform (when a public option was an option). In your poll only 32%-34% of DEMOCRATS are in favor of the reform as it is (as a corporate blow job).
  9. http://roomfordebate.blogs.nytimes.com/201...s-day-after/?hp
  10. You can't have it both ways mate. You can't say the majority don't give a fuck or don't want reform, then when it's clear the majority have provided a clear mandate for reform that includes a government provided option, say "yeah but they're too stupid to know what they want." There are many reasons why the Democrats lost Massachussets, not least of which would be their candidates absolutley shocking show in the election. Oakley said Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling was a Yankee fan, refused to shake hands with anyone, incortrectly spelled Massachusetts (spelling it Massachusettes) on a campaign ad and pushed over a journalist who asked her a question. Healthcare reform is low on the agenda in Massachusetts because of the Massachusetts health care reform law of 2006 which already requires nearly every resident of Massachusetts to obtain health insurance coverage. The bill proposed will therefore have basically no effect on residents of that state. Obama has broken promise after promise. He's not made a single concession to the left on any matter and he's pissed off his base.
  11. Utter nonsense. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ST2009101902502
  12. Looks tasty. On BBC4 at 11pm tonight. Might be on Iplayer for the rest of the week.
  13. http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/
  14. Once again the liberal elite refuse to blame Obama for his fuck up. It's worse than the Bush idolatry. Ted Kennedy's seat wouldn't have been close if Obama had stuck to the progressive policies he outlined on the campaign trail.
  15. I supplied you with a link to have a look for yourself dipshit. I've no interest whatsoever in your pissy little arguments about what consititutes a "big club". Neither have I but there's not one top club in that PUMA list nobhead, which supports my point, the top clubs are all sponsored by adidas and NIKE, and you start stuttering on about players? Where did I say you were wrong? You're getting a bit of a complex Stevie.
  16. He got a gesture in return...
  17. I supplied you with a link to have a look for yourself dipshit. I've no interest whatsoever in your pissy little arguments about what consititutes a "big club".
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Puma_sponsorships Puma beat Adidas in the last world cup final. They've sponsored... Diego Maradona Pelé Hristo Stoichkov Paul Gascoigne Peter Shilton Didier Deschamps Lothar Matthäus Rudi Völler Johan Cruyff Eusébio Kenny Dalglish I like them. Big clubs them.... I never said they were.
  19. Muchos gracias por favor. I'll have a gander when i get home. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis - White Lunar It's a collection of the best stuff from their soundtrack work. It's Lush. Is 'White Lunar' the name of the collection/album? or a single song? It's the album. It came out last year so includes stuff from The Assassination of Jesse James... and The Proposition but also has stuff off The Road that only came out last week.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Puma_sponsorships Puma beat Adidas in the last world cup final. They've sponsored... Diego Maradona Pelé Hristo Stoichkov Paul Gascoigne Peter Shilton Didier Deschamps Lothar Matthäus Rudi Völler Johan Cruyff Eusébio Kenny Dalglish I like them.
  21. I wouldn't advise nuking Israel like, they'd be compelled to nuke us back.
  22. I've taken exception to the accuracy, tone, inference and content of almost every statement that has come out of the club since Derek Llambias got involved. Can I expect to see a full page retraction of those on the official website or in the program?
  23. If the club aren't even going to use the commercial name of the stadium in official statements what the fuck chance do they have of attracting investors to pay for the honour?
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